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Everything posted by BooBooBear

  1. Just too adorable, oohhh I want to cuddle them all
  2. Hi How do you go buying from OS i have never done it, doesn't it cost heaps and arn't you worried? PS what do you buy from OS? I buy anything and everything from the internet OS - UK, US, Japan, Europe. Books, doggy things, homewares, DVD's - anything. Of course you need to make sure it's a reputable seller but I haven't had a problem (fingers crossed) ever. A lot of the times it can work out cheaper and you also find things that you can't get here
  3. Fleas are shocking this year. Our 13.5 year old Kimba has never had fleas and twice this Summer she has had horrible fleas, it's as though they arrive overnight in the bazillions. Poor little love. I had them on my feet outside We have now had the backyard and inside the house professionally sprayed. We have done Capstar and Advantix regularly since. It's awful because you feel like a bad parent but seriously it is so bad this year in Brisbane and I'm sure it's the same elsewhere!
  4. Fabulous shots everyone. I've done mine for the last two days, just need to upload!
  5. How beautiful - newfies are just sooooo adorable!
  6. hehehe too cute - your images are beautiful
  7. hhehehe this ia very cute thread, submerging, snorklers
  8. they are both absolutely beautiful ;)
  9. Never ever would I just turn up to someone's place with my dog/s without asking. If ever I have taken our dogs anywhere it's because they were actually invited to come :D :D . I have a similar problem tonight but not with dogs with kids. I'm going to a friend's place for a quite NYE dinner party, they have amazing views so we will watch the fireworks. So I was telling another friend that's what I was doing and the 2nd friend called the first friend (who know each other but aren't friends friends if you know what I mean) and asked could she rock up with her two brats (and I do mean BRATS - their behaviour is appalling to say the least) to watch the fireworks tonight? Ummmmm NO it's a private dinner party which you weren't invited to in the first place and we definitely don't want the brats coming! I found that very bizarre and incredibly rude ;)
  10. ;) at the tadpoles in the pool
  11. I was just looking at your flickr. How did I miss you..... You're in Brisbane.... You make the best cupcakes..... I like cupcakes You have nice photography..... but the best things of all you own a Bullmastiff.... I looooooooooove Bullmastiffs. hehehe thanks so much! Bullmastiffs are the bestest ever......I lost my beautiful 12 year old baby boy (he wasn't a pure bred though but he was pure to me hehehe) in September and have cried every day since. He was my everything and I miss him every minute. Oh and umm he loved cupcakes too - paper and all ;) I joined DOL in October and I have a Golden Retriever puppy arriving in just over 3 weeks. I couldn't bring myself to get another Bullmastiff just yet....too many reminders of my bootiful baby Sorry for going Off Topic! So looking forward to this January / 365 Project though
  12. Oh gosh I'm so very very sorry. I lost my beautiful 12 year old heart boy a few months ago and he was my everything. It was devastating and I was ever so grateful for the beautiful people who I had him cremated with, they were simply amazing, compassionate, beautiful people and this made the process at least a tiny bit easier to deal with. I can't imagine how you are feeling and I would be shattered to have been treated like you were. Just know that you loved your baby girl and she loved you and you have done the very best you can. I'm sure she will return to you and let's hope that it was just one rude person and not a reflection of the entire place. Love to you and your beautiful girl
  13. I'm a flickr fanatic here is mine http://www.flickr.com/photos/meg_and_fred/
  14. This is wonderful news that little Boots will be ok
  15. Oh this is just what I need - something to focus on and since I'm getting my new GR puppy in just under 4 weeks it's perfect. I also plan on doing 365 days on my Flickr stream. Thanks for this thread, so looking forward to sinking my teeth into a project
  16. Oh my goodness are they just the most gorgeous bunch of squishiness ever!!!
  17. Hope your little puppy is doing ok and that it's nothing serious.
  18. Awww sending you and Grover oodles of Christmas love - poor darling and poor you!
  19. Oh goodness I'm so very very sorry. I too went through this a few months ago with my beautiful 12 year old boy BooBoo- it is incredibly difficult and I still cry every day, some days worse than others. I know how you feel when you say you can't believe they aren't there and you won't see them again. I still look for BooBoo and I know he is with me but I just want to give him big cuddle and kiss his little ears. It is absolutely heartbreaking and I'm so sorry, my thoughts are with you and Callie... ;)
  20. This makes me sick to the stomach and brings tears to my eyes. Poor little sweetheart :D ;) I SERIOUSLY just do not understand where some people come from, it's heartbreaking to say the least ;) These people need to be dealt with seriously by the law, a bit of the same treatment could work - lock them up, no food, no water, see how it feels Dogs truly are the sweetest, kindest beings who want nothing more than to be loved - it's not hard, it really isn't..... Edited to add: Mrs T you are what makes the world go round, a true Christmas angel, thank you!!! :D
  21. Great question, I haven't got my puppy yet but this is super helpful. Interesting about the 12 month thing - will definitely keep that in mind, thanks Serket
  22. Hi there I've done a few photography courses over the past couple of years and I'm not a pro but I do photography a fair bit and have done lots of reseach. Everyone I spoke with recommended just buying a body and lenses separately. I have a Canon 40D and I purchased the body separately as the lenses that come with it are pretty basic - it was about $1200 just for the body. I then purchased two lenses a 50mm (which is only about $150.00) and a 24-70mm which is much more expensive and about $1700. I've bought everything from Cameras Direct www.camerasdirect.com.au and they are fantastic to deal with. It's a brilliant camera and it truly is the lens that make the difference though - it's all about the lenses!!! A good lens is worth every cent to get that beautiful clarity. I definitely wouldn't say the 40D is a beginner camera though, you sort of need to have some knowledge before using it but I would say it's a camera you can grow into. Hope this helps!
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