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Everything posted by Beth.

  1. I found this site the other day as well My new tugs should be here on Monday!! yay!!!!!!!
  2. Such a STUNNING boy, and amazing photography (as usual!!!!!!!!)
  3. My parents little dog hasn't shown any side effects, but all dogs are different. Good luck with it all, I know what it's like to see dogs in pain from fleas . Hopefully you can help give them some relief!!!
  4. Haha - posted the same time as both Corvus and DBT, but looks like a winner!!
  5. I wouldn't use front line for starters - not sure what area you're in, but there is alot of resistance to it by the fleas! My parents dog has had fleas for as long as I can remember (not many, but enough to cause her some problems!!), and last time I went home I jsut couldn't stand it, so I took her into the vet and got some comfortis... well I can hardly recognise my parents dog she looks AMAZING!!! No more scratching, the hair has grown back and she just looks great - out on weight and is so happy now!!!! Maybe give this a try - i've heard great results from friends who've used it as well - it's a tablet you give once a month! Also, washing bedding, keeping it clean and dry, cleaning the carpets, things like that to try and get them out of the environment.
  6. Ok - here's my little pack (well Lottie and her 'cousins' my sisters dogs), Dexta the Rotti and Astro the Staffy x. And when Lottie was a wee pup on her first camping trip... my two stumpy bums and the odd one out with a tail :D
  7. She's beautiful Evolving!!! And growing up into a gorgeous little lady!! Don't they just grow up so quick!!!!!!
  8. Loving this thread!! With the black fluffy dog I was also trying to work out which end the head was , and Lottie also LOVES zooming around sand/dirt piles!!! Ok... time for some Aussie zoomies... Sorry for the massive pic overload, but aussies + zoomies just go together :D
  9. My sisters little rspca dog (staffyxkelpie) was desexed at 6 weeks... and went to my sis at 8 weeks... No problems with incontinence so far with her... But it's most likely one of those things which will just depend on the dog...
  10. Yeah, thats what I was thinking that it might be an infection of some description?? Yeah, i think i'll pop into the vets this arv
  11. I think, by the looks, that it's on top of the skin - there is one that is kind of a bit scabby??? hmmm...
  12. I've just noticed some brown lumps/spots on Lotties tummy that have kind of come up all of a sudden - I noticed them last night... One is like a bit of a scab type thing, but i'm not sure if I should get them checked out (I'm such a worry wort!!!). This is the one i'm a bit concerned about... from the above photos it's the one on the bottom left... And this is the one above this and to the right alittle... Sorry the photos are a bit blurry... has anyone seen these type of things before??? I should I be taking her in to get them checked?? Thanks everyone!!!!
  13. Yep Lotties another one... She loves the hose, the tap - she loves when I have to refill the water bucket and attacks the tap when its on, her water bucket which drinking means jumping her front legs in and drinking that way (which has to be big enough so she doesn't knock it over, or it's empty straight away), puddles, me emptying a cup/bottle, her clam shell, the ocean, the lake.... - pretty much anything water related, Lottie loves it - and I LOVE having a water baby!!!!
  14. YAY LITTLE CHARLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I didn't choose Lottie, and didn't see her until she was about 9weeks when I got her - she's the love of my life and fits in amazingly with me - we just match so well, and i've been so lucky with getting the most beautiful girl to call my own . My preferences were a blue merle girl... and that's what I got!!!!
  16. What a big GORGEOUS girl!!!!! Good luck with her and have lots of fun!!
  17. Not really you have not - I was able to find these facts in about 10 seconds... Yep, I found the add very quickly as well... It does seem odd that you're meant to do the investigating and that they don't seem too interested to help??!!
  18. Thanks everyone for the replies!!! I'll pop down and get some tomorrow
  19. It is SOOOO addictive!!! I'm just about to head out with the dogs to the lake and see what we can do this arv.... watch for more updates, hehe
  20. You dont have to justify it to anyone. Buy one. Luvlottie, that's a good friend you have there to lend you her camera. I especially like the second pic and the running one, even though it's blurry, they look so happy and it is full of fun. Thanks for the nice comments!!! Yep, it was so nice of her (she's recently bought a 5D so she let me borrow her old one!!!!! I can't wait to get my own - I think its all to do with practise and working it out - most of my action shots were a bit blurry unfortunately!! but i've been doing lots of playing and reading tonight, so will go out armed again tomorrow afternoon and see how I go
  21. Hi everyone!! I've found a place in town which sells big fish heads (not sure what type), and was wondering if anyone feeds them, if they're ok to feed??? I like finding new things to add into Lotties diet for variety - she's fed a super premium kibble in the morning, meat/fresh food at nights which consist of mince/offal/chicken frames/necks/turkey necks/sardines/fresh bones etc and I saw these the other day and I thought i'd remembered reading something about them?? Thanks heaps!
  22. So..... A lovely friend has let me borrow her old 450D Canon camera for a few days!!! Well I am HOOKED!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to get my own... I took about 500 photos today and about 10 were any good But it was just such FUN!!!!!! Sorry, a hit photo heavy but just thought i'd show you - I haven't photoshopped anyof them because I don't know how really, hehe!!! These are the best of a bad bunch, hahaha
  23. Well... Lottie decided it would be nice to eat a dead bird yesterday, so last night I had the pleasure of washing diarrhoea off her lovely long 'pants' (the fluff around her bum - it's VVERRRY long!!!) . She only really had the one bout of it, and she wasn't 'off' in any way, just she had a little diarrhoea from it, so I just kept an eye on her and all is good now!!
  24. SHE IS GORGEOUS LP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not fair... I want an Aussie puppy.... And sorry I can't help with names... took me about a month to work out Lottie, hahaha!!!!!! I need to come and meet your beautiful Aussies one day!!!!!
  25. You take the most AMAZING photos (i'm jealous!!!), and your dogs are stunning!!!!!!
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