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Everything posted by lovemymutts

  1. Hehe, yes I need to do this for myself, no idea if anything will work out but I had to give it a go. So anyway I'll see how it goes. & if I'm back in SA sometime when a meets on, i might pop in. Hope everythings going well!! Thanks!
  2. Hi all, Just a few questions I am currently on my way up to Nimbin/Lismore area & probably staying. I was wondering what the job prospects are like for a willing & competent worker in the region if anyone knows? Preferably in the animal field. My two dogs are also with me & I was wondering if there are any nasties (insects etc.) that I should be aware of so my dogs are safe? I am currently using sentinel which is also suppose to control fleas but they still have a few of them & I am worried as I don't know if you get paralysis ticks in the area & if so will the sentinel work or are there other brands etc that are better? (I have previously used frontline without success) Any vet recommendations? Or any other information I should know? Will I like it Thank you
  3. I went into the local shop today & find on the notice board a sign: FOR SALE German Shepherd x Kelpie pups 2 male & 2 female wait for it...... $200 EACH!!!! I cannot believe the stupidity of people! Get your dogs desexed! They were supposedly selling them vaccd, vet checked & wormed so obviously trying to recoup some costs, wouldn't it just be cheaper to desex the parents? It seems ridiculous but I suppose people would pay for cute pups but it makes me so angry! I would say the local pound will end up with them if they don't sell just like a little shep x pup in one of the local pounds at the moment, only 6 weeks old & I've been asked to help so I'll see what I can do... anyway! I was just looking in the rescue threads at Blacktown & Renbury shelters & there were a huge amount of shep/kelpie x's in there. Then I have people complain when they ring & I tell them I adopt out dogs for $300 for a dog that has had ALL vetwork done! Anyway just fuming a bit , I doubt people will ever learn, new laws/regulations need to be in place & more people need to be employed to enforce them! Mad session over!
  4. Thanks all! I will let them know about these suggestions. Hopefully they will take them on board!!
  5. Ok that sounds good! I'll let them know, is it easily available in SA? Only trouble is they were going to stop the supercoat & move to something cheaper!!! As he was costing them too much to feed. If they were smart they would have thought about how much food danes need before getting one but I think that was an afterthought, I believe danes need a higher quality diet?? But I will try my best, thanks for all the suggestions!!
  6. I believe they are feeding supercoat but not 100% sure on that one.
  7. Hi all, As TT suggests it is not my dog but my friends dog that has an ear infection. I'm not sure whether it's in both ears or one. It is definetely a yeast infection as you can easily smell it & my old boy has had numerous yeast infections over the years (better now). He is a male dane not sure of age but he keeps flicking his ears & is in obvious discomfort. They have said they have taken him to the vet a couple of times & just been given ear drops but they aren't working & I feel that they have kind of 'given up' in a way even though he is still having problems. I suggested seeing another vet & even he might need them flushed out (this happened with my old boy & cleared things up) anyway I know it's a hard for them to do vet visits as they both have small cars & he is one of the largest danes I know of but something needs to be done. The reason for posting on here was I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions of what to do/try to help this poor bloke? Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated
  8. I don't agree. It's like instead of foster children it's foster puppies, this can't have a good impact on the poor babies petshops that sell pets should be banned anyway, and now this. SHAMEFUL!
  9. It must be Australia wide at the moment! My dogs have NEVER had fleas & all of a sudden they've all got them & I have used frontline & it didn't work, have now tried another brand just from the supermarket & that seems to have worked I just hate it because I don't like using it but I didn't have any choice. I was also talking to a lady from NSW the other day & the same thing, a flea invasion! Not sure what the cause is or what the best stuff to use is either?? Sorry no help on the 'what to use' part but yes the fleas are going berserk!
  10. My first dog (old boy now) was from a petshop ;) I was only young & didn't know any better but don't worry I will never ever buy any pet from one again. My other 2, both older rescues and the most gorgeous dogs, one a foster failure ;) When I get another dog which hopefully won't be for a long time, it will be a rescue, I will always rescue now, too many beautiful souls out there that need a good home. I will probably only ever have deeries or deerie x's in the future as they are the most wonderful dogs but it depends on the dog that finds me ;) DOL has been a wealth of information & has probably influenced some of my decisions about dogs from lots of information I have read.
  11. Thanks for that guys!! I have visited some of those sites before, will have a look again tomorrow That's a good idea about a matching thing for the kids, i did a grat one when I used to to wildlife that the kids absolutely LOVED. Anyway keep them coming!!!
  12. Poor beautiful baby, there is NO excuse!!! does anyone know what will become of her?? I know the rspca's euth rates for down here are bad & if she came to their shelter down here she probably wouldn't come out Can her body handle much more?? Would be good to know the outcome
  13. Hi all, I am helping with a stall at one of the local shows this weekend. Nothing special, main aim - to raise awareness of rescue dogs & the situation many dogs face locally & across Australia each day. As well as the BYB & puppy farm situations. I am looking for good websites I can recommend to people (on all sorts of things, rescues, puppy farming, byb's etc.), information I can print out for people even do up some flyers. Also if anyone has any information they would be willing to let me distribute. Anything along those lines would be fantastic!!! Even any ideas on what else to have for people. I would have loved to have had a power point with a couple of powerful presentations I have seen showing for people but it's not possible I will be having my own rescue dogs present, another rescuer is bringing equipment etc too. There will be pics up of dogs needing homes. Any other ideas or just if you have anything to add please do! Thanks!!
  14. Ohhh this is leaving me heartbroken!!! I cannot help by fostering etc & I wish so much that I could!! I feel for you K9angel I don't get paid until the 12th March BUT if it helps I would like to donate $50 towards the rescue of these guys when I get paid, I hope it might help in some way, it's all I can do as i've already offered $50 for the scruffer at WW in the hope someone may take her as I'm full. PLEASE ANYONE?????
