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Everything posted by chuckandsteve
If I go to a hairdresser to have my hair coloured I expect to pay for the hair dye AND the service that comes with it, not just the hair dye. How is buing a puppy different? Because people know what happens at the hairdresser as it's a regular common purchase. Puppies in a lot of cases are once/twice in a lifetime. All the poster is recommending is that breeders put out all the info so buyers know what goes into breeding a pup. Why is that so wrong? I mentioned it earlier and a few have since, and it's not directed at anyone specific here, but there are breeders who need to get over this, I am the breeder, do not question me, attitude. There is no benefit to anyone by not putting out all the info, other than making themselves feel extra important because they know something we don't. I've got no issues with the prices, and was happy to pay what i did for my pup from a breeder. But some of the experience while searching did sour my opinion. Thats my point exactly. I know nothing about buying a pup, I was raised with rescue dogs and have continued with rescue dogs. Everything I have read about breeders is they do it for the benefit of the breed and make absolutely no money, not that i assume they deserve no money but that is what some have led me to believe. I pay for a behaviourist for my rescues if I was going to get a pup the first thing I would be willing to pay for is the pup being well socialised. So I am saying plug it you pay me more for my time because I put the effort in to give you a well socialised pup rather than one raised in a cage
So are you saying a breeders time is not worth anything? What else can you buy where you don't have to pay for labour? I personally don't really care what the price is. I am more concerned about the quality of the litter in terms of health/temperament and the intention of the breeder in breeding that litter. I don't support breeders who churn out litter after litter simply for money. As a breeder I have bred the odd litter where I may have made a modest profit over direct costs but that simply goes towards the next litter that is a disaster with huge vets bills or the new import I need that can improve the breed Im not saying that, but to me getting paid for time is making a profit. I think most people define profit as less expenses whats left is the profit for your time. As i said no problem with a breeder making a profit but if u define it differently to everyone else they will think you are overpriced because you are talking in totally different terms. If breeders factored in x amount a week for their time and told people that i think more people could see why pups are expensive and would be fine with it. People realise money makes the workd go around, but if you sell a pup for 2000 and say its for food and vaccs and vet visit, it doesnt add up. If you say its for time spent raising the pup so you have a nice even tempered pet i think people are more likely to pay IMO
I'm a rescue person so know very little about breeding. Previous threads had lead me to believe that all the cost of buying the pup went to the actual cost of raising the pup (vet checks food etc) no spare cash for breeder. More expensive puppys were breeds of low litter numbers and harder to birth naturally. This thread seems to imply it goes to that as well as the breeders time, pain and suffering. Which I have no problem with. But if someone is buying from you thinking that they are just paying your costs and not your wage when they are in fact paying your wage of course they are going to think the pup is over priced because it is. So if breeders are earning a wage which I think 99% would have no problem with why not just say that? Is it simply to make people think if they breed they will make no money? People pay more for a good photographer/mechanic/florist etc than a bad one so I would think the same would hold true for breeders. But you always get those that want basement prices. Not trying to have a go at anyone just an honest question
Exercising Reactive Dogs Thread
chuckandsteve replied to megan_'s topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I am still dreaming of moving out to a few acres, where my boy can have his walks on our property and not have to meet other dogs. He could also run loose which he loves. My hubby is still hoping the 10 acre home with no other pets comes up for him. Though I think even if it did it would break my heart to send him away now -
Exercising Reactive Dogs Thread
chuckandsteve replied to megan_'s topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I should say the school has been great, they had a complaint against him, but said he hadn't done anything wrong and we maintained safe distance etc so they wouldn't act. And all this rushing has really only happened since they lost an oval this past week and have to have everyone in closer quarters plus it was one groups first week off lead. My trainer has been really good, not all are but I have been lead to believe that is the case at most obedience clubs. I have also asked not to move up which they have been fine with, im in an onlead class but past beginners so most of the other dogs are pretty good. Unfortunately this is a failed foster, there was no plan to have a third high needs dog. With him needing to be boarded while we go away, occasional private lessons and building him 2 runs, we can't afford classes at 15-20 a week. OH might up and leave eta: he goes to boarding with his trainer this week, so if she recommends not going anymore we may just do that and concentrate on walk training passing dogs on the other side of the road -
I have seen this shared on several none dog friends pages. Even if there is no one agrees on colour at least it might make people think about approaching strange dogs.
