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Mrs Rusty Bucket

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Everything posted by Mrs Rusty Bucket

  1. My dog has a squirrel dude. I load that up with kibble and she throws it around to get the kibble out and we know it's empty when there is no kibble rattle inside. You can also get kibble into an "everlast fun ball". And there is a bungee tug bottle bag - that you could load with a bottle with gravel or kibble or rice in it.
  2. What's now sold in garden centres as "blood and bone" doesn't contain much of it. And my brother's dog ate a large amount (cup or so) of the old stuff and was violently ill in his fancy car. Neither of them were happy but they both lived. My dog will dig up and try to eat any areas that have been dosed with it (the new stuff). My mum found out that the hard way. My dog wasn't sick cos she didn't get to eat much before I stopped her, but mum's garden was a little worse for wear and the area that didn't get watered or rain - stayed very attractive for a long time (months). So I'm thinking if you want to keep your new lawn you will need to keep the dogs off it for a month or so. And water often during that month.
  3. So the headline "dog attacks leap" is a bit of a leap itself. If they hadn't changed the counting method the number of attacks would have been about the same. A bit like the way employed people get counted eg if you do one hour of (unpaid) work, you're suddenly "employed" not "unemployed".
  4. Have votes and run off votes. I named one of the family dogs "Tracy" after the cyclone, cos I figured she'd have that effect... How about "Stormy"? Though a lot of older South Australians associate that name with a female person. http://www.bom.gov.au/cyclone/about/names.shtml
  5. Poor Trevor. I do know how much that sucks and at the time I didn't have a dog that needed exercising either. I hope he's got lots of friends helping out. And I hope it's not an infection.
  6. Princess Pooch Pampering The Cutty Bark (not cutty sark) clipped canines Fur Whisperer Afghan to Yorkshire Appalling to Appealing Cujo to Cute Dreadlocks to Dreamlocks Awful to Awesome Names prone to being misheard / mis spoken Fuzzy Dog (Fuzzy Duck) Barking Beautiful
  7. Kavik Crate games is part of Recallers. The whole thing is self paced. Crate games is one of the foundation exercises tho. The only thing you must do for recallers is pay some money. But there's not a lot of point doing that if you don't get into the games. Quite a few of the games are in SG's books but I like the way they're presented online with Recallers.
  8. Adorable Dogs (at least that would list closer to the front). Apres Hairy. (After Hairy (McLairy)) All Happy Dogs
  9. Golden Retriever names Famous blonde names - first or last name might work? Warick or Capper Rod or Stewart Brad (Pitt) Redford Owen Wilson Bo Duke (Dukes of Hazzard) Ryan Gosling Matthew McConnaghy Billy (Idol) Leif Garrett (oh my age is showing) David Lee Roth (I don't know how you make a dog name out of that) Warnie Axl (Guns and Roses) (Bryan) Mannix Beckham (Soccer) Thommo (Jack Thompson - actor or Jeff Thomson - cricketer) Greg (Page) for the yellow wiggle Sam Moran - the new yellow wiggle Fabio - bloke on lots of romance novel covers. For the weather / colour Sunny Sandy Apollo (Greek Sun God) Bear Leo (lion) Barley Mustard, Dijon Eureka (lemon) Myer (lemon) Ducasse (banana) Spud For Retrieving (maybe famous detective names) Kenny Hutchinson (Starsky and Hutch)
  10. Defuzzed Dog (no fuss) Tailored Terrors (or Terriers)
  11. Excellent, hope Trevor and the Lure machine are doing well.
  12. Hi all, especially Adelaide DOLers I know some of you have met Banshee. She had throat cancer - at age 3, found when it was past fixing, so died sometime last week. I visited the shop yesterday, and YG wasn't there but her helper was, and when I was admiring a gorgeous picture of Banshee by Deefer dogs on the wall, I was told the news. Just thought I'd pass it on. Hugs to YG - this kind of extra sadness in your life - is just not fair. I hope you forgive me for passing on the message. Some pix by Snook to remember Banshee by. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/216841-adelaide-dol-meet-130311/page__p__5199918__hl__banshee__fromsearch__1#entry5199918
  13. When I line my dog up for dinner - we sometimes do a sit stay first... So last night - I line her up, and I turn around to get something else and my hand waves forward like the signal I give when I release her (combination signal and verbal). And she takes the hand signal for go-eat - no verbal. And I thought - I did that to myself didn't I. And let her eat.
