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Everything posted by Beth.

  1. Aw MTD - they're so sweet and sad!! Someone doesn't want mum to leave!!! I really like that pic Kickss!! Love it FionaC! Week 7/52 - Lottie the pointer (she was looking for hares)
  2. Aw they're both gorgeous shots tlc!!! And what a great thing you and Tully are doing Love Dora on the sand dune!!! Was just out exploring the yard are came across this, so thought it'd make an interesting photo... Wed 16/02/2011
  3. Ohhh Love that first one Snook!!!!!!!! I've just spent the afternoon putting different combos together :D
  4. I love your bag Bec!!!! And I think I like the first combo Snook - hehe!! Good luck choosing - they're all so gorgeous!!! What a coincidence - my camera bag happened to break today (I just bought a real cheapy - and you can tell!!)... hmmmmm looks like one of these bags might just be what I need :D
  5. Ohh Looks like fun - I might come along with Lottie
  6. Love the little merle girl catherine B - they're all very unique!! Love the pic of Kuma - and yep, lottie loves a good play in the water How exciting Sammys!!!! :D He is adorable! Love the pic as well :D And lovely pics PC!! Always love to see an aussie out herding :D
  7. Finally able to go and have a look at all the great photos!!! TLC - I love your photos, your dogs are always so happy!!! The begging one is so cute!! Huga - Love the vaccum cleaner pug :D , and all your photos are just beautiful!!! Love the birthday present one as well :D Nik - love the photos, and another vote for uploading them at Shells I really enjoy seeing what you take each day!! Hehe, great pic TD and what understanding neighbours, and love the goose shot!!! Beautiful beach shots Kja!! Love the little shells around the feet!! The dalmation with his owner is gorgeous!! And sorry to see your poor kittys eye I really love the colour theme you have WA - your photos are beautiful!! Really love the bronze and black and white ones!! Lovely pics Shell!!! I love the one from the 9th!! Jess is beautiful DSO!!! DA - I never get sick of looking at your photos!! They're so beautiful - Love the welsh woes!!!! :D I hope I got everyone - the photos are just amazing!! Ok, todays from me 15/02/2011 - Memories - I went out to see my old horse paddock, and the shelter my dad made years ago is slowly falling down, so we're going to go out and take it down tomorrow - it's sad sometimes how much life changes!
  8. WOW!!! Is all I can say - these photos are just AMAZING!!! I will get back and comment on them all when I have better internet Sorry - another catch up for me again (As I went away over the weekend ) And also not sure on the numbers, so will just put the dates... Friday 11/02/2011 - heading away for the weekend Sat 12/02/2011 - the gorgeous view from the undercover training area looking out to the dogpark! Sun 13/02/2011 - I met my first Toller on the weekend, and lets just say I fell in love a little!!!! Could definitely see a Toller in my backyard!!! Monday 14/02/2011 - Me and Lottie had a little stop on the way home at the beach
  9. Loving all these pics!!! Shell - love the slide pics ;) Helen - that is just gorgeous!!!! WA - love the photos!!! Cowboy is just beautiful AnnieK Poor Bob - love the photo Evolving!! CM - I always love looking at your photos :D :p Flying Duster - just beautiful!! great shot Tlc!!! :D Wuffles - love the Ava and graffiti wall!!! I'm a bit late with week 6 as I went away for the weekend... This might come as a shock - but Lottie in water again Week 6/52
  10. Damn BC4ME - I so thought it was Chook I took photos of.... Sorry Yep, we will definitely be there to cheer Miss B - just let me know what some shows are coming up and hopefully I can come along to one!!!