Exercising Reactive Dogs Thread
chuckandsteve replied to megan_'s topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Yeah, they have been quite good. We are in the lowest class at that time and we use to be around behind a building from these 2 classes but cricket needs the oval so they moved us. My instructor looked quite concerned, but was too far to do anything. But they do all seem quite relaxed about the chance of a fight. I just wonder if they have never seen a full blown fight, they seem quite relaxed about it. -
Exercising Reactive Dogs Thread
chuckandsteve replied to megan_'s topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
So we had an interesting training session yesterday. My dog is reactive to dogs on lead, fine off lead at his trainers but I never let him off lead. My dog has regressed at training, he use to be able to sit in the middle of the group, occassional lunge/break but at class 2 other dogs did this too, first month in they considered passing him. I said dont bother as class 3 is off lead which he can't do, they said he'd be fine(no he wouldn't). Anyway since that month he has got all barky and carries on, more that he wants to play than attack so he is about 15m out from the group. Anyway they moved our class this week to inbetween 2 off lead groups, class 3 was their first week off lead and dogs kept breaking and running to our group, and another class where they seem to let the dogs have a free for all and then try and call back in. Hubby comes with me and usually has to maybe turn one dog around a week, this week was about 15 that rushed my dog. One got within 2 metres and hubby grabbed its collar and walked it halfway back to the owner before he let go. If he had missed the collar it would have been bad because at this stage there was an entire class of loose dogs so i had lost all control of mine. The instructor also told my husband he shouldnt have grabbed the dog, the owner didn't seem fussed. We also saw this dog have a go at another dog later when on lead, nothing bad but wouldnt go down SO basically I am wondering if we are now doing more harm than good taking him? he particually doesn't like being rushed by off lead dogs I should also add my dog wears a yellow bandana to warn people he isnt to be approached and was giving very bad signals at the time my husband grabbed the other dog. -
Dogs Not Restrained In Moving Vehicles
chuckandsteve replied to Mystiqview's topic in General Dog Discussion
Im so sorry must be so stressful for you Healing thoughts for faith -
Best Ways To Really Wear A Dog Out
chuckandsteve replied to chuckandsteve's topic in General Dog Discussion
Thanks I have read that thread. I guess i was more looking for games, I'm not big on training to start with and we do so much of it and his attention span is short. -
Just looking for things people do to really wear out their dogs that would hopefully not increase fitness therefore needing more of a workout in a future. My dog is reactive and the more tired he is the less reactive he is All ideas are welcome
I have owned more yellow collars and leads then red. Yes there is always the exception to the rule. But majority more people would have red than yellow. My Dad actually tried to buy a yellow collar for his dog and couldnt get one
I like the yellow, I think you will find a lot of dog clubs use yellow. Red is a bad idea for the sheer number of dogs that wear red, few people pick yellow making it a better choice. I have started my reactive dog wearing his yellow bandana for training all the time when he is out just in case people recognise it
Sorry accident post No idea how to pick out a pit bull
and just what should a breeder do with any that aren't born with perfect conformation?? No such thing as perfect. A dog that does not have sound conformation should not be sold as a pet at all. It is a 'faulty product' that should not be on the market. It depends on the fault as to the best course of action for the breeder, some things are 'wait and see'. Then when the pup matures they can be reassessed. Some serious faults mean that sadly the dog must be put to sleep. Wow i would really hope a timid pup would not be PTS I have a foster who is reactive, i decided the case wasnt bad enough to warrant PTS but i havent been confortable to rehome him. He has probably cost us $3000 in training, enclosures (cant be trusted alone with my pup) etc but thats what i took on when i decided to foster. I would hope breeders would see their responsibility to pups they cant rehome, and