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Everything posted by Lara19

  1. Our 12 week old Golden Retriever has a Dr Noy's teddy Recently he has begun to suck on the white nose part and goes into an almost trance like state, very calm and relaxed. His sucking is not vigorous, more gentle. I don't have a problem with him doing this as he does not do it all that often. At other times he shakes the living daylights out of it, and also loves to squeak it. Just wondering if this is a "sucking" motion that he has remembered perhaps, and that makes him very relaxed?
  2. Bay leaves inside containers and around the pantry shelves work a treat against the infestation of weevils.
  3. Thanks to all your suggestions and comments.... I did return to work, can't believe I made it so hard for myself. Logan worked out the doggie door in a flash, and while he prefers to be inside, he does come in and out to wee. I took an extended lunch break to come home and feed him, but he was sooo sleepy he was not really interested in eating. We had a play and a few "lessons" and then I left him happily gnawing on a pork treat. Even though I thought I would not be able to get him off my mind, being busy, and knowing he WAS ok, was very reassuring. When I returned home in the late avo, he was just lying in the laundry with a few of his toys around him. I did not make a fuss of him and just pottered around the house so he could hear and smell me, and then to where he could see me, before I actually made eye contact. So not sure which one of you said..."he's a dog"....but I needed to hear that, and he proved that to me as well!(although a VERY special dog!!)
  4. Lara19

    Smell Stopper

    Thanks everyone...the orange spray has worked a treat and smells sooo nice it's hard to resist...unless you are a 10 week old puppy! :D
  5. Oh Jules you are so right...he'll not have a care in the world while I'll be chewing my nails from the moment I leave to the second I get home...not that I'll let him know that I hope! While we have been home he does spend a good deal of time outside, always taken out very regularly for toileting. Even though we thought his pen was pretty roomy, as you say Poodlefan, it may not be enough room HE needs to be separate from his eating, sleeping, playing and eliminating. We thought we had the ideal set up as per Dunbar and others' recommendations. But I suppose each dog is different in how they react to each scenario. Of course I am biased, but he is proving to be a smart little chap, and so I am starting to think that he will learn a new setting quicker than I'm going to accept that he really will cope, and the sooner I do, the better for him. Thanks for you advice, and guidance...I had to have a "push" from someone, and I trust that you have been there and done that so CAN advise honestly. Now I just need to see my "shrink" to get my head straight!
  6. Yes, you are right...just have to get over that thought of needing to "protect him" that is nawing inside! If I decide to go as above and relocate him into the laundry and doggie door access do you think that he will get confused about being in a different location for sleeping, eating and toileting all over again when he has had everything down pat almost so far.
  7. I should have mentioned that...thanks! We don't have anywhere undercover that he could be protected from the weather; here in Melbourne we can have 4 seasons in one day, as we "joke" about. He can be outside when he gets a bit older as we have a good long area at the side of the house where he can have access to the laundry and will have an outside kennel. I'm just not confident that he would know how to protect himself from the weather yet, being a GR, I'd assume rain would not bother him...but me...that's another whole issue!
  8. I will have to go back to work in a couple of days and have a dilemma. We have set up a crate and pen for Logan (9 week old Golden Retriever) where he has been very happy sleeping, eating and playing for the past week since we brought him home. He sleeps thru the night without needing to wee, which is unbelievable to us being so young, but great at the same time! In the corner of the pen is a piece of grass (fake) where he was supposed to wee. He prefers to lie on it, and as I have been home, I have been around to take him outside for toilet which he does very happily with heaps of praise. Yesterday we went out and left him happily munching on chew toys, but when we came home he had done a wee on the floor, not on the grass. As it is a sheet of vinyl we put down over the carpet there was a puddle which of course he had walked thru....yuck! OH took the grass outside later on and got Logan to wee on it to mark the scent so we were hopeful that he would now think that this is a place to relieve himself while in his pen. But no...this morning he did a wee on the floor again. I am mad at myself for not taking him outside, but I am trying to get him used to being alone as there may be 4 hrs or so when he will be alone some days. We decided against puppy pads initially, but are now wondering if we should rethink before it is too late(if not already). If so what are brands that people have found successful, or any other thoughts on how we may be able to correct this issue (other than us being dumbwits for allowing him to lie on the grass in the first place)
  9. Couldn't think of what the "correct" name for this may be, but I'm asking opinions on "the best" potion to spray over an area where a puppy has had an accident. Logan (9 week Golden Retriever) had an accident when he went into our lounge room yesterday. I used what I thought was a "good" one, but this morning he went back to the same spot again. I was just one step behind him, it seems he "likes" this spot...but I don't! I am mad at myself for allowing him to get into this room, he was just so quick...baby gates today !! Any suggestions most gratefully appreciated!
  10. Hi BBB, Logan is now totally swapped over to Nutro, Chicken and Rice for Large Breed Puppies. A friend who has a few dogs with various issues changed to Nutro after alot of research, and her dogs are doing so well! Because of this we decided to try Nutro....fortunately Logan likes it...not hoing into it as I expected a pup might, but maybe that's just him anyway. The vet suggested a very small amount of non salt chicken stock slightly warmed (just to release the flavours) poured to very slightly soften the kibble. That made a big difference and in the past few days I have almost cut the stock out. When I went into my non pet selling shop I asked for a sample pack whch they gave me happily. Also, there is a money back guarantee so if Humphrey does not like it nothing lost. I know you'd prefer the can so I'm not sure how they sample that. I did ring the company and they were very helpful over the phone.
  11. BBB hang in there...being a new mum is NOT easy, I can attest to that. Humphrey is so new yet and trying to work out soo many things in his little head, he's still a baby! Fortunately, so far Logan has found his crate to be a happy, secure place. I did not realise how special it was already for him until, without thinking, I turned on the vacuum cleaner this morning and he ran straight into his crate; if he could have shut the door after him, I'm sure he would have....stupid mother I am! Being so "new" as well, I'm not going to give any suggestions, but so much great advice here from those who have had the same issues...you are not alone! :D
  12. Lara19

    Cover Or Not?

    Thanks everyone.... I've decided I will cover the crate with a dark sheet and see how we go...remembering of course to secure it well so that it can't be pulled off!
  13. We will be setting up an inside crate for our new pup, and wondering on the opinions here of covering the crate at night for him when it is bed time, or is it not really necessary?
  14. Armand Bailey Balou Bandit Bardigrub Baxter Benny Billy Brady Brock Brockie Brody Bud Bundy Caramel Carl Charlie x 2 Chip Coco Cooper Cowan x 2 Cuba Danny Darcy Dash Dean Declan Diesel Digger Douglas Dumas Dylan Elijah FlashBazil Frank Gandor Greedy Harrison Hudson Ivan Jack JayDee Jethro Joshua Judd Juggie Kasper Kaos Kiba Kisho Kyzer Leroy Lestat Logan Luca Lukas MacKenzie Max Maxie Merry Milosh Minook Mistral Nammu Nigel Noah Nova Nudge Onslow Oz Payton Piikki Raffy Randy Reeve Riku Rocks Rove Rover Rupert Rusty Scout Shadow Spencer Sterling Storm Tazz Tey Dog Tirra Tusca Tye Ulf Walker Watson Willy Zedley Zephyr Zeus
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