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  1. My sisters Belgian Shepherd has gotten in to the habit of chasing and nipping when you run around the back yard with her. They are bred to be herding dogs so that is probably why she does it but she does tend to get quite rough. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to break this habit???
  2. Thanks now you say that it just seems so obvious . Any ideas on the high pitched squeel?
  3. My 9 Month Old female Amstaff is posessed Everytime we take our dogs to the river she will not come out of the water. She swims up and down up and down. I have tried enciting her to come out with treats but that dosn't work. I end up having to get in the water myself and grabbing her collar if i don't she ends up cramping up and near drowning herself. If i put the lead on her and not let her swim she makes this horrible (not to mention very embarrassing) high pitched squeel!! Please Help
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