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Everything posted by mikej

  1. I read through all the posts. I used to work with sheep dogs mainly Border Collies and Kelpies generally a mix of both. We didn't know most of what has been talked about here dogs in drive, Kohler, etc. etc.(I know some of it now) To get a dog to walk to heel we used a leash and a stick not to hit the dog but as a blocker and you would just say "behind" they learnt didn't use treats didn't know about treats. You could have five dogs all off leash all walking to heel or there abouts. There are others out there that could relate to much of what I have said find em go and talk to them they know lots of stuff about dogs. Mike
  2. Whats the difference between luring and guiding is guiding compulsion. Say teaching a dog recall on a lead if you use the lead to guide him to you is that compulsion I think it is. Thanks Mike
  3. Any one recommend sort of a bible on problem dogs I know its a big ask . The sort of stuff you encounter most of the time dogs jumping up, pulling, racing to the door, recall, mild aggression etc. Any way have a go. Thanks Mike
  4. Has anyone tried the Kohler Methord of dog Training. Thanks Mike
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