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Mrs Rusty Bucket

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Everything posted by Mrs Rusty Bucket

  1. You're scolding her when she does something you don't like, and she's peeing to appease you and show submission and fear not dominance. That's my take on it. I had to learn a whole new way of training when I got my puppy. I was a bit slow on the uptake but I did figure out pretty quickly that I could not scold at all or use any of the old school methods like a tap on the nose and a sharp "no". And trying to correct her with a rolled up newspaper ended up rewarding the thing I was trying to discourage with a fun game of shred the newspaper stick. Cos she caught it and ran off with it. So biting - don't scold for this either. Just be no fun at all. Freeze up. Hold very still. Or if you still have biting... try pushing very gently towards the back of the dog's throat until she spits you out. Lots of praise. Repeat the freeze as soon as she latches on again. I used to try squealing the same as a puppy does if you step on its tail but that didn't work on my dog as much as the no fun boring person did. Helps if you have something called the "collar grab game" and a "geddit and give game" which allows you to grab her collar - and pair that with something good so she doesn't wet herself with anxiety and fear, and teach her to spit things out in exchange for something better or more appropriate like a kong with food frozen in it or some other chew toy. I used a lot of rope toys. I also used rigger gloves as tug toys but they don't last very long these days. Play with your puppy, while she's good. Freeze up when she does something you don't want. She will figure it out. Try to quit scolding - cos it's not working with this dog. You can still put her out if she gets too much - just do it quietly without any scolding. Much better that than being angry with her.
  2. Little Gifts I like what you've written and may have to copy that and paste it on another forum I belong to any time someone comes on there and asks for help finding a puppy mill special. If that's ok with you. I feel this belongs in here tho it isn't a testimonial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ChMYMHvpJ0c
  3. Stuff the pet insurance - what is this "high yield savings account" you speak of. I think my best savings account interest is down to 3% at the moment. BTW I'm with Pet Insurance Australia - cos it's cheaper than medibank even with a 25% discount and medibank won't match even tho I've been a long time human health insurance with them.
  4. that's the point Ness. I went up Eastern Parade and didn't see it at all only big sheds and factory looking things. But I didn't do the end where the football/cricket oval is (which is not where their map says). Is it towards Grand Junction or away from May Terrace? Is it that football oval? Cos if it is - then the web page and facebook page need updating.
  5. the top one - the ferny things - I know as boston fern the big leaf at the back looks like an arum lily. mine are flowering at the moment and they're very toxic if dog eats them. But my dog doesn't. The next one is also a flowering tuber with usually red flowers, tendency to weediness, related to iris. Might be Crocosmia aurea the one with the little leafs - some of the stuff at the bottom looks like star jasmine. I know a human who is very allergic to that. Not sure about dogs. There's another arrum lily in that, and something else over the top (the sacred bamboo?). the one with the purple flowers is an ordinary english violet - we can eat the flowers. Not sure about dogs with that but I'd rate as harmless. Dont know what the last one is (sacred bamboo?) - I guess the flowering plant behind is the camelias.
  6. *Your Name/ State Mrs Bucket (actually that was her name when I met her cos of the cone of shame she was wearing) *Dogs Name/Age/Breed Frosty aka Evil hound, 7 ish now, 10 weeks old when I got her, Cattle dog something mix bitsa *Your adoption story addressing the following points. * Puppies or Purebreds aren't available from rescue groups * Puppies are easier to train than adult dogs (which isn't always the case!) * All rescue dogs have 'baggage'(again, not always true) * I'm (the adopter) not experienced enough to rescue a dog She was a 10 week old puppy. I went out to see a 6 month old red heeler x - when I got to the AWL - turns out the Red Heeler was gone already and unlike the website ad - it was a boy dog. I didn't want a boy dog. But they had this litter of blue heeler x - blue is my fave colour but I was prepared to take what I could get... the puppies were only 10 weeks old. Most of the litter had already been adopted - two left. One was very pretty but not friendly, the other was ugly cone head dog and extremely friendly but didn't do retrieve or tug or nothing. But did like people. And according to the staff - very loud at dinner time. She's still really friendly and loud at dinner time. The dog club I joined said that puppies could not be trained at all because they have no attention span and I was dumb enough to believe them - so she didn't get any effective training until she was about 14 months old and I learned a better way to train. If she has baggage at 10 weeks old - I'm thinking it's all my fault. There's some breed instinct eg strong desire to chase cars and cats but I've managed to train her not to chase cars, bikes, joggers and cats that don't move. I thought I was experienced enough in dog training until I got her. I'd lived with two other cattle dogs and trained them before her - but this one - utter fail. Had to learn not to use any aversives - cos she'd shut down and avoid me. Have learned heaps from her and have had to up my skill level. Still have heaps to learn. She has a jumping dog title and can do some really fancy heelwork now. :) She's trained me to give her belly rubs when ever she wants. And to take her for two long walks a day.
