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Everything posted by kirst_goldens

  1. and im goign to this one too hahaha
  2. thats the general idea i hear?? hahahaha hows her brother going?
  3. i take it that nobody makes them anymore bugger!!
  4. samoyeds are known for cute tongue poking even with great mouths... i agree with pers - seems to be her teething that is causeing the issue
  5. possibly an under shot jaw??? Teeth dont hold teeth in correctly?? or missing teeth? i see this alot in relation to teeth other then that im not sure?? ask the breeder if the lines carry the issue?
  6. oh no katie!! im so sorry!! :(:( i was just thinking some breeders wont give much away about a litter early on as there is a chance they wont all make it! and nobody likes to hear bad news... but if this is not the case then i find it a little odd they havent contacted u in 5 weeks to let u know how the babies are going!! my breeder shows every weekend and works and has kids etc... and i got several pics and a litter update every week... she also had a facebook group made for her prefix so she only has to send the pics once and update once but we can all see it :)
  7. i shall see how i go! ill pm u if i come out that way for a catch up i love me a clumber cuddle hehehe
  8. hahah i do first trip with gazebo if outdoors or mating if indoors... much easier to roam around looking for a spot wihtout the trolley or hands full hahaha
  9. tiny isnt it tollers!! i wanted to come down and wtch but i wont make it working too hard again hahaha need to work hard now to bahe the next 2 weekends off to show hehehe
  10. hrmm sooo glad i didnt enter bahahaha
  11. hahah tollers!! good point they are much easier for everything really!! and i have seen people with proper luging trollies and a pile of metal crates and too be honest watching that saga i CBF bothering bahahah i got mine with burgundy matting and swivel wheels hope it will be here for my first show but i left it late so maybe not :S
  12. merc - i thought u were closer my bad! i havet shown up ur way yet but i believe i need to get up there to visit mates so hopefully ill be up there soon with the lil one in tow!!
  13. Dallas now has a profile!! hehehe i got bored! http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=58085 hope to enter some results next week to get into the rising stars hehehe
  14. i did chicken stock reduced salt and she loved it! thanks for the tip!
  15. 100% agree with this. I wouldn't give it to my dogs if they were giving it to me for free! me too!!! i wouldnt touch SD with a barge pole! i would rather feed pal!! I know the perscription range is raved about but the rc perscriptin range is a better option IMHO ... i dont feed dry only raw.. my puppy is 12 weeks tomorrow and she is on dry and raw for a little bit longer - being a GR i want to be careful about her growing... she was on puppy nutro but i will get adult black hawk i think tomorrow :) i dont like feeding dry unless i have to PS feeding raw my way is much cheaper the 120 bucks for 15 kgs!! i got 15kgs of raw bones the other day for 30!!! and 10kgs of beef mince was only $30 bucks as well!!
  16. we sell barf patties at work and while i think they are great for multiple dogs it can be very expensive! some will take the extra cost for convienience and i can see the reasoning there lol but i like doing homemade any ways and i buy in bulk so works out much cheaper!
  17. Kasey - as gayle said.. lol makes it much easier and i considered a soft crate as a cheaper option but it would get destroyed hahaha i take the gazebo in first and set it up and then bring every thing else out piece by piece and crate last wiht the dog now i do gazebo then everything all at once!!
  18. awesome thanks! so excited for a trolley makes getting everything from and to the car soo much easier LOL ill get a secura pen when she is bigger anyways i think so she can stretch out thanks again for the help
  19. cheers Gayle~ just measured it out and a Jumbo is a bit smaller in length by say 20cms ish... than a 42inch crate? does this sound about right?
  20. DLB - those are the ones i had my eyes on i also got a lead made up with 2 strands of gold to make it a bit darker and i quite like that one as well :) lady is soo nice she makes up samples soo fast lol
  21. she is gorgeous daisy! and merc will u be at bulla autumn?? dallas will be there with me hehehe she likes new friends :) ill have the naught golden puppy
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