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Everything posted by Beth.

  1. Putting down animals? Sheesh. I do a few every day at work. Looks like I'll need to find myself another job. Vets (most often) are not the ones administering anaesthetics to patients. You are kidding, right? Moselle this isn't the first time your posts have been offensive to members here. I put animals to sleep as well as administering drugs and anaesthetic to our patients and I am not a qualified veterinarian. What part of being a woman means that I am unable to calculate a dose rate and insert a needle into a vein and push. It's my job to know about all that so that our vet can concentrate on the surgery. Perhaps you should go spend a day in one of the big referral hospitals too. Their anaesthetic nurses are incredible and probably know more about anaesthesia than many (male ;) ) vets out there! I'm glad i'm not the only one who had found Moselles posts offensive . I'm a vet nurse who works in a large emergency hospital (you should really go and see how they run, I think it would be an eye opener), and also studying vet science, and look out, i'm a female , but gosh, lets hope I never get called out to a property to cull an animal that is in pain, or when I own my own property (I will get there one day ), feed my family - I find it offensive that you think only males should cull animals
  2. Polecatty - what a great explanation!! And wow, it sounds so interesting, I would LOVE to go and watch it sometime!!! What amazing little animals!!!! Oh, and I love the photo!!
  3. Really? You seem to be doing a bang up job of it in this thread alone :D PMSL I still can't get over Moselle posting these comments :D :p I really don't get it, and yes, it is quite offending - who thinks like that these days??!!!! Yep, still can't get my head around it!! I also visited the abbotoir with Flick_mac, and I agree with all she said!! I would love to come out ferreting, It seems so interesting!!! Is it sad I didn't even realise there were ferrets in Australia until like a year ago :p
  4. I'll try and make it ;) but it'll all depend on how my study is going - i'll only come if i've been good and deserve a nice outing :D Would be great to catch up with other DOLers - it's been a while since the last outing at Nudgee I went too - Lottie is all grown up now ;)
  5. YAY - I am sooo excited about this, and I get to meet lots of DOL people by the sounds of it :D
  6. i second that motion Hehe - I've already had a stern talk to Lottie telling her this is just short term We have two other dogs at our place (I share), but she just LOVES playing with little Ella - I love seeing Aussies play together!!!! Lottie puts up with SOOOO much (i'm very proud of her), Ella always comes running over to me with chunks of Lottie hair in her mouth (Its coming out very easily at the moment, hehe)
  7. Hehe, she's such a cutie, and i'm having lots of fun with her!! She's settling into our routine really nicely here - she's such a little character :D Some photos from yesterday of them cooling off in the yard And some playing...
  8. When I took Lottie in for her vaccination at around the 12 week mark, the vet I saw (which I had really liked previously), told me Lottie had bad hips and was really sore - because she pulled away when she tried to stretch her legs way out and back - which I could easily do at home by myself, she was just a little scared at the vets!!! I told her this, but nope, she definately had bad hips - well I was in tears as well!!! But I went with my gut as I knew there wasn't anything, and yep, sure enough, when she was getting xrays on her stomach for when we thought she had a blockage about 6 months later, I got them to take xrays of her hips (it was at my work which was nice), and there was nothing at all the matter!!! And again, the other week she had her legs palpated by another vet who said there was no soreness at all!!! But gosh, they do know how to scare clients (and make you feel like crap about the whole thing - a nice way to bring down the excitment of a puppy ). I tell you what, after being a member on here, I'm going to be the best vet out ETA - I also got recommended the JPS procedure!!!! After only just extending her legs!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. A few more pics from today!!! I kind of remembered we have a bore at our house (rental) so filled up the little pool for the dogs!!!!! Looks like i'll be needing a new one in summer because Lottie has grown so much since she last used it
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAISY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope she gets lots of donuts today
  11. Oh I know, it'll be very hard to give her back!!!! Unfortunately i'm at uni for another 2 years after this, and just rent a place, so in reality it's really not a good time to get a new family member (so this works brilliantly - I get my puppy fix, hehehe).
