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Pit Bull Saves Woman With Brain Aneurysm, Given 'Neighbor Of The Year' Award (VIDEO) Puppy http://www.cbsatlanta.com/story/15788459/dog-saves-womans-life-being-honored-today When John Benton tried to leave for work one morning back in July, he was surprised to find the family pit bull, Titan, running around in circles, barking and blocking the door out of the house, CBS Atlanta reported. "He'd run up a few flights of steps and run back down just to keep me from going, to let me know something was wrong. And that's when I followed him up the stairs to see what he was trying to tell me," Benton told the station. It turns out John's wife Gloria had suffered a brain aneurysm and fractured her skull after falling down. Had Titan not alerted Benton of Gloria's peril, she may have not survived, the station reported. Now, the pup is being awarded with "Neighbor of the Year" by the Vintage Pointe Neighborhood Association, making him the first canine to ever receive it. Pit bulls don't always get a good rap in the news. In January, parents of a boy who was mauled to death by two pit bulls proposed legislation that would make it a felony to own a pit bull in the state of Texas. The bill ignited furious debate over the breed. Dog trainer Michele Crouse told NBC that it's not the dog's breed, but rather the dog's owner that determines the animal's aggression. "It's all upon the responsibility of the owner and not what dog they have. It doesn't matter if they have a 2-pound Chihuahua or a 200-pound mastiff."
As I understand it, this is merely stage 1 and rushed through in response to public pressure. New laws holding dog owners criminally liable for any damage or attacks are still being drafted,as are other aspects.
Although the federal government doesn't have the power, yet, if the new laws are deemed a success in Victoria, there is every possibility that at one of the many meetings of states ministers that a whole-Australia policy will be reached. I heard the relevant minister on radio just now who said that 'part breeds' and 'off breeds' will all be included. He said that too often people claimed that their dogs were Staffies. Well, all of the Staffies around here are clearly not pit-bulls or mongrels, and this really worries me. On the other hand, they're all registered. Actually, they're particularly pleasant-natured and lovable dogs. ABC 774 in Melbourne has been discussing this this morning, complete with people calling talking about damage that uncontrollable dogs have done to them, including an elderly lady who was 'burled over' by a uncontrollable dog which shattered her hip. The stories are legion but the bottom line really is that a toddler was mauled to death in her own home. This imagery is powerful and will be long-lasting. I'm appalled at the dob-in line: however, it's unlikely that a properly registered and securely kept dog will be a victim. At least I hope so. The ABC presenter, Jon Faine, has repeatedly told the story of Flash, whom he loved dearly, but who twice bit a child and he reluctantly had her put down. He takes a very strong line on this and talk-back predominantly supports him and the impending legislation. Apparently, it is anticipated that within 16 years there will be no pit-bull or pit-bull 'types' in Victoria. All in all it's a sad day for many dog owners. As usual, the irresponsible few have created problems for the many. I add my protests to those who are displeased with equating 6 million murdered Jews with this dog-elimination program. I like my dogs more than I like most people but there is no comparison at all. This emotive type response replacing rational discourse is partly to blame for this regretful state of affairs.
I agree. The personal attacks on Matthew B are self-defeating, i.e. they are merely preaching to the converted. The proper response is to calmly and rationally make a point about the argument at hand. Many of these replies remind me of the mantra of the gun-lobby in the USA - guns don't kill people, people kill people. More appropriate, to me, would be well-organised, consistent lobby groups to clearly and loudly promote responsible dog ownership as an on-going project, which might include effective training, feeding, veterinary care, general welfare and socialisation. It's not enough to bemoan the ignorance of the general public or to berate Matthew B for his not-unreasonable worries and concern. His views are held by the majority - it's up to affected doglovers to pro-actively seek to change those views. Whingeing to each other on a forum such as this will not re-educate Joe Public. No matter what, any person is entitled to be safe in their own, fenced backyard. Whether the elderly lady was seriously harmed in the physical sense is not relevant - the psychological damage could be just too much.
As a matter of interest, which government makes 'massive donations' to the RSPCA? In Victoria, the RSPCA claims that it gets absolutely nothing from government and never has. I'm not disputing what you say, actually, I simply want some facts. Thanks.