  7. Ok I went out in the hopes of finding you guys and because I started at the Beach end of Grand Junction road - I ended up going up May Terrace, and based on where the dot is on the map that your facebook page and website have.. ended up turning right from May terrace up Eastern Pde. And never saw anything that looked like dog training. I'm pretty sure there is a football oval if I'd turned right but I didn't figure out how to turn around and check that out because of the canal so ended up watching a game of Hockey at Port Adelaide Hockey Club (Hart St) instead. I think I will need to exchange mobile numbers - otherwise as best I can tell from your FB page etc - secret location.
  8. I reckon if you dipped the peanut pod in some olive oil - it wouldn't stick to the dog's mouth... Especially if the oil was sardine flavoured. PS Corvus (I think it was Corvus) once suggested that you train your dog to eat the pill naked and receive a yummy reward straight after. A bit like training a dog to be happy about claw trimming...
  9. I give mine cow hoof... I take it away when it starts to get small tho - I don't want her to swallow the last bit... And black kongs with kibble or meat frozen inside. You can mix the kibble with water or yogurt so it sticks in when frozen. Sometimes I give her old socks but I supervise - cos I don't want her swallowing the bits or nicking socks out of the wash basket. I also sometimes give her sticks - usually green ones that shred not splinter, with no eye poking sticky out bits. For some reason we're good with sticks but we make horrible spikes out of bones so she doesn't get those. She is ok with frozen turkey neck. But they're extremely messy - she doesn't eat them fast enough not to be sharing with ants outside, and it's too messy inside. Frozen chicken wings might be ok, but she doesn't break up the thawed ones, she just kind of crumples them in their skin and swallows that whole and then up chucks it whole but ugly - later. So I don't give her those either.
  10. Would peanut paste or sardines in olive oil (or spring water) work - Snook. My dog is pretty crap at catch. Sometimes she catches the treat and sometimes it just bounces off her head. She's better than she was as a puppy but still not 100% reliable. So I wrap the stinky tablets up in a coating of peanut paste - takes about half a teaspoon of smooth and then stuff that inside a piece of sardine. neither peanut or sardine work by themselves on a canex tablet - but the peanut seals the canex and the sardine makes it slippery enough to slide straight down no chewing. Otherwise evil hound sort of sucks the peanut off and then spits the tablet out. Sardine by itself - just breaks the canex up and spreads the iky pink yukky ness. Hmm, maybe I should make a paste of that stuff and put it on her leg wound so she won't lick. Except then I will have icky pink mess everywhere she sits down - sigh. She gets sentinel chews now so no tablet drama anymore. But I might have to figure out how to get sardines back in the diet more regularily without them. With some of the small tablets - I only needed the peanut paste. Remember to check the jar for xylitol in case the American "sugar free" recipe crosses the pacific.
  11. I looked at the at a glance which suggests all abandoned or unwanted pets get rehomed via pet shop. I completely disagree with this. No puppy or dog should be in a pet shop unless being supervised by a human who is dedicated to that job. Ie socialisation and rehome via rescues. Where is the rescue system in this? Also desex should not be compulsory. It's not good for bone development if you want a sport dog or you have a larger breed. But it only suggests the puppy should be desexed before sale which would mean 8 weeks. I will have to read the big report now.
  12. I went to the Wayville farmers market last Sunday. No dogs allowed in there. It was very crowded tho - much more than the one in Huski's video. There is a place in there that sells dog biscuits too. They are large bone shaped maybe 15cm long and 5cm wide and 1cm deep. Look like regular flour based bikkies. Didn't buy any cos I'm more into training treats than big flour based things she can make disappear inside a few seconds. If I want her to have that - I give her a slice of frozen bread.
  13. the community working party is handing their recommendations in on Wed evening. There was a discussion about it on Matt and Dave this morning and I was amazed that they were completely unaware of the problems. Puppy farms were not discussed at all. They talked a lot about mandatory desexing but not the pros and cons. Best thing out of this mornings discussion was talking about dogs and tenancies ie that dogs should be allowed in rentals and retirement homes. Matt or Dave thought we could just "encourage" landlords to be more lenient - as if that's working now. Doggy custody battles in relationship breakdowns were also discussed but with no resolution apart from Matt and Dave being unable to take it seriously. They spend hours letting Mr Pyne nanny state us and getting away with it and they would not even listen to the problems dog owners face. THere was some discussion of dog owners taking over new fenced playgrounds for disabled children. That seemed very poor. Hence me thinkinng that dog owners ought to pass some sort of test so they can't pretend they don't know that some people are frightened of dogs and playgrounds are not good places for off lead dog exercise. Tho I admit my dog gets so much reward from foraging in the playground that I have to put her on lead when we're near it. ;
  14. I call those big laps - victory laps :) and for first time in competition - maybe she knows something.
  15. Have you ever met Gladys the Rottweiler? My dog and Gladys were at puppy school together. Always pleased to see each other... nicest rotti I've met, but I haven't met yours yet. :) Would you rather I waited until after you've been in the ring before saying hello? Tho not sure when I'm getting there, I've got a friend coming to visit and have been madly trying to get the not-spare room (ie the office or this room) fit for a bed. Still haven't taken the dog bed out or my computer... But we'll get there. I think I should have friends to stay more often if this is what works to get me decluttering... stressed much. I will match. I will probably have a hat on. Or a beanie. Depending how cold and windy it is.
