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Everything posted by tommygirl
How Do You Amuse Your Dog When You Are Sick?
tommygirl replied to Staffyluv's topic in General Dog Discussion
I just had an operation for my wisdom teeth and am currently laying on lounge. All 4 of my bullies have cow hooves stuffed with frozen mince and have been silently licking and chewing for an hour or so now. Got some other frozen bits for entertainment for next few days and once I get some more energy today I will drag a chair out in backyard and 'play' ball...this involves me sitting and them chasing jolly ball and bringing back to me :). Hope you feel better soon . -
It's unfortunately happening in a lot of places. I had a lady call me on Wednesday to ask for help and ideas on what to do as her pedigree Bull Terrier bitch had been stolen. This poor woman was clutching at straws and just calling bully breeders (that's how she got onto me) for any ideas on getting her back. This was geebung in Brisbane.
Another vote for furkids!
There is an app for iPhone/iPad called dog show pro that lets you track all your info for shows- entries, show details, wins etc. Haven't had much of a chance to use it this year as we have only done a few shows, but it's great for those like me who have their phone with them all the time so you can update straight away- don't have to remember when you get home :).
Why Would A Full Grown Dog Attack A Puppy?
tommygirl replied to Staffyluv's topic in General Dog Discussion
So true. I had one of my dogs die in my arms from this. Big dog picked him up, shook him and threw him to the ground. Not a mark on him, but we thought take him to the vet anyway. He died on my lap in the car on the way there. The other dog had broken his ribs and they punctured his internal organs. (sorry bit OT, but it always scares me when I hear this kind of scenario). -
I pay $85 and it's delivered to my door. Couldnt be happier with service from Amanda on Sunny coast :)
The bullies- Rogue- after the xmen character King- well he came with his name, didn't get to choose! Sushi- cause I love to eat sushi lol Mason- just liked the name The cat- Squid- my OH is weird, he started calling the cat squid as a kitten and it stuck lol.
After lots of browsing through this thread have now put in my first order that's going to be dropped off on Wednesday. Am looking forward to seeing how the bullies go on this one. Amanda the rep up here on the sunnie coast was great to deal with too. Got back to me super quick and was prepared to drop off to me within a few hours, which I found really impressive :)
Absoultely, its a hobby/sport that costs money, just like any other hobby does. And we all do it for the love of it, not to recoup costs by breeding our show animals. Some of the animals we show may never be breed from. :) But my point is- if you want a dog from decent show quality blood lines, it takes money to get those dogs to that point, and a breeder has every right to charge a price for their dogs thats relative to the amount of time and effort and money that goes into caring and raising and campaigning their breeding stock.
I never expected to see such a controversial statement on this board. However, you express my views perfectly. Yes +1! You have my breed down pat as far as i am concerned :laugh: Apart from a few select breeders who dare to stay true to the standard the only place you find a decent dog these days is "byb". Its funny the range of practices here that are considered byb. So you can health test, be registered with ANKC but if the litter aint reg you are still a byb? :laugh: I would take that any day over all these puppy farms that are being discovered First "byb good for nothing mongrel" shepherd died of old age at 15. Damn her non registered breeders for selling us a healthy and long lived family member :rolleyes: I really don't understand this point of view. The problem is that there are not just "a few" people doing this. It is rife. The fact is BYB will never stop. I don't think anyone disputes that but make it more socially unacceptable and minimise it as much as possible. I only have mutts, probably always will but I sure as hell would not be lining the pockets of a BYB or puppy farm for them and I certainly don't think anyone should be worried about a shortage of BYB mutts anytime soon. I agree, there are alot of byb, i only know a handful of doggy friends who have actually bought from registered breeders. The rest have been purchased from the pound or unregisetered, hence byb dogs. I guess for me personally, it is more the fact that i have had bad experiences with club with my breed and don't agree with what most reg breeders in my breed are doing. hence i find a breeder who still does health tests ect but does not show hence they are unregisted. This is how i find a dog that i believe is true to my breed. You see the thing is, i think public perception must change for byb to be seen by many as socially unacceptable. The attitude of most ppl i know is that pedigree dogs are overpriced and when you only want the dog as a family pet and not showing/breeding then the papers are not worth much to these ppl. I think it is also still a common point of view(dispite the good efforts of breeders) that the more pedigreed a dog is the more health problems they may have. So when they can pay in some cases $1000 dollars less they will, as many simply cannot afford 1500+ for the breed they want. I am not saying this is personally what i think, it is the thinking tho of my little group at our daily hangout :laugh: Just curious, if you have mutts where did they come from? The pound? Where did they come from before that? Most reg breeders will not breed mutts. Edit: To say, very sorry, thought you were replying to me. So sorry if you were not as you got my opinion instead :laugh: I agree to this.. I had a friend posting on facebook about looking for breeders of particular breeds.. she then said later on in comments oh I cant afford $1500+ theres a "breeder" at ----- who sells them for $550.. Breeder my ass, I linked her to here explaining the difference between her "breeder" and a real breeder, she found one she likes but I have a feeling she will go back to the cheap one simply because its cheap... Lets face it there really is NO money in breeding dogs at all and yet breeders seem to charge a phenominmal amount for a dog.. mostly to me it comes across as making a profit but correct me if Im wrong.. but what are we looking at cost wise if your bitch has a healthy pregnancy - food, worming, vaccine, microchip if you add that all up and divde by the number of pups surely even if you say added $100 each for your time if doesnt work out at $1200 a pup .. Just my thoughts but as I said correct me if Im wrong, I havent bred a litter before and Im only new to the show world so Im learning alot as I go Im all for purebreds and showline and everything.. Im looking into finally getting my own show puppy but I would say thats the thing that bogs me down the most is the cost of the dog.. You get what you pay for and thats fine... but the average family mum,dad and a few kids I dont think can understand why they pay that money when as pointed out they can go to a petshop or local newspaper or whatever and pay next to nix for a pup of quiet possibly the same kinda quality as a pedigreed purebred... I dunno just my thoughts here.. A stud fee of $1000+ (this is not even taking into account possible travel costs etc or even more costs if it is a litter from from frozen semen- then you have the cost of surgical insemiation, the cost of storage of the semen, AQIS costs if you imported from another country etc) Doing health testing of your bitch to ensure she is of the correct health to be bred from (varies, but for my breed it averages of $350 a dog, I am sure this is cheap in comparison to other breeds) The cost of campaigning a dog, is lets face it huge. If you want a dog thats of show quality, and from a good pedigree, the time and cost that it takes to get that title is not cheap. I know for me last year, I travelled interstate twice for specialities, let alone many all breeds shows that were 4+ hours drive etc. My mentor spent approx $10,000 in travel last year going to shows here in Australia and OS to campaign dogs and view potential stud dogs OS. Microchip, vaccination, worming etc yes you could average at $100 per pup I guess. Then you have the cost of registering the litter, and if you are feeding a litter decent food its not super cheap. You cant bank on having a really healthy pregnancy, healthy whelp and healthy puppies. You cant bank that you will have a large sized litter than will help to absorb some of these costs. For breeders who have a litter of say only 3, they keep one, with just the few things I have put above you havent broken even if the cost of the pup is $1200, you are well in the red. Let alone if you need a c-section, the bitch gets sick, a pup gets sick etc. While a breeder might have a decent sized litter this time where you think 'oh thats a good earner' the next time you might get two pups and need a c-section and end up in debt. I or my OH also take minimum two weeks off work, which is another added cost (loss of regular wages). I could go on. A mix pup from a petshop or the paper, is not in the same league as a well-bred pedigree pup. They may make a good addition to the family sure but there is no way you can be sure of the health of the parents, the type of dog your pup will grow into etc with a mix-breed from a petshop.
I would like to know what breeds and what rescues the OP is referring to as I know for BTs, especially in Qld the figures mentioned are completley incorrect. We in fact havent had one ex-show dog in the last 12months up here. Unless you are actively involved in rescue making assumptions based on FB posts is off the mark. The dogs we have had with papers have actually all been owner re-home for different reasons (moving etc). Also- dogs we pick up out of a pound only have the opportunity to do very basic temp testing there. Alot of the time we have said better placed in home without cats, small kids etc, then when they have ended up in foster and tried again have been perfect around other animals/kids whatever it may be. But sometimes the best thing to do is warn people it may be an issue rather than get a dog home and they find out a hard way. Mine are very well socialised, but have never seen a chook, why would they in suburbia near a beach. I wouldnt tell people they are good with birds/livestock cause I dont know. Again my exeperience with rescue we run but personally I dont think someone who browses FB posts and isnt involved in rescue has a true idea of it.
