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Everything posted by Risyntira

  1. I think you may need to remove your email address from this thread for a while Harminee!
  2. Are they pedigree? ;) Yes the parents are.... I don't have papers for pungle due to extenuating circumstances (not going to go into it here) Tyson's pedigree certifcate states: PORGY 'N' BESS TYSON SIRE: CAN-DO DENNY DAM: TUNGALI TANIA Did I read somewhere that Pungle was a rescue? We had ALOT of trouble when we rescued a pedigree dog, took about 5 months of phone calls but we finally got them Will have a go at photoshopping her :p
  3. Ok, not as good as the last one (I lost ) but this is fairly close
  4. THATS IT!!!! *jumps up and down* ARGH!!! I see what you mean when it freezes!!! I rather liked that one for Pendii too
  5. Do you have a bigger photos of Pungle? I wanted to photoshop her but the photo is too small. Thanks
  6. and here is one I did of Kyrah's puppy
  7. I really enjoyed doing OOB to your Borders, they are beautiful
  8. I was starting to get a little worried about Harley's ear going missing (thanks Siv ) I was about to call in a search party but as luck would have it, It turned up on in my files on MY computer! Sorry, Harley, but here is your ear back! :p
  9. Oh siv you crack me up, your last one you can do on Microsoft powerpoint!
  10. #1 #2 I'm suffering from a server case of "Lack-of-imagination-itis" I think! ;)
  11. It can crash while having too many layers? I'll stick to my little number seven! ;)
  12. I hear ya! Thats ok, Im sorry, kiss and make up?! mwaaa! ;)
  13. Im sorry you felt that my PM was nasty, and I didn't say you spend all day on the computer, I clearly said, I don't spend all day on the computer Its easy to see why our text was pulled out of proportion, makes it hard to understand when there are no icons to display our emotions
  14. Hi Sway, I did this one of Jaggy for you Hope you like it, Its only simple but I love this one, worked out nicer than I thought
  15. Your welcome Pandii. snarferama, Being only new to doing these, 7 is alot for me. ;) I really like it Jag, great work
  16. This one needed 7 (Yes SEVEN) layers! ;) eight if you want to include my major stuff up!
  17. One I done earlier, still practicing frames first before I attempt anyone elses photos
  18. I didn't know your dogs name so I left it like this.
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