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Everything posted by ozstaff

  1. hi Staranais Thanks for that info tat makes a lot more sense. So in reality the prey diet is roughly 30%rmb, 10%organ and 60%raw meat(no bones?) the barf diet is more like 60-75%rmb and the remainder 25-40% is raw meats(no bones) supplements, organs and veggies. Have i got it pretty close now lol. The main difference from what i can see between the two is, no veg and few supps for prey and a much higher pure meat content compared to barf which has the much higher RMB content. I think for a pup im gunna have a try at feeding more of a barf approach mainly because from what ive read a pup can get the right ratio of calcium:phosphate out of the rmb so i will go with around 60%rmb until she is older then possibly switch to the prey diet. Does that sound ok to you guys? Sorry for being so paranoid ive been losing sleep with this diet stuff lol didnt realise feeding a dog was so scientific, hopefully it will pay off. thanks to all
  2. hi So to open another can of worms, ive been researching and hve now come across the prey model diet? From my understanding this is a diet with out veggies and roughly 80%meat 10%bones 10%organs? I have a feeling this is closer to the diet my breeder was talking about because he did mention a lot about dogs in the wild and how they eat. Does this mean people who use this diet feed 80% pure meat ie red meat/chicken breast etc. What are the pros and cons of each? Is the prey diet only for adult dogs and not pups thanks
  3. hi Ive done a bit of reading and now i can see what you guys r saying. Im now very confused about why i was told 70% red meat? Basically from what i read 60-75% of diet is raw meaty bones which they are saying is usually chicken wings and necks and carcasses. the rest of the diest is either meat(does this mean the beef off cuts ive been feeding?)fish, eggs and veggies. So ive been feeding 70% or raw red meat with no bones this is a disaster right? I would like to know is there any redmeat that has bones in it that a pup can eat with a 50/50 bone meat ratio. Or do i just go with 60% chicken wings, neck and carcass and lamp flap(never heard of these) and the other 30% can be red beef off cuts, fish, eggs, veggies etc? Im just confused as to why the breeder told me 70% red meat. Like i said his dogs are very well known and so is he so it makes things more confusing lol. Am i on the right track with replacing the red beef off cuts with chicken wings etc is this a start thanks ps i realise iam thick as two short planks please bear with me
  4. hi Thanks for all the replies very helpful. The 70%red meat value and the 30% chicken, fish, bones eggs etc was given to me by the breeder? What do you guys reccomend as the right amount of % of red meat? I dont really have intentions of ever using any kibble as the breeder never feeds this to his dogs and said that i shouldnt either so I was hoping to just feed her raw stuff is this ok? I plan on doing some reading when i get a chance time is always an issue however pardon my igonorance but when Staranais said i should be aiming for 30%rmb what does that mean? im very new to this. And what are the long term health issues of incorrectly feeding raw diet. Would you say my dog has long term damage from giving her 70%red meat already? If not why would the breeder suggest that and his dogs are very well known. thanks for all the help and thanks in advance for any response
  5. hi Ok so she is around 5.6-6kg atm so thats around 560-600grams a day. I will have to get scales i reckon she would be eating more than that atm. I didnt realise that if not done properly it could be worse than cheap dry stuff. Im feeding her roughly 70% red meat beef offcuts. The other 30% is made up of chicken wings, fish, eggs, and these beef bone things. Im gunna try get some veggies in there soon too does that sound ok. once a week she gets liver as well
  6. hi I have a 10 week old staff. I really have no idea how much to feed her. She is on a raw food diet, i basically just feed her until she doest want anymore then put the rest away and give it to her for her next meal and so on. She gets 3 feeds a day of this routine. Is it ok to let a pup eat until it doesnt want anymore or should i be restricting it. The other problem is she is very variable with how much she eats sometimes she eats heaps and other times very lil so i dont want to give her a small amount when she is hungry or a large amount when she not so hungry. She doesnt really look fat but i have no experince with pups so i dunno. I heard that if they get overfed as pups it can ruin their joints later in life is this true? thanks
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