  14. LMS The first link in my post austli thingy (australian law) has the NSW companion animals act and the laws relating to leash length - ie there must be a leash but no length specified - which makes NSW different to SA on that point. It doesn't say anything about retractable leashes either. I find them a major hazard. If I see another dog with one of those, I keep my dog away so she can't get tangled in it. Had some bad experiences before.
  15. RubyStar Maybe it's the camera angle but I would have lead out with obstacles and dog on the left for the opening sequence, then there wouldn't have been a cross while the dog was in the tunnel - though that's usually a good place to do it. For the weaves - yes it's hard to get the dog to focus forward (look where it's going). I often have to stop mine before we start the weaves and she gets very frustrated but otherwise she just jumps in the middle of them. And we haven't got the arc going very well with two or four poles very well at all. So that's where I need to get some training in and only little bits often I suppose to stop her from shutting down. But we also haven't got that foundation persistance thing going either. Ie dog gets frustrated, dog needs to keep trying instead of go sniffing (displacement). What helps is letting her know when she's going right, so if I do make her do a drop to slow her down before the weaves, I need to tell her "yes" so she knows she's doing right. Or she gets frustrated. She don't go sniff so much any more but she does start barking a lot. Maybe if you put a jump before your weaves at training ie if she misses the entry - go back to the previous jump and then try running them again - to teach the collection. I'm not sure about keeping going - ie you don't want to reward the missed entry by keeping running, you do want her to know it's not what you want - and if she's frustrated - then she at least understands, where as if you keep going - she's not going to learn correct entries. Not sure how to balance the joy in that one, but SG would let the dog experience frustration and then stop her training when they get it right and P A R T Y. That's one place I was going wrong - ie we'd get it right and then I'd want to repeat that when i really should have a huge party with my dog immediately.
  16. I would report the guy to council and police. He broke lots of laws and he may be known to both. Even though I did not get the tag of a dog that bit me - they still found it and it has not been back to the oval. If you were with someone - I would get the camera phone out and photograph the guy but if you're on your own - doing what you can to agree with complete morons instead of arguing with them is usually the best option. http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/caa1998174/index.html and I assume the local council can set a limit on the length of the lead. In SA - the state dog and cat management act rule is 2m which is 200cm not 120 cm (since when is 2m = 120cm?)
  17. Ptolomy What happens with figure 8s in training? My dog - tries to greet the figure 8 people - finds them extremely distracting - so your dog does better than my dog but I'm not trialing. All I can suggest is get as many strangers to volunteer to be training posts for you to practice doing cirlces and stops around. Given what was going on in the video - you wouldn't even need two people - one person seems to do it. I found my dog SFE improved heaps if I could just get one or two people a week at our favourite ovals - to go through the routine. Ie she just didn't understand what the job was.
  18. I have to use a large slab of cardboard box or ply over the top of my wire crate or evil hound pulls the cover in between the mesh and rips it up. At least when she was a puppy, that's what she did. She's better now. I have a soft crate for travel and that's sufficient. It's also much lighter and faster to set up than the wire crate, so I use it more. Ie start with the wire mesh crate, and then graduate to a soft sided crate when you're confident your puppy likes being in a crate.
  19. Yes, this pretty much sums up my experience of fully fenced dog parks and the kind of people who take their dogs there. If they were encouraged just a little bit - to teach their dog appropriate manners, then the fenced dog park would be a much nicer place for everyone. Instead it is a haven for rude people and their rude dogs and anyone else in there will be bullied, slobbered on and sometimes have horrific injuries inflicted on their dogs and themselves. That's why we have manners and social ettiquette - to prevent fights - so as long as lots of dog owners have no clue the connection between their rude dog's behaviour and fights between dogs and between humans - I will be avoiding the fenced dog parks. What sucks about that is that in my area - the unfenced dog parks are gradually being closed to dogs and we're all expected to go to the tiny fenced ones full of rude people and rude dogs. It's not good for me or my dog.
