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Everything posted by Tessa
Great news. Just had to check on Middie & Keg before I went to bed. Hope you have a great weekend with him.
Sounds strange but great news about the barium. Hope you get to pick up your baby this afternoon.
Just checking before bed to see if there was any more news on little Middie. Hope you all have a better night tonight & that there will be some good news in the morning. Take care.
Hope your baby is better soon. Have you tried Ponstan for the period pain? I find it brilliant & much better than the naprogesic. Hope all of you feel better soon.
Glad to hear your rattie is okay. I can add my own good story about Rescue Remedy. Yesterday we picked up our first ever rescue animals, two very scared Cornish Rex cats. We are using the Rescue Remedy with them & it really does help. It is keeping them a little calmer whilst they get used to us. Glad to hear it all worked out okay.
Tiana, How is your rat this morning? You obviously got a heck of a fright with him. I'm glad you posted because I am going to be using Rescue Remedy for the first time today & overdosing was one of my concerns. Hope both you & your little ratty are okay. Take care, Liz.
Hi Mischief Maker, I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful dogs. As for the hamper, I don't know where you can buy one but what about making one up yourself. You could do a scrapbook album full of your favourite photos & memories of your dogs. Maybe make up a basket or a hamper with those things of theirs that you would like to keep. This way it would be exactly what you want, rather than a bought one. Hope this is of some help, Liz.
We have small children & what we have told them is that those who have gone have become stars in the sky. That way, each time they see a bright star they know that whilst they may have gone, they are still close by. My four year old son still talks to our very much loved devon rex cat Mogwai who is now a bright star in the sky. I also strongly believe that though their body may be gone, their spirit lives on forever in the memories of those that loved them. Liz.
Thank you so much Rappie for making me choke on my cuppa. Oh yuck but oh how true. I copped a whiff of Tessa the other day when she had been closely inspecting her rear end... No cuddles for her that time!
RIP Wazza. Thinking of you Jeff, Liz.
Oh Jenti, My thoughts are with you, Liz.