I think you will find one of the things about facebook is you just find out about things more- I will hazard a guess that one of the breeds you take note in would be Bull Terriers (guessing by your DP), and being in Qld you quite likely would see my page on facebook which is for rescue of Bull Terriers. I know with what I have worked with over the past almost 12 months now has rarely been papered dogs, its mostly been BYB bullies. I too have noticed in an increase in dogs that come up on gumtree, facebook etc- but to be honest, I think its just being a part of the groups, and being in the loop- people are using social networking now more than ever for everything- the increase of buy/swap/sell pages, peoples business pages and all kinds of things on there is growing at a phenomenal rate- so while I can see how people think there is more rescue cases because you hear about it on FB more than before, IMHO its people utilizing social networking to find homes and spread the word that has increased more so than dogs actually in rescue. This is just my personal experience with it. I myself as a breeder as well as working in rescue have found that other breeders in BT's are hugely involved in taking back their own animals if they turned up in the pound or the likes. The ones who arent interested are in the MINORITY. Its very easy to sit back and judge but what you see floating around on FB but unless you are directly involved and know all the information and stories that go along with every case I wouldnt go throwing out figures of re-homing cases not working unless you yourself are involved with rescue. Happy to stand corrected if you do have REAL information there, not just your browsing of FB and making assumptions. I have seen the powers of facebook work for the good of animals too- by spreading the word getting lost dogs re-united with owners etc.
Did You Get Any Dog Related Xmas Pressies Yesterday?
tommygirl replied to Baileys mum's topic in General Dog Discussion
Yes! I got a really cool Bull Terrier lamp, that has three white bullies playing around the bottom, looks like a statue of them with a big round globe on top...from my OH. And OH's Mum got me two gorgeous Bullie statues, collectable ones with their little authenticy numbers etc imported over from England. Plus a really cute little dog plarke, and a doggy calendar. Was pretty stoked -
What are you sure? I am on sunshine coast and pay $10 a year and if they are not desexed or microchipped it is $110 You are right krystal&coco, im on the SC too- with my 50% off for Dogs Qld membersbip my non-desexed dogs are $55. The rates or on council website.
Our council gives Dogs Qld members a 50% discount.
Love all the piccies! Here is ours from last year.
I had Springers growing up, and my parents still have one. The ones I have experienced would suit your situation well from your description. Ours were always outside when the family was away (work/school) and was in the house or around the family when we were there. A decent walk daily was enough to keep them out of trouble. Ours were always from show breeders and came into our lives at age 12-18 months- usually show dogs the breeders moved on. So cant comment on what they are like as pups. I didnt find ours to have problems with cats, or livestock either.
My youngest loves licking/sucking her Dads ears till they are soaking also!
3 bull terriers. 2 bitches and a dog. Grew up with English Springer Spaniels and have had a few others in the family with the Springers over the years (a yorky, a shihtzu and a JRT), but am well and truly a Bully addict now
Hi! I emailed you with some pictures this morning! Hope it came through ok
Ohhhh how fun! Would be very keen My partner and i have done pinup shoots with Gold Coast Pinup Photography (our pics are on their FB fanpage). We both (especially him) have tattoos and 3 beautiful bull terriers. Have talked for ages about doing some photos with the dogs involved- let me know if you still need people and how we can get involved
Here you go, I found the full paper: http://www.awesomedogs.ca/pdfs/Do_dogs_seek_help.pdf Thanks!
wuffles and CW EW - i think you are right, they can tell the difference between pretend and real. When I have actually hurt myself, they tend to all go still or come up to me cautiously and gently to check mums ok
Yes this is probably it, and the fact the youngest is the one who goes the silliest makes it more believable. I should get my other half to film it. Its pretty funny the way she pulls at my hair and 'digs' me awake. Would like to see that study out of interest if anyone has a link