  20. LoL at jacqui835 - gone to the dogs indeed - 2 hours at the beach this morning - not counting driving there and back and another 2 hours this evening at the local oval and I wonder where my day goes. Both my procedures were "arthroscopic". The second one - they did a whole ACL repair that way. I've got almost no scars - my knee just looks like someone drew a power point triangle on it. Anyway - here's hoping everything is good for next week.
  21. Had an interesting morning at the beach. A large boofy rude soggy labrador - tried very hard to steal treats off me. And despite me pushing it away repeatedly the owners did nothing. If my dog was trying to steal treats off anyone - and they pushed her away or turned away from her - I would call her back. Ie it's clearly not welcome - owner makes it stop. Not this Lab's owners. later it got distracted by a small fox terrier, and pursued it all over the beach. The foxie did not look like it was at all happy about it, had its tail between its legs and screamed the whole way and did not approach or play bow at the lab once. But was the lab put off? no. Did the owners do anything about it - no. Yuck. I'm at a loss what to say to owners like that Lab's. They don't believe you when you tell them it's illegal for their dog to harrass other people, dogs or animals. And reporting it to council requires you to get the rego number of the harrassing dog (which may not even have one) and filling out four pages of paperwork. Unless some creature is bleeding - I'm not going to bother even though I'd like the rude owners to leash their rude dog. Later - a large boofy victorian ridgeback decided to say hello in the hopes of getting some of my treats. I had chopped carrot today. And some kitten biscuits and kibble. Sigh. Anyway ridge back was so much more polite than lab. Ridgie did not try to climb in my lap like the labrador did. I didn't get slobbered on or soggified and he did a very nice sit or three for me - just for pats. And best of all - he had a couple of runs at zoomies with my dog. Though her circle work was a bit to tight for him. At least both of them had a run. Anyway - when the ridgie's owners and myself got some distance between us, he stayed politely with his owners - though for a little while I did think I'd successfully kidnapped him. And just in case this hasn't been posted in this thread. http://flyingdogpress.com/content/view/42/97/ I don't know why so many owners think it's ok for their dogs to be so rude all the time. And that it's ok not to do anything when someone else or their dog is clearly in distress. Even when packs of 20 or more dogs roamed the streets together - stuff like this didn't happen.
  22. Esky the Husky Let me introduce you to some of our local council workers. And the local primary school headmaster and his deputy plus a few of the dog phobic school parents - though they're all well outnumbered by families who have dogs. They can't tell an SBT from an APBT or an ACDx from a APBTx. At least the local council dog ranger was better than that. But he had an ACD at home so was very familiar with their character. Didn't bother him at all that mine barked her head off at him. I suspect many councils are havens for the seriously seriously stupid. News out of Victoria seems to confirm it a little bit more every day. On the upside - I met a lady at the beach today - who was busily picking up rubbish along the verges of the esplanade bike track, I suggested she send that local council an invoice for her time and effort, she said she worked for the council though she clearly was acting in her own time this morning. At least there's one that goes the extra distance.
  23. My dog likes me to tell her when she's on the right track - so I say a lot of "yes" (instead of clicks). I could probably teach a start line release by putting my arm and hand up and cueing go with a hand flick/drop. She really doesn't need me to call "over" etc, just point. The hardest part would be getting her attention when she's headed for the wrong end of the tunnel or straight ahead when the course goes to the right or similar traps. She talks a lot on course. Which as long as I keep moving while she's doing it, is not going to change.
  24. Thanks for the update Jacqui835 Trevor is either a man with a high pain tolerance or very optimistic about how long it takes to get over a knee op... Poor thing. Been there twice myself and took 10 to 14 days to ditch the crutches both times. And the pain took longer to ditch.
  25. i think this would be the last one until next year - cos weather gets too hard. But Trevor enjoys hosting us, so I guess it's a much as we organise it.
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