  16. When I saw the topic - I thought dogs were not going to be sold at markets and I thought YAY! I'd be fine with a breeder or rescue displaying their dogs but not handing them off to strangers. And the sorts of "breeders" who sell at markets tend to be the bad kind (breeding for cute puppies with no health checks on the parents etc). As for a few irresponsible people stuffing it up for everyone... why do the good dog owners have to be punished for the poor behaviour of the bad ones. Why doesn't anyone just single out the bad owners - like speeding drivers. In SA - unless there is a sign saying the dogs are allowed off lead in a public place (other than a "park" - which may have a sign saying they need to be on lead), then the dogs have to be on a lead less than 2m. And no matter what - the dogs have to be "under effective control". There's lots of rules that apply to dogs cocking legs on other people's property. Why can't we enforce those? My local council has just back flipped on their plan to completely ban all dogs from all playgrounds - no matter if they were on lead or not. I did point out to them that the parents who like to bring their dog with their kids wouldn't be too happy with that. And the parents that talked to me about it - I told them to email their councillors and the council and say what they want instead. Which I guess they have done. Our local free newspaper has a new editor who owns a dog and lives next to one of these playgrounds and the whole attitude of the newspaper is suddenly dog friendly. Woot.
  17. I think my dog would LOVE the bite work. Maybe a bit too much. But the obedience work sounds like fun. It's a game of skill (on the handlers part) to get her excited about working but not so excited she goes over the top or so frustrated she goes sniffing. I'd like to come out - but I might leave her at home for the nationals, and bring her if that seems like a good idea for training. Tho I should have gone to agility training tonight. And I piked cos my ears were starting to fall off from the cold in the back yard at 4:30pm... PS it's going to get a bit weird if I go round asking for Red Fox and Dory the Doted one... but I will just try to find some local club people and go from there.
  18. her FB profile is open to anyone with a FB account... You could ask her if it's ok to put link or photos here. :) it's cute, fluffy, long haired and leggy...
  19. You know that cartoon of the dog who loves every bit of him to be scratched... I think my dog is like that and depending which bit needs attention right now she will shove it in your hands (butt rubs, ear rubs, face rubs) or put your hand on the spot (belly rubs, armpit scratches...). People go "aww so cute she wants to shake hands"... and evil hound hooks her hand around their wrist and shoves their hand on her belly... I frequently get asked - why is she patting me (or poking me)... cos she wants you to do something... right here... ooh soo goood...
  20. Hmm, yank and crank or paddock bashing... circle work... boring pretty much. I used to make it more fun for both of us by running... and when I swapped over to a horse rope lead because she ate through three of the normal leads... (three bites to freedom - argh)... we could play tug too. Eventually we got into a "fun class" and there was plenty of distraction which you countered with better treats... I think I definitely want to check this club out - I was a bit worried they might be even more punishment based than the regular ANKC clubs and also that evil hound is not perfect like Mia's dogs (or Ness's) so I wouldn't be able to do the stuff. Ie she'd nick off at an inappropriate time. Tho we haven't had that problem in quite a while at training.
  21. Cool. Where have you been learning the IPO style? At the sport dog club or are there other places to learn?
  22. Well, I was pretty used to the way my nervous horse spooked. He'd kind of sit down and spin around to go the other way. All good. I can stay on that. Bucking: I couldn't handle but he was crap at that. He wouldn't spook so bad if I spotted the spooky thing first and pointed it out. Unless he didn't believe me. Like the time we got back to the paddock and the white thing on the post that was being still suddenly decided to fly away like a giant flappy plastic bag (spoonbill). Of course flappy bags with food in them aren't scary at all.
  23. Kirislin Now all you need to do is go for an early morning ride (just before dawn) on a nervous horse... and you will see the pooping culprit for sure.
  24. So is IPO tracking like regular tracking where dog and handler disappear into the bush never to be seen again, or is that when they have to find the person hiding in the right tee-pee? And obedience is what Mia S does/trains so well? I want to make sure I rock up to the right venue... From the FB page... tho I'm not rocking up anywhere at 6am... SAT 8th 6.00am Tracking -Technology Park, Third Ave, Mawson Lakes 12.00pm Obedience 400 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton SUN 9th 6.00am Tracking -Technology Park, Third Ave, Mawson Lakes 12.00pm Character Work 400 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton
  25. One place I used to agist my horse at near Gininderra Falls west of the ACT... had the little spotty deer, and the big red deer, and kangaroos and wallabies. Might have had wombats but didn't see any. Lots and lots of foxes. Most wombat poo I've seen - looks like little square cube parcels. I've never seen a cube shaped dog poo. So I'd think something a similar consistency to sheep or goat poop and maybe slightly bigger - could be deer poop. they eat similar stuff and have similar digestive systems. The field biologist term for deer poo is "deer scats" Lots of google images for that. Some match. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=deer+scats&tbm=isch
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