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Mrs Rusty Bucket

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Everything posted by Mrs Rusty Bucket

  1. Mine sees me point the camera at her and instantly does the "guilty look".
  2. Yeah I've found that with most people who don't pick up after their dogs. It's much better to say "do you need a bag - I've got spare" and make it easy for them to do the right thing, than to scold them for not picking up. But if I offer and they say "I don't pick up poop" - then I scold them with a view to making sure they don't come back. Tho it might work better if I challenge their courage (or lack of it) - what - scared of a little dog poop? I still haven't figured out how to cheer and encourage the ones who do the right thing - "Yay - you're making our park a better place" - feels odd. But sometimes I do that anyway especially if it was someone who didn't pick up previously and is now doing the right thing. Gotta reward that somehow.
  3. Aussie bulldogs? Most forum posts I've seen from puppy owners or would be puppy owners are about difficulties dealing with the breeder especially when the new owner starts asking for pedigree papers - which they need especially in Victoria (have they changed that dumb law yet?) to prove their dog is not one of the banned or restricted breeds. Ie they get a puppy - if they're lucky - and then the breeder won't talk to them again.
  4. Oh I do love a happy update. cheap vet? Mine - as best I can tell is a bit random... Sometimes follow ups are about half price, sometimes free, and sometimes the same as a regular visit.
  5. Gawd - teachers in the USA should get to take their pitbulls to class...
  6. I suppose you have to train the dogs not to go for that gap between the bite suit and the shoe - ie the bit that cattle dogs traditionally go for :)
  7. I know this is all sorted, but I was thinking it might be nicer to train the younger dog with some dog manners - I know my dog would do it (might not be fun). And then return it with a bit of owner training and a couple of crates. Theoretically I could mind an extra dog at the moment but I'm not entirely sure if evil hound would agree.
  8. My dog knows the difference between the tug toy and me. Tho I do not play tug when it's getting dark outside because then there is a high chance she will miss the toy... It's also a training thing. Ie game over if dog misses the toy and gets me. So dog is a wee bit more careful about where she chomps down. Bite suit - no way anyone gets to start that training in any kind of official way (by reputable club and instructors) until the dog has a working out/off/stop command. They only get to bite the guy in the bite suit with permission and they must stop when told. Or again - fun ends, suddenly all the exciting people stop moving or running or playing...
  9. a truly secure and tough man can walk two SWF and not feel emasculated... The dog and the man are separate - but some men seem to think their nuts are directly bonded to their dog's nuts, and their car is a reflection of their penis size. The bigger the better. But the truth seems to be an inverse proportion... the bigger the dog nuts - the smaller the man's. If he wants to be really serious about showing off big nuts in public - just get a bull and be done. Myself - I like the fierce dog to be a stealth dog. Ie look perfectly innocent unless has a good reason to fire up. Cattle dogs are really good at this. But the nastiest meanest dog my family has ever had was an Australian Terrier.
  10. It's almost impossible to have a reaction to something that is 75% water, the preservative is incredibly diluted - perhaps you're thinking of a different product. ok are you sure you meant 75% water. As best I can tell most homeopathic remedies are more water than distilled water sold in bottles. So maybe closer to 99.9999999999% water. Humans are 75% water. A lot of plants eg cucumber, lettuce etc. are over 90% water and dogs can react to those. For this dog - I would be training for listening when excited ie pushing out the threshold of too excited to pay attention to owner. By working on the edge of it. The easiest way to do that is to get distance from the exciting thing. But sometimes - if it's visitors etc that are exciting - get them to be very very still and make no eye contact and no getting to approach or say hello if dog is too excited to pay attention to the boss. Ie when you are calm - you can take one step in the direction of exciting thing... but not until you are calm. I made the mistake of trying to reward calm with food but my food monster - took that as an opportunity to chain together a naughty behaviour (eg acting excited) with the calm behaviour and so the over the top lunging, barking and yelling actually got worse, then she'd get all polite and calm when I asked - to get the treat. Evil hound indeed. So I don't use treats or food when trying for calm behaviour even tho some trainers say food is calming - I think I'd have to feed a very large amount and wait an hour to get that effect. (the same effect on most of us after Christmas Dinner).
  11. Most of evil hounds whining whinging screaming and yelling are about food. And unfortunately I've been rewarding some very noisy behaviour. More recently I shut her in the house while I applied a noxious chemical to the weeds in the lawn. and she whined that she couldn't be outside supervising and then that I would not let her out there to inspect (despite getting a lot of extra toilet walks). I can stop it pretty easily - put lead on her and make her sit with me where ever I am in the house. But I do have to make sure there have been enough toilet stops when I do that.
  12. Lemme see Likes Cesar Milan and doesn't seem to understand the history of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier - which according to google - was recognised as a breed in the UK in 1935 - not split from the American Staffordshire Terrier in 1970 something. And it's probably older than that. His version of the history of breeds seems a tad weird to me. Ie a breed doesn't suddenly exist when it's recognised by the AKC. It's usually existed for much much longer than that. And for some reason he reminds me of that Fa rmer Da ve G rah am ex big brother. edit for google
  13. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2081502/Stray-dogs-There-345-day-hard-dog-loving-home.html After a bit of a trawl through her twitter feed, it seems she lies to rescues, renegs on agreements with them (ie doesn't return the dogs she got from them when that's what she agreed), lies in her articles about where she got dogs and where they are now. This would mean she's not a journalist - she's a creative fiction writer - so I guess you can't really tell from the articles what is true and what isn't. It is appalling. And I bet her children are being unnecessarily traumatised in the process. When a dog misbehaves - you need to learn to be a better trainer - not give it away to the first person who shows an interest. Spend the money on that. And quit rewarding puppy mills with money.
