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Everything posted by Beth.

  1. Not this again. Didn't you make this claim in another thread? Certain breeds of dog do not have "rounder" teeth than other breeds. You can't point to a retriever skull and say "ah ha! that's a retriever skull not a german shepherd or pitbull skull, because the teeth are rounded!" There's just no difference in the tooth anatomy. And a retriever can do substantial damage to a person or child if they decide to do so, just like any other large dog breed. Watch a raw fed retriever demolish a carcass and you'll see what damage their teeth can do a person if they are so inclined, just like any other large dog. I understand you like retrievers, and they do usually have nice friendly natures, but making incorrect claims about their anatomy doesn't help anyone.
  2. RIP beautiful little Hugo - You lived a great life and was so loved by his family!!!!!! Some more big hugs coming your way from Me and Lot!!!!! May he run free over the bridge!!
  3. Thanks MM!! Here's a couple shots of her enjoying one of her new toys this morning Watching the ball is serious stuff!!!
  4. Thanks everyone - she's a little bit special!! I've just borrowed my friends DSLR for the day, so there'll be lots of photos by the end of the day!!!!! She also got a massive bone for later, and a cake as well (she's just a little spoilt!!!)
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY GORGEOUS GIRL LOTTIE!!!! 1 year old today - we made it This has been the best 10 months ever - and i'm so grateful to have her in my life!!!! She's been the best dog, and I just love her to bits and i'm so excited for the many years to come ahead!!!!!!! 6 weeks old... :D 1st day home at about 9weeks old... And nowish... I'm sure there'll be more photos after today
  6. I have the exact same problem HeavyPaws - as my friend has pointed out to me My friend posted this on my facebook!!!! My next aussie is definately going to be Bennett.... ETA: it is fake just so you don't think I condone smoking in dogs ;)
  7. Is everything ok?? I've been following this thread from the beginning (but living so far away i'm not much help!!), you all have such big hearts to help this poor fella out :D
  8. Lottie had some beef mince, some steak bone things (not sure exactly what they are!!) and an egg - I usually just give her one a week.... Her favourite is turkey necks.. she loves loves loves them... And i've been meaning to get her a turkey leg to try, I think she'd LOVE them too!!!!!
  9. Hahaha Nekhbet.. sooo cute and the only way a rotti should sleep ;)
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL MICHA!!!! He looks like he's having LOTs of fun with the new toys - and those birthday treats look GREAT!!!!!
  11. Lottie has a soft crate (with a broken zip so can't be locked in there) and i'm in the market for a wire one - hopefully have one within the next couple weeks!! Check out this website if you haven't already - I love browsing on here, hehe http://www.topbuy.com.au/tbcart/pc/Pet-Supplies-c31.htm
  12. Theres quite a few petbarns in Bris - what area are you in and I'll tell you whats around you (I've sussed them all out!!!!).
  13. I love going to the reject shop (or cheap shops - LOTS in Brisbane ) such as crazy clarks, Sams warehouse etc etc etc and buying Lotties toys from there - they usually all have the rope toys, and yesterday I picked up a really heavy duty rope toy with a thick rubber ball on it for $2.50!! Lottie LOVES it!! I also get all my poo bags there, and my car seat cover/hamock thing and more toys!!!!!! Its better spending $2 on a toy that she'll destroy in 10 mins then $10 - and the joy she has when destroying them is worth losing the $2 . I'm a bit cheap (being a poor uni student) and got my hairdryer from there as well - I also picked up some nice pollar fleece blankets when they were on special!! grooming gear I buy from pet supply shops though - It's nice having good quality grooming gear!!!!
  14. Good luck with the collar - My friend also has had alot of success with a barking collar on her dog, and now when they put it on her it's not turned on - she just knows not to bark when she has that collar on ;) And I agree... three aussies inside would find LOTS of excited and fun things to do during the day in the house ETA - LOVE the new Sig!!!!!!!!
  15. I thought i'd just put a reminder out there to everyone that tick season is apon us.... I work in an emergency clinic and they've started coming in again - so just a little reminder to check your dogs thoroughly for ticks after being out and about in tick areas - I check my girl daily at least when i'm in Bris, just to be on the safe side ETA: And cats as well
  16. Thanks for all the tips guys!!!!! Looks like i'll start researching the 550D then :D I'm just so excited.... now the waiting game......
  17. I thought i'd share my exciting news - was talking to my mum today and for a combined birthday/Christmas present i'm getting a DSLR!!!!!!! From the whole family!! I'm sooooo excited!! Now just choosing which one.... I think i'm looking between the Canon 450D, 500D and 550D!!! So lots of research over the next couple months, and hopefully by December i'll have one!!!!!! I'm loving the thread that has listed what cameras everyone has Was just so excited I had to share!!!
  18. The 3XLs are down to $40 again tonight Think I might just get another one.....
  19. I know everyone has said this.... but WOW!!!!!! You take AMAZING photos!!!!!! And such a gorgeous fur family you have there
  20. I get the impression that will then lead onto agility later on to the skills class (i'm starting the skills class this weekend, VERY excited!!!!!), so if you do end up there, keep your eyes open for me and my blue merle aussie . I've heard it's a really good a club...... But I haven't been there before, so just going on what i've heard!! Good luck!!!! Oooh! That is exciting! I think Agility is something Poppy would enjoy but tbh I don't know a lot about it. Might have to do some research! The only thing that concerns me about their 8 week course is they mention using a halti lead and I've had mixed reviews on those so am not sure it's something I want to use on Poppy. I wonder if I could just politely decline... Hmmm! Will let you know if I end up there! Would love to meet you and your doggy! Yep - they said to me they much prefer flat collars!!!
  21. I get the impression that will then lead onto agility later on to the skills class (i'm starting the skills class this weekend, VERY excited!!!!!), so if you do end up there, keep your eyes open for me and my blue merle aussie . I've heard it's a really good a club...... But I haven't been there before, so just going on what i've heard!! Good luck!!!!
  22. I didn't meet Lottie until she was around 9weeks old when she was transported up here - me and my friend went to pick her up, and it was like straight away she knew I was her new family - she cuddled into, wiggled her little bum... even when my friend was holding her that first day she wasn't like that with her, and also followed me instantly. I must admit - the next couple days with her were hard!! I didn't know what I got myself into and was freaking out a bit about it all - I was so used to being around adult trained dogs, and she was my first pup!! But we clicked pretty much instantly!! She's very much my dog now, not really too interested in other people, but needs to be where ever I am all the time!! My sister has a dog (I lived with her for a couple years), that no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't bond with her?? I know it's weird, but everything she did annoyed me, but she still is a great little dog, just not my dog!!
  23. WOW!! They're beautiful (as usual!!!), I LOVE the last shot!!! I want you to come and take a photo shoot of my girl hahahahaha
  24. Best not to ask Sometimes I feel like giving up, I am a mess at trials, my nerves are ridiculous and it is effecting Daisy terribly oh I'm sorry to hear that!! Don't give up... You two work beautifully (not sure if that's a word?) together!!!!! I hope one day me and lot are half as good as you two!!!
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