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  1. I am not anti trainers, there is so much advice and methods that do not produce consistent results. Frustrated owners are not always the fault of a trainer, the owner(s) needs to be willing to work with the trainer and follow the advice, why would they bother to contact them if they have no intention of following it. Not much works without maintenance of some sort. It is bad advice when an owner who has sought the advice of an expert, follows it to a T, it doesn't work. They contact the trainer and are told they did something wrong, or it must be the dog, they take it somewhere else and another trainer fixes the problem. Yes there are variables but there should be most constants. I just don't think it needs to be this complicated, I've read that dogs are similar in mind set say, to that of a 3 or 4 year old child, yet they can be taught right from wrong pretty easily. I am interested in this as I am studying and questioning why, you learn through asking questions. Treats have there place, absolutely -, perhaps I will keep my opinions to myself, I was not looking for an argument...
  2. Erny, I sure did, and I enjoyed it too. It provided me with a lot of information and has also resulted in further study in an effort to get more definitive answers and delve deeper into what REALLY works. Why are there so many variations or interpretation of the same limited research which I believe has been over complicated!
  3. Ok, bad day yesterday, venting big time, didn't mean to offend. Firstly I am talking about companion animal trainers and behaviourists, not comp, agility, etc. Too many trainers, behaviourists and/or training organisations that I have heard about lately are all; positive training only, using treats and say if the dog isn't interested put it away and try again later. Later doesn't cut it when someone needs to know that a dog will comply with a command (for safety as an example). Still using treats in middle level classes for basic obedience?? (not that I agree with treats at all for basic obedience) Giving an aggressive dog food to 'divert' its attention and expecting the owner to cart food around to prevent an incident. Then blaming the owner, who has sought and paid for the advice of a supposed expert, when it goes wrong. Saying if you give a dog a bone, it is the dogs bone then and you should never try to get it back. A dog is disrupting the class so they are ostracised or kicked out. Trainers charging $300 for an in home consult and producing a check chain and saying this is the answer. There are consequences for all behaviours, you don't say ignore them and hope they go away, they are still there, unchecked waiting to appear again if and when the circumstance present. Those who think behaviour and training are not linked? I would like to see results, trainers who practice what they preach and have their own trained dogs, hell, there are trainers who don't even own a dog, hello.... am I missing something??? If you are giving bad advice and taking money, then you are in it for the money - what other reason could there be??? As for volunteers they are obviously not in it for the money and have the best intention. What method are they following; does it work on 95% of dogs? How can the likes of Pavlov, Thorndike and Skinner's research be interpreted in so many different ways, is it all still valid now? Where is the evidence that the latest methods work? (not saying that the old way of adversive only was correct either). Yes there are great trainers around who make a living out of it and love dogs but why are there so many frustrated owners?? Why are there so many dogs with 'behaviour problems'?? No wonder the industry is heading downwards, in my opinion. Just saying……..
  4. Sorry, my question was not specific enough, I am referrring to companions animals only. Companions animals to be trained in basic obedience, sit, drop, recall and manners around the house and/or getting rid of problem behaviours. How does a person find a good dog trainer or behaviourist? Should they seek qualifications, should the trainer's dog be fully trained and available for potential clients to see, should they have a certain amount of experience, should they seek a guarantee, should they board their dog, should they look for certain types of training methods ,etc Thanks huski, good link
  5. Where is it heading? Most trainers are regurgitating the same unsuccessful methods, tweaking them a little to try to differentiate in the market place but getting the same results or should I say, lack of results. The general public who actually take the time to want to train their dogs are getting disillusioned by incompetent trainers, training methods that don't work and idiots at clubs who are only interested in the mighty $. This is not good for the industry or, more importantly, the dogs. What would I like to see? RESULTS based training, simple, no nonsense, easy to understand, easy to teach and easy to maintain. It is not rocket science...
  6. Hi, What tips would you give someone who is looking for a great dog trainer? What sort of questions should an owner ask of a dog training organisation?
  7. Hi, I am looking at completing a Cert III (NDTF) or Certified Instructor Course (Dog Trainers Australia) in Dog Behaviour and Training and would really appreciate some feedback from anyone who has completed or knows of the courses? Which one is preferred and why?? many thanks
  8. I've tried explaining several times that I've already done the RUV units at TAFE, so there would be no point in me doing the course if the VBN units aren't nationally recognised as well.. they werent able to confirm that for me.. I'm frustrated because I want to get the Pay Upfront discount (one month in advance) which means I have to pay next week.. and still dont know/havent decided if I should do the course (because I havent been given answers..). Hi have you started the course, how are you finding it? I am planning on starting early next year and would really appreciate some feedback. Many thanks
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