  14. Petstock have the 20kg bags of black hawk at around $112. I used to pay $97 for it, tho the first bag I got - in Victoria in Feb 2012 - was $75... getting it to SA seems to cost $20 ish. Even tho diesel is cheaper now - I guess the truck driver is not. I think Gobles on Richmond road had it around $110 mark. And I like supporting the local businesses and they have lots of other interesting stuff. I've always bought some Roo Jerky at the same time and maybe a couple of cows hooves.
  15. Rehab is often done at Hampstead Hospital, Hampstead road http://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/health+services/hospitals+and+health+services+metropolitan+adelaide/hampstead+rehabilitation+centre/hampstead+rehabilitation+centre And that's near Broadview. There's a few caravan parks along the Torrens - North East of the city that would be convenient to that area but I'm not sure if they're dog friendly or cheap. One I have seen dogs inside the fence is http://adelaidecaravanpark.com.au/ It's right next to linear park - which has some designated dog off lead areas - but it's a good idea to keep the dog on lead on the bike tracks - because the chance of being hit by a commuter cyclist or lost tourist is high. There's also Levi Park (this would be closest to Broadview) http://www.levipark.com.au/ And Windsor Gardens (sometimes a bit feral) http://www.windsorgardenscaravanpark.com.au/
  16. I put pea straw down, about a biscuit thick (it naturally comes off in pads about 5 to 10cm thick) and those hold together really well until blackbird nesting season. So out the front I have pegged chicken wire over my pea straw over my rose beds. I don't know why they prefer the straw around the rose and not the stuff from the decaying bale next to the fence which I used to top up the roses. so that's chicken wire - stops it going round your garden. For chewing puppy, stuffed and frozen kongs (the black ones). Or I sometimes bring home a fresh and green branch off a gum tree or sometimes old and soft drift wood from the beach. Being careful that it is tree like - curvy and unprocessed and not like permapine (super toxic).
  17. I think a clip would be extra. And sometimes it depends on the size of the dog. But Blinkblink is possibly the best value in town at the moment given how good she is at it. The only downside (tho I find it funny) is she's located next to the local "rub and tug" aka Chinese massage.
  18. Why would this be for Australian made food from Australian ingredients?
  19. Northern suburbs of Adelaide stretch from North Adelaide to Gawler and beyond... a distance of 42 km or more. It might be helpful for us to know which suburb your Grandmother will be in for visiting.
  20. has anyone tried coconuts? I'm not sure I'd go unsupervised with one of these but potential to keep a dog entertained for hours... I mean that pod thing that comes off a palm tree.
  21. If I use bin-die (broad leaf weed killer) - I try to keep dog off it at least 12 hours eg put it on in am after she's been out for a pitstop, and then take her out to the beach or something and don't let her on it again until the next day. Blood and bone ought to be safe - except a dog will eat the whole bag and then vomit in your brother's 1966 mustang car on the leather seats. Not my dog. My dog is still trying to check out the roses out the front that I did a couple of weeks ago with blood and bone (cos she can't get those). So the smell seems to last quite a while. Dynamic lifter - They put that on the local ovals and I keep her on lead while it's out because otherwise she eats it like it's chocolate for dogs. Not good. But hasn't caused a vet visit in moderation. I wouldn't use it in our yard where she can access - apart from the fact that it stinks (tho you can get a less stinky version). I do use some of the fertilisers you put in water and then water in - they all seem ok - ie seasol, and the fish stuff and combo and the thrives etc - she's really interested while it's in the can but once it's watered out, not so interested. You can make something called "silage"? out of weeds that have been soaked in a garbage bin of water for 3 to 6 months (to kill the seeds) and then put a soup ladleful into the watering can and top up with water. Unfortunately dog thought that stuff was really really good. So I haven't used it much. The bin lids keep the bugs out nicely tho. I make my own compost too - don't put any meat products in it - and when I first break the bin up when it's ready - she's keen to help but loses interest pretty quickly. So I can use that out the back as a sort of soil conditioner. She doesn't eat osmocoat either (touch wood). Mind you I don't put that on the surface - it gets incorporated with the potting mix. There is a risk that a puppy would unpot stuff for you.
  22. Nutro seems to have gone up in price too. Blackhawk is still much cheaper than that stuff. But the quality of black hawk seems to have gone to hell - I've got stuff that's more like powder than kibble. Evil hound still likes it tho.
  23. My dog's baby teeth all fell out indoors - in summer. So I was barefoot and I made awful noises when stepping on them. Somewhere in this house is a little pill jar of dog teeth...
  24. redfeather I get my evil hound a hydrobath, claw trim and blow dry for less than the price of a cheap carton of beer. Mostly I just get a claw trim and that's totally worth every cent. I'm sure you could find it in the budget. But if hubby wants to do it for free - let him. Otherwise - he's paying. https://www.everydollar.com/ By the way - last time I costed out a 24 hour a day live in house keeper, cook, child/dog minder, taxi service... it was over $120K per year.
  25. I agree - you have to separate the poodle from the others. You've relegated them all to outside dogs? This can lead to problems as training and socialisation are life time tasks. If you stop doing these - the dogs can start behaving "untrained" and fending for themselves since you're not putting in any boundaries and making it clear what is and isn't acceptable eg poodle harassing the big dog and the big dog putting puncture marks in the poodle. you've definitely added a factor in this list. https://positively.com/articles/fatal-dog-bites-share-common-factors/
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