All of these arguments are circular and now useless. The die has been cast, at least in Victoria. From the Herald Sun: "Mr Baillieu pledged to toughen the crimes act to impose criminal penalties and possible jail terms to the owners of dangerous dogs, as well arming local councils with resources to track down unregistered animals. A 'dob in a dangerous dog' hotline will also be established to enable to public to alert council if there is a suspect dog in their neighbourhood. Owners could also soon face jail under new laws similar to those faced by culpable drivers. Even in the most horrific cases the owners of dangerous dogs can only be hit with a $4500 fine under current legislation..... The Government is also considering changes reversing the onus of proof for what is classified a dangerous dog back onto the animal’s owners. Under the domestic animals act authorities currently have to prove a dog belongs to a specific breed, meaning the owners of dangerous dogs can use prolonged court battles to delay or prevent any restrictions being imposed on their animals. If the proposed changes come into place, authorities will be able to immediately classify a dog as being dangerous and it would be up to the owner to then have to prove their dog belonged to a different breed if they wanted it over turned in the courts. Currently there are 243 dogs in Victoria on the dangerous dogs register, including 42 in Brimbank Council where last night’s tragedy occurred. Animals on the dangerous dogs register must be microchipped, desexed, muzzled and on a lead in public, and must be kept in a special yard with a sign on the gate. Acting Victoria Police chief commissioner Ken Lay said the girl's death was an "absolute tragedy" and would reignite the debate about dangerous dogs. "I wouldn't want one of them (pit bulls) living next to me, that's for sure," he said. Lost Dogs Home general manager Graeme Smith has called on the State Government to urgently conduct a review of dangerous dog legislation in the wake of the attack. Mr Smith said the current laws in relation to the keeping of pit bull terriers and pit bull terrier crosses were failing to keep the community safe. "Pit bull terriers and pit bull terrier crosses should be declared dangerous and then they would have to be desexed, vaccinated and microchipped and kept in enclosures on their property or inside the house," he said. While purebred pit bulls are a restricted breed, other varieties of the breed are not and they are not subject to any restrictions. "The Government needs to take the opportunity to take a look at it because the legislation is failing. It is a tragic circumstance and I feel extreme sorrow for the family involved," he said. Mr Smith said that only 72 pure-bred pit bulls were registered in Victoria but there were as many as 5000 pit bull terriers and pit bull crosses. "You can't register an American pit bull terrier anymore so what happens is that they arrive and are not registered, they are forced underground or they are registered as a pit bull terrier cross or some other breed," he said. "Pit bulls should be treated like swimming pools, they should be fenced off from the rest of the community. They are deadly."
I have just heard an eye-witness on the ABC. The dog, which was described by police as part pit-bull, part mastiff, escaped, crossed the street and went for a woman in the front yard. She ran into the house and the dog followed, forcing its way in, and attacked the two small children watching television. The surviving child is currently in surgery as the back of her head is severely damaged. The dog was finally dragged off by its owner, who, it is said, is seriously distressed. There is no news as to how the dog escaped. The police are not automatically charging him as, at this time, there's no evidence that he did anything wrong. The ABC also interviewed the Victorian president of the pit-bull association(?) who staunchly defended the breed, but to little avail. The eye-witness said that they're used to being surrounded by lions and other ferocious animals but they've never been subjected to an attack like this anywhere before. This poor, poor family was staying with their cousins, temporarily, as their house had recently burnt down. Whether this house had a front fence isn't the issue - many houses around my neck of the woods don't have front fences. I do, only because I have dogs. Fences or not, toddlers should be safe from marauding dogs in their own home. This is a nightmare scenario - the Herald Sun is now reporting that the little girl clung to her mother's leg as she was mauled to death - Jesus wept!
Yesterday, I visited friends whose adult children persuaded them to buy a Great Dane. Previously, they've owned Maltese Terriers. This 8 months old puppy was a very handsome girl, indeed. However, she was very disconcerted by my being in the house and followed me, butted me, and eventually mouthed me more than once, the last time, rather forcefully. Of course, she was pulled away by my friend and told 'no mouthing', and eventually,she obeyed. My friend said that her pup is nervous and shy and doesn't like strangers. In fact, she wouldn't leave the grounds of the house for the first few months and they had to carry her to the car to drive to the park, rather than walk there. Well, they can't carry her any longer as she's much too large. Luckily, their garden is one acre, so the girl has plenty of room to romp around and a pool for swimming in, which she loves. Whereas I wasn't scared of the dog, I thought that she should have been pulled up more firmly and I can well imagine that anyone without any experience of dogs might have been quite nervous. Is this reasonable puppy behaviour, or should my friend by doing something more? Of course, the size of this girl makes it an issue - she could easily have knocked me over had she really tried. Scruffing her isn't an option.
