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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. awww... hes gorgeous... I love the name too.. Really suits him!
  2. Luvsdogs- Do you mean protexin? It has the same active ingredient as yukult and yukult is a much cheaper option.. The Manuka honey is a great idea too.. I had never thought of it, and although never used it myself, i have heard great things about it. Glad to hear Minnie is feeling a bit better
  3. Hi, Im so sorry to hear about your puppy's upset tummy.. The chicken bone may be the cause of the upset, but if the diarrhea comes back try giving her some Yukult either by itself or with some lactose free milk.. this will not harm her at all and will help her stomach upset to heal itself.. And also with the chicken necks you need to be careful as your puppy may choke on them.. were the wings you gave her raw? i always give my girl raw wings and drumsticks and i must say i have never had a problem.. i hope that minnie is feeling better soon!
  4. Aww.. They are gorgeous.. I just love the expression all westies seem to have.. it just makes you smile.. And Spencer is gorgeous too
  5. My girl had one in her back paw between her toes that i removed and is looking ok now.. if the grass is kept mowed and doesnt get to go to seed then there will be no seeds.. unfortunately before i got my girl the lawn went to seed here and the guy who mows our lawn didnt have a catcher on and so the clipping and seeds were everywhere.. thankfully the second time he used a catcher and picked up some of the clipping from last time so got rid of a heap of seeds but she still managed to get one in her foot.. You would know the seeds when you see them.. they are kind of V shaped.. and the V shape makes moving into the fur easier.. There are a few types of grass that have V shaped seeds.. some big and some small.. but not all grasses do.. Another thing to look out for are Burrs..
  6. OMG.. the finished product is amazing.. looks exactly like the photo.. you are very talented!!
  7. What great advice, i will have to try the poop in the hole thing on my girl.. shes just started to dig little holes in a few places.. I had never thought to use poop.. The whole "mine" is interesting too.. Lexi knows what is mine.. i know it wont last forever as she will get more and more curious as to whats hers and whats mine and try to test the boundaries a bit with what is "hers".. I think i might try to teach her that as well as we do have quite a few things that can be destroyed but cant be put out of reach, such as the bbq cover on the bbq, which she has not yet even thought of destroying and touch wood she doesnt even think about it.. By the way your boy is gorgeous.. I can see how you couldnt be angry with him..
  8. Hi there, I have to say congratulations on yoru new arrival.. My westie girl has been home for 2 weeks now and settling in very well.. It is very hard for the first few weeks, especially when you cant be there all the time to stop accidents.. But they are just that.. accidents! I may be wrong in saying this, but i think the grass in the pen is to be praised when used. Afterall grass is grass, and the training is to stop the puppy from weeing or pooing anywhere but a grassy area.. As the puppy gets older the routine for going outside is set and the puppy will let you know when it wants to go out and will only go on the grass as its learnt to do that in the pen also. And as far as sleep goes.. take the puppy out when it whines, then when you bring it back in, ignore its whines.. this helps the puppy to calm itself down and teaches it that whining is only to be used for a purpose. I know it seems harsh but in the long run is better for you and the dog. I hope this helps.. And she is Gorgeous by the way!!
  9. wow.. you are very talented.. may i ask what program you are using to do it? Its stunning..
  10. Hi all.. thought i would put some photos of my westie girl up for everyone to see.. She is 9 weeks old at the moment and i absolutely adore her. Anyway here is Alexis!
  11. Hi Thanks guys.. i think i will go with the Wahl KM2.. They seem to come with a great recommendation.. My westie girl is very young at the moment but want to get her used to the noise of it so she doesnt freak when she is a little older and it comes time to clipping her.. Thanks again
  12. Hi All, I am looking at buying a pair of clippers for my Westie girl but cant decide what brand to go.. i was looking at the Andis AGC2 or the Wahl KM-SS or the Wahl KM2?? And also i was going to go a #10 blade but not really sure? What do other westie owners use to clip their westies?
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