  15. I can't help myself i'll say deeries They're normally laid back & gentle My two are deerie x's but they are both very laid back, love to have a good play & I walk them for around 30 mins most days
  16. Did you ask her 'so when you want kids are you going to go hang around on street corners with your pants around your ankles' the human race is abhorrent and intolerable. Pissing myself at the bolded bit! How on earth did they get their hands on a rescue dog that wasn't desexed? Isn't it just about a mandatory part of good rescue practice to make sure that no dog gets rehomed unless desexed first for exactly the above reason? Sounds like the rescue group/person needs a good slap about the head. I believe they got her from the pound or found her after she had been dumped??? She wasn't from a rescue organisation/person. Thankfully I think some of my chats with them have sunk in about responsible dog ownership & I think they will be getting both dogs desexed soon, at least they asked me & I could inform them of things, I also happen to forward on the website that was posted on here about before you breed your bitch think that may have pushed them in the other direction
  17. My 2 staggies play unbelievably rough, they tried it with my old boy & got a right old telling off! So they figure that they can play rougher with each other and do, I am amazed sometimes, they grab each other & thrash around like they would with a rope toy & smack into each other when they're doing zoomies, the boy has a habit of smacking into the BBQ door but it's hilarious to watch & much better entertainment than the telly!
  18. I had to go and rescue a little malt/silky x girl that was only 9 months old about 3 weeks ago. She was bought from a petshop by the daughter who lives out of home, taken back to the mother because she barked when people came to the door!!! had already had pups which were then sold to the petshop! Thankfully they got the male desexed but still didn't want to "waste time" with her. I arrived, she was standing out the front holding her in one hand ready to pass over, poor baby was terrified Whilst I was there I then had to take the daughters dog too The little girl has been desexed & they have both been rehomed where they will be spoilt rotten Now I'm looking after a friends dog who is a rescue (so you think they would understand about irresponsible breeding) and she is due to pop any day. Was bred to their male dog a malt/shitzu. She is a malt/shitzu they have no experience with breeding, which is why I ended up with her until she has her pups! I don't know everything but at least I know more than them, I just did it for her sake. So irresponsible & it makes me so this poor girl only has 4 teats that work, she has a small hernia, this is her first litter & I have a sneaking suspiscion she will need a C section ;) I've told them all the ins & outs & I think they realise now that it was stupid as so many things can go wrong & there are already way too many dogs in the world. Hopefully these guys will be desexed too. People make me SO mad sometimes!!
  19. There are some great names right there!! I have Kaspa he is a Curly Coated Retriever x BC x ?? my original, poor boy he was just named that lol Then I have Tashi my rescued (very hairy) deerie x boy, I now go through names with my dogs to see what they like too, it may sound weird but they'll let you know! I was going through names with him for 3 days until I visited a friend & she was telling me about these great kids books with illustrations called the adventures of Tashi, then she said 'hold on, he's come from far away & is going on lots of adventures how about Tashi?' As soon as she said that he got up & went over for a pat, so Tashi it is & he responded to it from then on. My other Staghound girl Elsa was so named because I was trawling through different names calling her by each one then came to Elsa & she immediately responded so it probably wasn't her name but may sound similar & now that I look at her she pants, walks & even has a mini mane like a lion lol! & she responds to that very well! My friends have also got great names for their animals, I loved my friends cats name 'Boxhead' it really suited him, RIP Will be very interesting to see some other names!!
  20. ;) ;) Yep I think there would be a fair few of those around, "your dog wants nice long runs along the beach, with a lovely home cooked meal each night for tea and to sleep on the bed all night too", Gee really? I think we all know what our dogs would love and it's up to each owner as to whether the dog receives it or not ETA: I'm sure there are genuine ones about but they would probably be few & far between.
  21. Reptiles aren't aggressive, they're defensive, they will attack if they feel threatened, but they aren't purposely going to track down a dog to hurt it. My dogs don't like them only because they look a bit too much like snakes for their liking but they normally steer clear of the yard & walk around the rest of the property, I had my dog bail one up once, I gave him a stern telling off & he hasn't done it since (the blue tongue was fine) but he will bark & growl if he sees one. I figure they were here first so we have to respect them as much as we can. If anyone has a problem with them either call a local wildlife organisation or relocate it to a location very close by.
  22. I visited there once, they had different pens depending on the price you wanted to pay. Seemed very clean to me but then when I went there weren't many dogs there & yes I think it would take a while to clean out the top priced rooms because it's not like you can just hose them down They had basic outdoor concrete/mesh pens, half sheltered & half open (i'm guessing these would have been cheapest) then a large shed with alot of indoor pens which I'm guessing would have been the next step up & then 2 luxury rooms, english themed & egyptian themed with plasmas (not sure why the dogs would use these) plus a balinese rub lounge, which was just another rooom with a couch. The furniture looked expensive but not very comfortable, & i'm sure it would have been quite pricey. I think you can also pay extra for how much time your dog gets spent with it each day. Yes I would have to agree, I wouldn't like to board my dogs in the hills, but this place seemed okay to me. If I go away, I pay my friends look after mine & I am also a house/pet sitter so if anyone I know goes away I normally do it for them too.
  23. Even if the vets just feel it they will normally know if it's a fatty lump or not, not saying that it's 100% fool proof though! My old boy has numerous fatty lumps on his chest, they grow but not a huge amount, I just keep an eye on them, it is quite common to get them there. Hopefully you find out what it is exactly or you have found some useful info on here
  24. There was a thread i believe last week in the 'dog rescue (general rescue discussion) of someone wanting a long haired german shep, might pay to take a look??
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