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Everything posted by lovemymutts

  1. I have always much preferred natural material like cotton etc. As Polar fleece does not breathe & it makes it harder for animals to regulate their own body temp. But they do look very cute!
  2. I used to have a CCR x BC & only had to have him PTS at the start of this year due to old age & the problems that come along with it. He's the one in my pic. Kaspa was the most loving & loyal dog I think I will ever own. Always energetic & willing to learn, he LOVED water but had small ear canals so he had a full ear resection (?) done to one ear. He did shed a fair bit of hair but it always clumped into a ball making it easier to clean up. I know he wasn't a purebred CCR but he looked like one but his curls weren't as tight. They do need lots of exercise & training but I think they are great dogs, not sure if I would own one again as I think it would remind me too much of him but I do hope you find one.
  3. I know that everybody is entitled to spend their own money on whatever they choose but it in my opinion it is just ridiculous! So many other things to spend money on.... I also get the feeling that this was the lady in the news recently for the insane amount of money she'd been spending on her pooches over the years.. ??
  4. As someone else mentioned it is also in the upbringing of the pup. Feed good quality raw products & don't exercise too harshly. Feeding loads of puppy food can cause the puppy to grow without joints etc having the ability to catch up. I'm sure you will know in your mind though what you feel is better/right.
  5. This was a comment on another video of the same dogs, hopefully it is true and I can stop crying. These 2 dogs have been rescued! Helped by a team of volunteers led by the owner of a pet food company : Kenn Sakurai - the only way they can access the region is on dirt bikes w/ cages strapped on the back. It took them 2-hrs to ride them to the nearest shelter in Mito, Ibaraki-ken. The white one still at the vet & his defender is waiting at the shelter. Thankyou, I hope so too!
  6. any updates on whether these guys have help would be much appreciated. I cannot watch the video
  7. Seems QLD is always in the lead as far as conservation/welfare is concerned. Such a shame, how hard is it for the other states to take some responsibility & follow QLDs lead????
  8. Alot of people get Asian House Geckos confused with Marbled Geckos - which are native... just wanted to point that out
  9. I'm another one for the Purple Swamp Hen ID. I always stop to move (larger) dead things off the road if it could cause an accident, always check pouches & help anything injured if I can. But even dogs alot of people won't stop/slow down for, I know! If it's a bird with a smashed wing that is beyond repair I take it to a vet (if I can) for euthanasia, I do not agree with keeping one winged previously wild birds in captivity for the rest of their lives, there is a difference between being alive & having quality of life. We have to think about the animals themselves in these situations not our own egos/conscience. And if there are badly injured adult roos I will always phone the police to come out & destroy them. I once stopped for a roo that was sitting unusually close to the road, it wasn't hopping well at all, couldn't jump a cyclone fence & I could see it was somehow injured but didn't know how badly. I had hazards on & was motioning for people to slow down but everyone just ignored me, not alot else I could do, it was their own stupid fault then if it decided to jump in front of their car. Two blokes pulled up in a ute with porn mags on their laps & trying to be heros said 'We'll just run it over again' yeh good on you knobheads! Anyway I called out friends who used to be rescuers for Aus Zoo & he just caught it in a big blanket. We took it to the vet for assessment & after having an xray done found it had been shot in the head but the idiots hadn't made sure it was dead. It had obviously been hopping around for weeks until it got so badly infected that it was too painful to function. It was humanely euthanased but it made me so angry. If you are going to go out shooting do it responsibly, as humanely as possible & make sure the animal is dead! How would we like to walk around with a bullet in our head for weeks on end? Anyway rant over but I do think some of us should take a bit more responsibility sometimes within reason & not in a situation endangering our own lives.
  10. You only have to look on gumtree for some very strange spelling of breeds
  11. May we have a photo please? It sounds like a great kennel. My camera is broken, but will try to borrow one & get some pics up as soon as I can
  12. About 13yrs ago I bought a Colourbond/Insulated kennel from a bloke who made them in his backyard. It is a cream colour, very sturdy & large enough for 2 dogs (one dog used it though) it has a normal "house" roof & is probably an inch or 2 off the ground. It still looks like brand new today & is still used by my other dogs. I highly recommend these if you can find a good quality one or someone who makes them on the side. If I'm right this one cost $180 back then but it would probably be more now. Anyway if I ever needed to buy one again I would go for one like this but with the way this one's going I may never have to!
