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Everything posted by joo

  1. Hi Cosmolo, how do i go about using prey drive to my advantage? And, yes, I have swapped puppy schools!
  2. Thanks to everyone for their advice! I was a bit taken a back when the woman running puppy class told me "you have one aggressive dog on your hands". After reading all about prey drive, I believe that is exactly what my Harley has! Now, I must learn all about dealing with this!
  3. Thanks for those links, I had a look and learnt a few things. The kids have just come home from school and were playing nicely with Harley, he even rolled on his back for extra rubs, then all of a sudden the pirhana teeth came out and he started going for their feet and t-shirts! We used a chew toy to distract him and we all went inside. He is not normally aggressive, we can take his food bowl away mid meal and he doesn't bat an eyelid, he doesn't bark or growl at strangers and is generally a pretty easy going pup. I'm just worried about the 'out of the blue' attacks.
  4. Hello all, I am new to this forum and new to being a puppy owner. I am seeking some advice on how to stop Harley, my 10 week old, male boxer x lab from grabbing at and biting my kids ankles whenver they go outside. I have tried to get them to stand still and ignore him but the kids are scared and so react by lifting there feet up and down in a bid to get away. This only makes things worse! Things we have tried: saying 'NO' in a firm voice, yelping like a dog, shaking a tin with rocks in it and placing a chew toy in front of his face. This agitates him even more and he will not let go, especially if he has a mouth full of sock! He does this occaisionally with my husband and I, but stops as soon as we growl. My kids are 9 and 10 and have never provoked or hurt him. I don't know if it is a coincidence or not, but Harley seems to have got attitude since commencing puppy classes last week! Any suggestions????
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