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Everything posted by kirst_goldens

  1. love the pics!! dallas has 2 besties... one is a leonberger called luna and the other momo the greyhound.. she runs after them in ure admiration adn they run away as fast as they can bahaha poor kids i keep telling them soon enough she will be their best mate for now she is the annoying child that jumps in their faces and climbs in their beds with them lol
  2. as above what size should i get for a golden?
  3. gorgeous movement shot or ur baby merc!! she is a sweety! cant wait to see her in the ring!
  4. Is this a Romy baby?? pm me details?? i love Heather's dogs!!!! my girl is 11.5 weeks and has her first show on 28th.. so nervous already!!! hope i do her and Jane proud! i love her sooo much breaks my heart every day hehehe hows ur boy doing? i should check out the goldie thread i havent been in there in ages!!
  5. ill look out for u poo cow i love aussies and any gundogs hehehe
  6. very normal they grow in their sleep lol... rememeber the golden rule (no pun intended) never wake a sleeping baby enjoy the quiet mine is 11 and a half weeks and nuts bahaha i love her for it!! she is known to bark at rocks and leaves... LOL
  7. If it wins enough I'd say most folk will think its good enough. Pat Hastings semminar springs to mind with the saying "If a little is good then ALOT must be better" some people WILL just breed with what wins as they arnt breeding for the betterment of the breed but for big wins - this is not right and disgusting dont get me wrong but it happens... so they will run their breed or lines into the ground cause at the time they got some big wins
  8. who u showing poocow?? the gundoggies??? if so ill have to find u in the group ill be the one with the naughty baby golden bitch hahaha
  9. was advetised on facebook and dol lol but also in the gazette i believe and the club that ran it... however it sold out pretty freaking fast so advertising was almost not needed!
  10. i see there is now all in ones and martingales offered!! I need to pick some colours already and get ordering!! those who have them... i have a golden baby who is VERY golden lol and i would like to order a lead for a welsh springer pup in my show training clas the lady is new and doesnt know what kind of lead to get or where to get them so i thought i might get her one made up hehehe so what colours would blend best into their colours?? ps i agree i like colour to blend!! i have a gold show lead with small beads on it and they are one set up on the handle and the other set just down from that so still pretty but miles away from the dog and i think thats ok but too much is way ott
  11. i have my first baby to show her first time is in 2 weeks and im packing myself... BUT... everyone said make it fun and laugh babies will make u look like and idiot and sit and roll over and enjoy it because all too soon it will become serious... dont swaet silly babies they get away with it cause they are uber cute hahaha
  12. im there on the sat only golden open show is on the sunday unfortunatly!! Poocow! u on holiday??
  13. poodle fan i think i might as my clicker is super loud as well and is too much in the kcc indoor bit - was echoing a bit haha had to muffle it with my hand lol but a string would be good Turns out we need to do work with food hidden as she is now TOO food driven bahaha Panzer Show training is on at KCC park in Skye every thursday night at 7:30 and is $11... great group and a seperate baby puppy class which is where i am hehehe Dallas went fantastic on thursday night!!! We had an upset at the start as she was attacked by another dog but they BOTH pulled through like troupers! me and the other owner got VERY upset but the trainers and other people there were amazing and dallas is good as new after that she trained like a dream and we worked out a way to get her gaiting and now she is doing sooo well im soo happy with my little baby!! actually trying to learn now which is fantistic!! love my baby girl :) Thanks for all ur help everyone!!
  14. BAHAHAHAHHAAHAH fart reduction!! I got her eating kongs today sucess at long last!! we did chicken stock - reduced salt with kibble thrown in and ends plugged with peanut butter and then frozen,.. she loved it!!
  15. I think u hit the nail on the head with the playing keepings off... he is playing games with u... dont EVER ask him to recal on cue if there isnt a guarantee he will come to u... if need be put him on lead on toilet breaks outside and what not, and practice recalls with big treats, praise and pats... NEVER enter into tiggy games.. if he is in trouble dont let it become a game - he doesnt like being put away so crate game sis a good idea also feed him in his crate.. and if he likes a different brand of food them swap him over? if he goes off that food then he needs to learn to suck it up and u need to play hard ball hope all goes well :) love him!! he is sooo cute~~
  16. show training again and we did much better seems her brain is kicking in bahaha got a fair amoutn of one on one time wiht the trainer as the class was just me and a rotty bitch trainer managed to talk me into clicker training as my marking isnt fast enough bahahahaha i hate it but its working lol so much crap to carry in my hands!!! thought u guys would love this bahaha
  17. is it ok to crate rather then tie out a puppy?? im not a huge fan of tieing dogs if she is needed to be restrained i crate... so instead could we use a crate and then open the door when she is released?
  18. set the crate up where u want the dog to sleep permanently... Dallas' crate is in my room but away from my bed i avoided letting her touch my hands or talking to her as it takes longer for them to learn to settle wihtout ut assistance... she was sleeping through the night with zero crying within a week :D:) clever baby girl i have! i watch her like a hawk... she free roams the house all day long and she follows me around and i do the basics every 2-3 hrs she goes out and i watch her go to the toilet to be sure she has gone... about 30 mins after eating she goes out and right after waking up... she only goes on grass as well which the breeder started so that was great
  19. naw yellow labs are the cutest!! and the apricot pood;le as well !! i demand pics hahahaha I like Finn stick with ur guns so what if its close to the breed name??
  20. i have them from both ebay (seller was petstation) and Vebo - vebo are stronger and higher quality imo but both would do the job :D i think there was a thread recently on crate covers if not they are also on ebay
  21. naw sid is a stunner!! And rebus is a teddy bear!
  22. omg omg omg i love poodles!!! what colour u getting??
  23. good to know stolzein!! what was the stress like??
  24. panzer - i will be there on sat only Dallas' first show so nervous
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