  13. Was a great little relaxing meet Good to have a nice chat with everyone & see the dogs so happy & even socialising with little babies! Really hope to see you next weekend Kerri, looking forward to it! & for anyone else wanting to come to the LDR shelter too!
  14. I too have always been a believer in either having a secured cage on the back of a ute or a bolt with a very short chain in the middle so the dogs cannot reach the sides! It's not hard! When I was younger we were driving behind a ute with a Golden Retriever tied on, the dog was leaning over the side of the ute & I was having discussions with my father about how I don't agree with dogs on the backs of utes & that dog could fall off. Next minute the people drove around a bend & I witnessed the GR fall off the back of the ute in a 60 zone, the people kept driving, fur was flying everywhere as the dog was rolling around still attached by the rope. I thought for sure it would end up under one of the tyres. My father was beeping madly & I was crying & yelling, I don't remember it but in the end I must have punched the windscreen yelling STOP & the windscreen smashed . After what seemed like an eternity the people stopped, we pulled up behind & a man who had witnessed some of it came running over & asked if I was OK, I was crying & shaking uncontrollably & angry. My father wouldn't let me out of the car fearing what I might say/do to the people. The rope had just snapped & the people just got out the car, picked the dog up & put it back onto the ute & drove away!! I don't know what happened to the dog, I hope it got to see a vet, it would have had some nasty abrasions & maybe a broken limb or 2. I believe I was in shock for the rest of the day & had to take pills to sleep for the next couple of days. It would have to be one of, if not the worst thing I have seen in my life & ever since then I have told anyone I know with utes/dogs to secure them on properly. No dog should have to go through that type of trauma & neither should anyone have to witness it. & yes it is horrible that people do not stop in those circumstances, for a minute of their time to help save a life or prevent one from being taken. I have stopped numerous times for dogs/animals that have either been injured or endangered & every time I am angered by the ignorance & even some of the comments made by some of the people going past. It is not hard people!!
  15. Love her playing at the end thanks for sharing!
  16. Nah it's all good, some dogs are so I'd prefer to leave them to have fun. Just wondering about the details though
  17. Kaspa (avatar): Used to be called Nooni at home & Nooni Nainie, no idea why!?! RIP sweet beautiful boy. Elsa: Els, Els girl Tashi: McTashi Burger & Tai Chi Shimmy the Sheep: Shim-shiminy, Shim, Shiny Shim (for after he's been shorn), mutton head. He was called Shimmy because I was told he was a ewe when the farmer dropped him off & he did have teats, but then I noticed he had a willie one day so hence he was a Shim & then Shimmy My sisters dog Tess: Tessie, Tessalator, Nennie & De-di I have always been intrigued about these other names, I know my pets have them & most people I know have other names for their pets & I have always wondered why?
  18. Ditto to the weather Edited to add won't be bringing my guys, they're good but they'll probably scare the s#*! out of the littlies, but I'll be tagging along with Tammy anyways...
  19. Wow some amazing pictures there!
  20. & as they say in 'Bad Boys'....... WOOOOSAAAAAA
  21. I head along to DOL meets just to meet up with people & let my dogs meet new friends too, even though I haven't been to many meetings. But I must say I don't see the point of bringing a DA dog along or a dog who is totally not comfortable in being in that environment. It is not fair on that individual dog or other dogs & if you really want to come to the meet just come yourself. If you did bring a dog along it would also be sensible to bring a dog that is clean & healthy. Anyway that is my own opinion. Myself & my 2 dogs enjoyed the time on Sunday & both were quite relaxed, I was also pleased to see Elsa exploring a bit & using the paddle pool
  22. haha no probs :D just wondered as I saw people there with cameras & wasn't sure if there was another spot on here somewhere where they might have been posted
  23. The pics on this thread, were they the only ones taken?? Or am I missing something
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