Shilo Is Seriously Sick. Last Update.
Lally replied to Rascalmyshadow's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
My sympathy, too. I know how painful this will be for you. Such sad news. -
My groomer charges $50 each for my two dogs, though I'm aware that I get 'mates rates' as I've been going to her for twenty years. I think that that's cheap for a hydrobath, clipping; nails trimmed; etc., and she's very kind and efficient,too, and my dogs really like her. I'd pay more if she asked, and I know that she charges other people more than she does me. $50 is an acceptable price and you shouldn't apologise for it. If people complain about your charges tell them that they should chose a short-haired dog in future and/or learn to groom themselves. To me, it's just an additional cost of owning long-haired dogs and part and parcel of our obligation to them.
My Cavaliers have Sentinel Spectrum with no side effects, but it's always given to them whilst they're eating dinner, i.e. there's plenty of lining in the stomach. I find it effective and have never found a flea on them, either. I, too, buy over the internet from Priceless Pets in Queensland. I am not a supporter of annual heart-worm inoculation as I'm convinced that one of my boys developed an immune disease which eventually killed him after his one and only injection. Still, I've learnt that all dogs are individuals and sometimes have unique reactions to any drugs. Similarly, one of my cavaliers in the past had a bad reaction to locally applied flea treatment and years ago, a flea collar caused a nasty skin problem with yet another. I wish that I didn't have to give them anything, but that's just not practical.
Yes, my girl is on frusemide as well as ACEs and Vetmedin. However, she shares mine, which are identical to what she was prescribed and cost very little. I discussed all of these drugs with my vet, a wonderful and helpful woman who, with her veterinarian husband owns a very large practice. She explained to me why they dispensed Fortekor (didn't want to keep lot of different drugs for the same purpose - their mark-up is the same on all drugs) but she was genuinely surprised to learn that Vetmedin is $100 cheaper in the US. I asked her why vets don't do more to challenge the profiteering practices of some drug companies, and I guess that it's a matter of time. She is a large animal specialist and frequently operates on horses and cattle as they have a purpose-built surgery (only ones left in our area) in addition to the small animal practice, combined with being the mother of three young children. Thanks for the information about BOVA. Benazapril forms the basis of most of these ACE inhibitors, but I'll stick with the human drugs from now on. They are so relatively cheap and there's not going to be a problem with supply in future. Over the last 12 months these meds have cost me thousands of dollars - our insurer declines to subsidise any more. However, without doubt, they have made a huge difference to my girl's life - the fact that she's still alive, to her vet's astonishment and my delight, is its own recommendation on the efficacy of these drugs. I'll ask about the pacemaker, too, but Purdy has MVD and an enormously enlarged heart: I think that she's beyond surgical intervention.
My girl has been taking Vetmedin and Fortekor for 12 months now, and whereas I begrudge not one cent, the cost of these meds has been astronomical. I've gone to some trouble to lighten the costs and recently discovered a substitute for Fortekor. After research, I found that another AEC inhibitor, ENALAPRIL MALEATE, was regularly prescribed for dogs in the US and available for humans in Australia. I discussed this with my local pharmacist who discussed it with her vet who endorsed its use in canines. I then asked my excellent vet to write a prescription, which she did. The upshot is that I now have a packet of 10mg x 30 tablets which cost $22.70. As my girl is taking 5mg per day, we have two months' supply. Compare this with approx. $60 per month for Fortekor. Enalapril is available in packs of 5mg; 10mg and 20mg. I also discovered that Vetmedin (pimobendan) is nearing the end of its patent exclusivity and that from next year onwards we can reasonably expect generics on the market, which is good news. I was seriously annoyed to learn that Vetmedin is $100 cheaper in the US and Canada and given our currency's exchange rate the cost to Australian consumers should be decreasing, not forever marching upwards. As I've often read and heard of dog owners struggling to afford essential medications for their beloved dogs, I thought that this might be of some help.
Thank you Erny. I'll be in touch.