  12. Sorry if everyone's seen these pics, but thought i'd share them on the photo thread (and update them while I have her here with me). This is Ella, a friends little Aussie Pup that i'm puppysitting for a little while Lottie (my big baby) with Ella
  13. Thanks Tlc Oh no, not at all - they couldn't have possibly been chewing my shoe :p I actually think Lottie started first, and Ella just followed along ;) , and nope, pretty sure they're not related (although I think they're nearly as gorgeous as each other). Lotties funny - she doesn't get on the bed with me mainly because she really feels the heat, but tonight she decided to jump and and spread right out on the bed with me, just to make sure I remember that she's number 1 here
  14. Ok, Thought i'd post a little photo of my 'pack' at the moment (i'm puppysitting for a friend)
  15. I'm always puppy clucky ;) , but I think it'll just be me and Lot for a while yet!!!! I think owning more then one dog would be HARD WORK!!!!!!!! hehe, lucky Lottie is such a good girl and just takes everything in her stride, and it seems that this little girl will be as well!!! Although I think i've got my next aussie nearly picked out (colour and all), but will be a while off yet ;)
  16. Funny you should say that, but no, no it wasn't dirty She then decided it would be fun to pull the clothes OUT of the basket - so much fun!!! She's being such a good girl, she's crashed in her crate at the moment, she's all played out!! She also doesn't mind when me and Lot go outside to do training sessions and she's left in her crate - i had a sneak peak at her and she was just sleeping!!!! Lottie hasn't left my side all day, I think she's just reminding me that she's my number 1
  17. I had forgotten just how much mischeif puppies can get up too!!!!!
  18. Hehe, she is pretty cute.... I just can't believe how good Lottie is being with her!! Earlier, Ella grabbed hold of Lottie's 'pants' (the long hair on her back legs), and Lottie just stopped and stared at me as if to say 'please get this thing off me' - it was soooo cute :D I've already sternly told Lottie we're not getting another Aussie member for our family for a few years
  19. Hehe, it's such a hard job... and yep, a mini Lottie - just a bit darker!!! I forgot what it was like having a puppy again, but I remember the puppy scream :D , lucky she only did it once and has settled in beautifully (like she owns the place!!). It's so funny, because my parents met her today and my mum is like, 'now I could have one that looked like Ella' and I said 'she's the same as Lottie!!!!!!!' but she replied, no - she's wayyyyy cuter!!!!!!!!!!! I said, yes, because she's a puppy
  20. It's hard when I have to babysit something THIS CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D This is little Ella, a friends baby Aussie, and she's such a sweetie - well alot of attitude on four little legs Lottie is being soooo good with her, she usually plays so rough with other dogs, but with Ella she lays down and lets her jump all over her!!! Right now they are both sprawled out on my floor having a snooze... I don't want the babysitting to end
  21. ME ME ME, and Lottie of course!!!!!! Can't wait!!!! It'll be the first dog thing i've really been to apart from obedience training, so i'm very much looking forward to it!!!!! Oh, and the wine room that I might just be crashing at some stage
  22. I'm sending lots of healing vibes your way!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to hear he's at the vets now and hopefully they'll work out whats wrong
  23. Oh i've got one - this is Dexta, my sisters Rottie - she's such a gorgeous girl!!!!!!!!!!! I was studying in the loungeroom and had papers EVERYWHERE so she wasn't allowed in - she wasn't too impressed
  24. I have one.... I was training Lottie out at the beach one day on the grass on lead (this is ALL ON-LEAD AREA!!!!), when I see/hear in the distance this guy walking up the path trying to call his dog to him, but the dog is off on the grassed area sniffing EVERY tree in site and generally taking NO notice of his owner - they were still a fair way away, so I started to walk away (could only walk in one direction away because it was on the a walking path) - anyway, I was thinking it was just a matter of time before this dog saw me and Lottie (all the while this drop-kick is calling his dog and the dog is taking NO notice) - so all of a sudden I heard this dog bolting towards us, hackles up and growling - I turned to face the dog and put Lottie behind my legs, and SCREAMED at this dog 'NNOOOOOO' (I was suprised how loud I yelled ), well the dog stopped dead in its track, the owner comes running up and says, 'oh don't worry, he's friendly' (yeah right ), and to which I replied 'Well my dog isn't so put your #$%%ing dog on a leash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' (not that Lottie isn't friendly, but I was just so angry!!) - I was just so worked up, I hardly even remember saying it - it just came out!!! A few people had seen it all happen and congratulated me as I walked past them!!!! ;) ;) if looks could kill, that guy would've died!!!!
  25. Yay - Lottie turned one last Monday, so we had a little party for her, and I also borrowed my friends canon 450D for the day Watching her new ball is serious stuff!! Lottie with my housemates dogs - naughty birthday girl Doing tricks for some cake Lottie with her bestie - Tilly FINALLY.... Trying out her new birthday present (which she LOVES).
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