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Everything posted by SUGEE76

  1. Heya Odin-Genie I have an elkhound and I am in Sydney - I love the idea of an Elkhound get together - is there ever such an event??? My Elkhound is 5-months old and I have gone out of my way to expose him to children of all ages and babies (closely supervised) can I just say even as a puppy he instinctively knows how to modify his behaviour around small children I took him round to my parents when my cousins were ovet with a 8 month old baby and he was soooo good! They were sitting on the floor together and he never jumped or licked or anything near the baby - just watched him as he played He really reads a situation well and if I say to him - be careful or be gentle he will follow my lead and look to me before he engages in play with a child - he is constantly looking to me for approval before he interracts When the girl next door comes over to play he never jumps on her and is really good - he will do tricks for treats and play fetch and just plays really well For his size and age it is amazing that he has such great self control - my family breeds dachshunds and to be fair they are kenneled show dogs - not pets - but everytime I took kids in to play with them they would be knocked over by an overzealous jump up everytime. So from my *very little* experience I have to say they are great with kids
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