  11. Well what an awesome weekend!! And was so nice to put faces to some DOL people!!! I had a great time, and Lottie did as well!! Loved the DWD demonstration!!! What a great sport - might have to have a go at it one day (when we get there, hehe). Miss B - was lovely meeting you and your little girl, she's just adorable!!! And hopefully we can catch up again at a show - i'll come and be your cheersquad :D I learnt sooo much over the weekend, it was all kind of a 'ahhhh' moment - everything kind of sunk it!! Thanks so much to Steve for coming up for the workshop, I really got so much out of it!!! It really has given me a motivational kick I needed Glad to hear Jarrah is ok!!! Just keeping you on your toes Thanks for the photos as well Huski and BC4ME!!! I have some of my own - unfortunately I didn't take many :p But the only ones I got of people working was of BC4ME with Chook (I think) They've been cropped as I was a fair ways away ;) Hope you don't mind me posting them BC - just let me know if you do :D
  12. Awww don't tempt me (Although I may just be looking through the custom made ones now and how to order ).
  13. Thank you for the reply kja!!!! I was thinking he was a bit lost in the background in the first one!!! Think number 2 it is
  14. I should never have come in here - I want one of these bags They are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!
  15. The colours are so vibrant in the graffiti shot TD - Love it!!! And wow - that praying mantis is awesome!!! Was just out in the yard and spotted this beautiful butterfly, so thought i'd take a few snaps It was 'fluttering' (very quickly) during all these pics.. Day 41 - 10/02/2011
  16. YAYAYAYAY and AWWWWWWWWW (i'm soooooooo jealous right now!!). :rolleyes: At least we'll all get to see lots of photos of them :D
  17. I noticed this morning as well :D So went stalking to find out more He is just the cutest little thing!!! And can't wait to see more gorgeous photos of him when he comes home!!!!!!!!! ETA: is the other person in Bris as well :D :D :D I'm sooo having puppy cuddles!!!
  18. I want to know how you can keep her clean until Friday - Friday will probably be "wash the dog" day for us, otherwise they would all be filthy again before we even got there . She's a very 'clean' dog - as in dirt usually just falls off her coat - today (much to her disgust) there'll be no visit to the lake/dam/river or our usually spots - that'll keep her clean!!!! And I'm heading off on tomorrow ( ), so as long as she stays cleanish for today i'll be happy (and i'm on uni holidays so i'm bored and have nothing to do except get ready!! hehehe). Miss B - sorry to hear Kyza sliced a paw open
  19. I get to take Lottie into work with me when I want - but I work in a vet clinic, so she just gets a run out the back for my shift!! It's so handy as work is now over an hours drive, and I really don't like leaving her out at the house through the night by herself - just don't trust the yard (not her getting out, but other dogs getting in the joys of living where I do!!). It's very nice to be able to, and Lottie doesn't mind at all - and everytime I go to do washing etc she comes outside with me for breaks!!
  20. SOOOOOOOO can't wait!!!!! My car is pretty much packed , have all Lots food and toys ready, bedding is clean and she had a bath today so is looking respectable for the weekend (now to keep her clean tomorrow...). I'm like you B-Q - I always pack sooo much stuff!! Lottie looking a little 'special' but all clean for the weekend
  21. Wow - all these photos are so stunning - I've just gone through quite a few pages (aim is to get through them all tonight, hehe!!!). Oh - I can post some photos on here!!! I LOVE my 50mm 1.8 lens!!! It's all I use!!!! Here are some of my favourites i've taken with this awesome little lens!!! (sorry a bit of an overload ) One I took today
  22. Aw that's such a sweet photo TLC!!! Love the shots TD and Nik!! Just a quick snap from me today while out with Lottie Day 40 - 09/02/2011
  23. :D I wouldn't mind seeing this in my kitchen more often. Haha. Lovely photos once again LL. I got my camera today so I'll be adding my contribution soon. Yay! It's exciting to have new stuff. ;) Will be super exciting when you have an aussie puppy to take photos of ;) Congrats on the new camera!! I just love mine!!!
  24. ;) Love the last one CC!!!!!! Here's some from today - the simple pleasures of playdates, and well behaved, happy dogs :D ;) Lotties love of water!!! And with a water beard ;)
  25. I'm the same whitka - I really want to get into showing , but will be at least two years before I have my own show baby (an Aussie as well ). I'm just going to start going along to shows and watching, learning and hopefully meet some lovely people!!
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