if they cant keep a pup with issues stop breeding. I am not against breeders but i believe if you breed you rescue your own should they need it Rescuing your own is less likely to be necessary if you don't place timid pups as pets in the first place. Just like you are doing with your foster dog, this breeder could hold on to and work with the timid puppy in the hope it will improve to the extent it can make somebody a good pet and have a happy life. At the same time the breeder could keep an eye on the pup's mouth, and if it doesn't start to improve they might be able to have some corrective surgery done to solve the problem. If the problems are fixed or resolve themselves over time, then the dog can be sold. It just isn't fair on a new dog owner (let alone one that has paid $2K) to fall in love with a new pet puppy where there is an obvious risk that it may be prone to severe health or behaviour problems in future. This risk needs to be borne by the breeder, and can be minimised with good breeding practices. Agree with this, they should be dealing with the issues the pup presents, not on selling or PTS when the issues do not yet warrant it
and just what should a breeder do with any that aren't born with perfect conformation?? No such thing as perfect. A dog that does not have sound conformation should not be sold as a pet at all. It is a 'faulty product' that should not be on the market. It depends on the fault as to the best course of action for the breeder, some things are 'wait and see'. Then when the pup matures they can be reassessed. Some serious faults mean that sadly the dog must be put to sleep. Wow i would really hope a timid pup would not be PTS I have a foster who is reactive, i decided the case wasnt bad enough to warrant PTS but i havent been confortable to rehome him. He has probably cost us $3000 in training, enclosures (cant be trusted alone with my pup) etc but thats what i took on when i decided to foster. I would hope breeders would see their responsibility to pups they cant rehome, and if they cant keep a pup with issues stop breeding. I am not against breeders but i believe if you breed you rescue your own should they need it
My friend got a cat discounted because the mum had biten part of its tail off, i guess the breeder was having trouble selling it and my friend was a good home so I didnt really have a problem with it. She was getting one for 800 and they offered her this second one for 200 so massive discount OT so breeders if you have a dog with a fault and no one wants to buy it what do you do? Just wondering, we always have had rescues so i just assumed pure breed with faults would cost less no real knowledge about it
Go you. Off lead dogs are the bane of my existance Id leave a note but no number, have returned a few dogs to their yards recently and the owners have not been greatful, you just never know
Last time there were lots of pure breed stalls... Dogs, cats, rabbits and rescues. No puppy mill type places.
I know she wasn'r saying my dog needed PTS, I just wouldn't think if a dogs only issue is not being able to cope with aggressive dogs running at it while he/she is restrained to even be considered a PTS case.
Thanks for all the opinions. As I have said he sees a trainer. Though Nekhbet, I am suprised you would recommend a one way trip to the vet for a dog like him. I agree with her it is unreasonable to expect a person to not defend themselves and I think it is the same for dogs. The worst one we had was with the pug and he was between my legs trying to hide before he bit the pug, he didnt leave a mark on the dog but if it came to court I'm sure I'd lose
The Instigator! Do You Have One?
chuckandsteve replied to mixeduppup's topic in General Dog Discussion
Just before i had my 2 staffys either side of me, my fluffy looked over went to the window and barked, Staffys rush over going nuts and fluffy runs to sit on my knee. Smart ass -
Thanks he does have a trainer, but they have said it will always be difficult to have him behave when another dog is being aggressive, which a lot of little dogs are
Yeah i have thought about it but they have all but 1 happened once. And when we walk our 2 friendly dogs we have never been rushed... Go figure
Dog Bitten While In Boarding Kennel
chuckandsteve replied to Bisart Dobes's topic in General Dog Discussion
I tell you what this thread and the one about poor buddy, just makes me never want to leave my dogs with anyone. There is just no way to know what the groomer/kennel is doing with your dog.