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Everything posted by Kreed

  1. hey, Thanks everyone, for the good discussion, and the signatures. I agree, petitions alone aren't enough. But every little bit of positive protest/standing up to be counted helps, and adds to other more practical measures. I think it's important to stick at things, no matter how discouraging-- it's the only way to progress... With everyone's help, I've gotten my 1,000 signatures now (woot!) and will be sending this on early next week to the targets. I'm also going to follow up w/ phone calls, email, etc. to make sure it's arrived safely and being addressed. Keep the signatures coming... :-) Thanks, Kirsten
  2. hey Longclaw, You raise a fair question. By breed specific legislation I mean BSL governing all breeds. BSL has come to be synonymous with the banning of breeds, and blanket laws that only serve to scare the public (but still don't manage to educate owners or the gen'l public regarding responsible dog management), so that's my main focus, and it is a broad one. I am mainly referring to the breed bans in place, and the negative stereotypes perpetrated re: certain breeds, as stated in the petition. Thanks for signing, btw. Are you referring to the laws re: muzzling Greyhounds in some areas? I know it's generally not advised to take them to dog parks because of their propensity for a high prey drive. But they are great dogs otherwise. Many 'bully breed' enthusiasts also advise against dog parks for their breeds. I guess this comes down to owners knowing our dogs, managing risks, erring on the side of caution, and using common sense. Hope this answers your question. k
  3. Signed. Thanks for the link. Some very scary wording in there indeed. k
  4. Thanks (all), and what an adorable puppin! :-D I've had another surge of signatures from our bully breed supporters in the US, which is awesome... nearing the target. Hoping to get some more signatures from here...
  5. Good article. Thanks for posting. BSL is a mess, IMO. I have met dozens of extremely well behaved, sweet-natured 'pit bulls' in my day. Witch hunts are always fuelled by ignorance and prejudice, no acceptions. Please sign the petition here: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/end-BSL-in-Australia if you agree (and disagree with Dr. Hugh Wirth's inflamatory comments!). Many thanks, Kirsten
  6. Thanks, I appreciate the signatures, comments, and help spreading the petition around. It's slowed down a little, and I'm trying to grab some time to do another wave of publicity for it. Fingers crossed we reach the target # of signatures. It's going well thus far. Happy holidays, Kirsten
  7. Thanks for all the support. I'm still pimping the petition around and I have gotten some good responses from dog lovers/experts around the world thus far. It means a lot more to have the Aussie signatures on there, though. There have been some great comments from you peeps. Keep it up This petition is going to be officially delivered to the targets (RSPCA Australia and heads of each state/territory), once a.) I have enough signatures or b.) it expires in ~5 months. This is a good way to get your thoughts to them if this is an issue you believe in, and stand up and be counted. Thanks, Kirsten
  8. RSPCA Australia released this statement in the wake of Dr Wirth's comments: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/society-and-...91021-h75n.html They are not standing by him, either. A petition, by definition, is addressed to the powers that be. In this case, I am encouraging the RSPCA Australia to be a part of a postitive change. I stand by my petition, and don't have the energy to keep bickering with my one nay-sayer, so I'll leave it that at that, and again, thanks to all who've signed. Keep it up! k
  9. Thank you! ... and thanks to everyone who's signed so far.
  10. Dude, thanks for your feedback, but just click on the link-- it's all there.
  11. hey, Thanks guys. The petition has a clear target (listed at the top of the petition), and also a target letter (if you click on the link under the photo on the petition site, you can read the letter that will be sent along with the petition to its target): Target:RSPCA Australia, State Premiers and Chief Minister in all Australian States I'm a former non-profit campaigner (Greenpeace, WSPA), and now author by trade. I've taken pains over the wording. In my experience, public protest is an effective means of inciting change. Not all online petitions are created equal-- the site I chose has a proven record and a pretty good system. I can't door-knock the whole of Australia, so this was the next best bet. I took some time out in the petition to explain the issue, due to the amount of confusion regarding 'pit bulls', BSL, etc., in Australia. But the main aim is stated: "Please join me in urging Australian law makers and animal welfare agencies to educate the public and end the cruelty of B.S.L." There are 300+ signatures on there now, and some great comments. It's good leverage for any pressure we want to put on the perpetrators of BSL. I hope everyone who cares about this will weigh in and add their support. All best, Kirsten
  12. Hi, I've posted this on a new thread, but I thought I would mention it here, too. I've started a petition, calling for RSPCA Australia and state and territory lawmakers to end BSL and replace it with dog legislation that focuses on owner accountability, not breed. You can view the petition below, and if you agree, please sign and pass it on: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/end-BSL-in-Australia Thanks! Kirsten
  13. As many of you are probably aware, last week the head of RSPCA Victoria publicly denounced pit bulls as 'time bombs', calling for them to be bred out of existence: http://www.theage.com.au/national/deathjab...91019-h38w.html In response I have created a petition, and am looking for comments and signatures from dog lovers and breed advocates: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/end-BSL-in-Australia
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