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perfect partners

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Everything posted by perfect partners

  1. I'm free that day so would be happy to do it for you.
  2. Do you need to have had prior experience to do this?
  3. Gorgeous photos. Xanthe and I hope to see you again - at the next Newf club fun day maybe?! We hope to see you too in the future, we are going to a newfie day near Wollongong on the 21st< cannot wait :) How did it go at Woolongong? Hope you had fun. Where did you get the bumper Katy is holding in the photo? I'd like to get one for Xanthe.
  4. Kate Dourley runs herding clinics and gives private lessons. She is at Nyora which is probably still quite a drive for you. You can get her contact details from the Australian Shepherd Club website or look at the VicHerding website.
  5. Happy Birthday Bronte! How's the scent detection going?
  6. I remember seeing a friend's Bull Terrier do this as she walked under a hay net hanging from the horse float and the hay touched her back. It was like someone flicked a switch and it put her into slow motion. Her owner said she also did it at home if she walked under the curtains. Can't say she looked worried though.
  7. WoofPurNay, where Steve did the consults last year, was a good venue. Otherwise, what about KCC Park.
  8. K9 Cruiser bowl came to my mind as soon as I saw the heading of your post. Love it! Always have it in the car for my Newf - I have the same problem with the 'dribbles' too! You can also fill it and put it in the freezer overnight. Snuggler bed - fantastic for my Chihuahua x, especially if we go out in the car at night. It is round and has a drawstring so you can open it up when it's warm and draw it up into a little 'pod' when it gets cold. He loves it - and so does the cat. Leather lead from K9 Force. I hate flimsy leads for a big dog.
  9. Rotties are big dogs and definitely need training (good training that is) but are not necessarily strong willed. My sister had a female Rottie and she had a wonderful temperament - not at all strong willed. I don't like labelling because you often 'get what you expect' as the saying goes. It's like with kids - they all have different temperaments but it's the upbringing that has more bearing on the end result. Your puppy is very cute - enjoy her - and never stop looking for more information!
  10. Any chance we can do a full day for the workshop? It's a 6 hour round trip from here to KCC and back, just more worthwhile to get a full day if I can. I wouldn't mind a full day either.
  11. I did the canine communicators course but wouldn't recommend it. You have to use head halters and are not allowed to use any food. I did learn a few useful things but they only teach their own methods and put down other methods. It's cheaper but you basically 'work' for them and don't learn a lot. I saw quite a few 'shut down' dogs there and my dog is much happier since we left. The second link person is a trainer at canine communicators.
  12. Were you at the scent detection workshop last Saturday? Yes I was there with Miss Bronte. Which puppy was yours? Xanthe, the Newfoundland, and my sister was there with Lizzy, the Australian Shepherd. Are you going this Saturday? I'm going and taking Xanthe as Tamara wants a long haired dog for a grooming demo. No not this week. I actually have a training free weekend, it feels kind of naughty. Xanthe is lovely, she was so enthusiastic and gentle, even when she was crushing boxes. Probably see you at the next scent clinic though, after some practice! It can be nice to have a free weekend occasionally. Thanks, but I'm not sure 'gentle' is a word I'd use to describe her! We've only had one practise this week as in the hot weather all she wants to do is sleep. It was much the same - I think she's a bit confused. She was OK with Stuart so I have to work out what I'm doing wrong. How are you and Bronte going?
  13. Were you at the scent detection workshop last Saturday? Yes I was there with Miss Bronte. Which puppy was yours? Xanthe, the Newfoundland, and my sister was there with Lizzy, the Australian Shepherd. Are you going this Saturday? I'm going and taking Xanthe as Tamara wants a long haired dog for a grooming demo.
  14. Were you at the scent detection workshop last Saturday?
  15. A while back I was having a discussion with my vet about animals and weight as I've always been fussy about not letting them get overweight. He said there was a study done with dogs where they had 3 groups - one group was overweight, one group underweight and one group that they thought were ideal weight. It turned out that the dogs that were in the 'underweight' group lived the longest!! I think it is so sad to see overweight animals struggling to do anything. Happens with overweight kids too. IMO letting your animals or kids be overweight is a form of abuse - after all you control the food.
  16. It's at Caulfield Racecourse. 10 am - 5 pm each day, I think, although one source said 10-4 on Friday. There is a website but it has very little info - just type in Melbourne Pet Expo and you should get onto it. I think entry was $15 this year with discounts for seniors, etc. Does anyone know if it's worth going on the Friday, or is there less to see that day?
  17. Training in Drive as I'm working on the first module of the TID distance program.
  18. I definitely would. In fact I just recently asked Steven if he knew when he'd be down here again as previously he'd mentioned he might be down again early this year but he now thinks it will be more likely mid year. If we could get him here earlier that would be good.
  19. I'd use the clicker to re-train stand and I'd start with a wall or other barrier behind her so she can't back up. Ask for stand and click as she comes up into stand, before she can move back. I might move backwards away from her so she comes forward a few steps to treat her for a couple of times but as you don't want her coming forward out of stand either, after a couple of repetitions then give her the treat where she is standing. Gradually ask for stand a little bit away from the wall, then gradually further and further. If she moves back as she stands then she doesn't get a click and treat. Just start again. Once she isn't anticipating the back up any more, I'd ask for the back up very gently and slowly and click as she starts to take the first step then again move back away from her to encourage her to come forward to start with. I'd only do a few repetitions and I'd mostly ask for stand and maybe one with one back up step and then when that is OK start to add another step sometimes - sometimes it would be stand only, sometimes one step back, sometimes more than one step back - depending on how she is responding. If they anticipate then I do the opposite. When I did some trick training with Luke Hura he emphasised that it was very important to add a stop command in every moving exercise - i.e. back up, crawl etc. That's what gives you control, especially in exercises like crawl where they are moving towards you - they just keep going until they get to the food! Hope this makes sense and gives you some ideas. Let me know if it isn't clear.
  20. I've known of several dogs, including one of my own, that didn't worry about thunder when they were young, but started to when they got older and their hearing was going, which seems strange as you would think they would worry less as it wouldn't seem so loud. My 2 y.o. Newf doesn't pant or seem anxious, but gets up and barks at it so last time I sat at the computer and had her in a drop beside me and each time there was a thunder clap I gave her a treat. That seemed to work well as she only got up and barked once, at a paticularly loud thunder clap. Will see how it goes next time.
  21. Gorgeous photos. Xanthe and I hope to see you again - at the next Newf club fun day maybe?!
  22. Try Kate Haines at LaTrobe Veterinary Group. There are two clinics - one at Traralgon (180 Princes Street - 5174 5622) and the other at Morwell. She has treated my dogs and horses and those of friends with very good results. You can look up her profile on their website www.latrobevetgroup.com.au Takes me an hour to drive down there but she's worth it. Cheers! I found her in the phone book, but have booked with Graham Brown from Berrick. He comes to a property near me every second Sunday to treat greyhounds, Im giving him a look tommorrow. If it dosn't go well I will give Kate Haines a call.sounds like she is good. Thanks for your reply. Kaye Hope it goes well.
  23. Try Kate Haines at LaTrobe Veterinary Group. There are two clinics - one at Traralgon (180 Princes Street - 5174 5622) and the other at Morwell. She has treated my dogs and horses and those of friends with very good results. You can look up her profile on their website www.latrobevetgroup.com.au Takes me an hour to drive down there but she's worth it.
  24. I have one I bought from K9 Force and it's great. You can buy it from their web site. Their gear is for use with high drive dogs so it is strong, but it is still light and doesn't tangle easily.
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