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  1. Thanks so much for the feedback people I will contact the places suggested - except Hanrob - I have been advised to stay well clear of that mob!
  2. Can anyone recommend a good quality boarding kennel between Sydney and Nowra in NSW?
  3. I have tried to have someone care for him at home before and it did not go well...we feel he will be better in a different environment where he can meet and interract with other dogs. He loves to play with dogs at the dog park so the other dogs will be a good distraction for him. He sleeps in the house by our bed etc. so I fear he will fret at night being left home alone at night etc.
  4. After 2 years of staying home to dote on our lovely dog we have decided that the time has come for us to take our 9 month baby on her first holiday. As much as we would love to take the dog with us - it is just not going to be practical or fair to him to be honest Can anyone suggest a good dog boarding facility between Sydney and Nowra? I would love to hear from people who have used the facility recently and had a really good experience. Our munchkin is very very precious to us and we really want to make sure that he is safe and cared for and happy Thanking you in advance for your feedback
  5. Hi Brian Very happy to hear about a fellow Sydney elkie owner! If you are not too far away I am sure my dog would love to catch up some time? We went to a dog show and met up with some of the Sydney breeders just before Christmas last year and everyone was so lovely... They do know how to melt your heart. My husband and I are so besotted with our boy our entire lives revolve around him but we wouldn't have it any other way he is the light of our lives A very special breed indeed! Sugee
  6. I will tell you this much they are a wonderful family pet I find them to be a lot more outgoing and confident than the smooth and long haired varieties They are great with kids - the things I used to put mine throug dressing them in dolls clothes (I was 4 at the time and did not know any better) Very protective - for a little dog they have one heck of a bark if provoked They love to be a part of the family - rides in the car, curled up on your lap on the couch as you watch TV and sleeping at the foot of the bed The wires do need more grooming than the smooth - I still groom my mum's 14 year old wire every month as the hair can get a little wild in winter. I like to clip her in summer in a bid to keep her cooler The only thing I would say is you have to watch them jumping down from say couches or high levels - repeated jumping and large staircases can over time result in back injuries and weekness. For a little dog they really can keep up with the big dogs and love to go on long walks and swims at the beach etc. whatever it takes to be by your side they will make it happen I hope that you can find some breeders at Melbourne - my dad sometimes goes down but I don't think he is headed there this year - most likely he will be at the Canberra/Sydney shows I think if you look on the breeders page you can see plenty of pics of show dogs from the Wire variety All the best with your quest!
  7. Hi There My dad is a breeder - has been for over 30 years now I grew up with them - feel free to fire any questions my way
  8. hey there not sure if you are up for this but my Elkhound suddenly went off the rails barking (they are a VERY vocal breed) I read on the internet that pennies in a jar shaken can be a great deterrant and not harmful for the dog I spent a weekend with my barked he was allowed two barks any more than two barks and I would shake the tin can full of coins as soon as he heard the tin can - he stopped barking now he knows and will stop aftet 2 barks - a week earlier he would work himself up into a frenzy and could not be stopped. I also increased the length of his walks in case he was understimulated and bored and added more practice to his obedience training it is like I have a new dog now - and such a relief! worth at least a try (you have to be consistent and every time the dog starts barking shake the can once he was quiet he would be rewarded for 'good Quiet' so we could add a positive spin to the training
  9. Okay, that sounds exactly like Erik. He tells you off. We say he has a potty mouth as well. He swears like a sailor. I always picture one of those obnoxious children that swear at you and kick your shins. Gold! So glad we are not the only people with a dog like that. Machida goes to obedience class every Sunday and whilst he is doing exercises he is 100% switched on alert and obedient. If the instructor needs to talk to another handler or tell a story he starts barking and I swear he is saying "Lady give it a rest - I am over hearing your stories give me something fun to do- NOW!" His bark is so piercing and loud - the poor people in the class must hate him. I have offered to bring them all earplugs. (Ironically the trainer is partially deaf so for her it is not as irritating as for the rest of the class.) We are doing clicker training at the moment so we are working on ignoring him when he barks and clicking once he sits quietly. It is tough going but it does appear to be working...slowly it is so hard to do!!
  10. My elkhound is stubborn - if I ask him to do something or more often to not do something if he is doing something naughty he will turn around and give me an earful yes - that's right he argues back - barking loudly Woof! Woof! Woof Woof! Woof! It is so hard not to laugh at him - my husband tells everyone he has a potty mouth and when he is barking at us like this he is telling us in very colourful language where we can stick it I have to turn and walk away - it is the only thing that works - once he realises he is not getting a reaction he stops Then the next time I ask him to do the same thing he will do it perfectly on first command...
  11. I recall coming home one afternoon to find we were one wire haired dacshund down when I was a kid... A frantic search of the yard and much calling and eventually we heard some whimpering from above Somehow one of the dogs had managed to climb a banana tree and was clinging on with all his might paws wrapped around the branch for dear life I will never understand how he ended up there? He was always a bit 'special' that one...hence his nickname the dipper
  12. May I ask what you mean when you say yankers? I only ask because I have been going to Sutherland for about 4 months now and I have found most of the trainers to be very gentle and never once been instructed to yank or pull my dog in an agressive manner. As a matter of fact I have seen people asked to leave the club because they have handled their dogs in an aggressive manner? I may have misinterpreted your comments - hence why I am asking for you to clarify your response?
  13. Is that the Dog Wash Cafe? They are brilliant in there - my dog has a major aversion to all things water and can put on quite a ''show" the girls are all really patient and helpful and help to keep the monster under control... Because it is inside a warehouse and away from the street it is a much more calm environment for the dogs...love it
  14. Very excited to be able to add to this thread finally... I recently started obedience at Sutherland and and am very proud to announce that my pride and joy (after only 4 weeks) has passed Level 1 obedience and will start level 2 next week. He picks up things so quickly and gets so excited when it comes to 'school' and works hard and comes home a very snoozy boy... Does anyone here find that their dogs learn and perform readily but you get very nervous when being watched and sometimes make errors with the instructions and struggle when put on the spot? I am hoping with time that I will get more confident? He is already dropping and doing really long sit stays - which is something that we are working on at the moment. I was approached to start clicker training and am thinking this might be a great way to make things more interesting for the boy?
  15. Hi Norskra that work doesn't appear to be working - can you please advise where to go to find more info?
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