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  1. Unfortuneately Kathy is not available for another month. Would sterilising my male change his behaviour at all?
  2. It isn't funny to poke fun when someone has a serious issue. To the OP - get a professional in. Sometimes young 'uns attack the oldies because they can sense their decline. Agree megan. Changes in/of environment as well as an ageing dog can create an unsettling amongst a pack. The 'attacks' will continue to occur and will generalise so it is best to get someone with experience in multi-dog households and their problems. Yes, the old dog drags her back feet a bit, her sight is not the best and she is quite deaf these days
  3. You almost certainly won't punish it effectively, and you run the very real risk of making matters worse by trying I'm afraid. I'm not sure if you've ever just walked off, but it would be interesting to see what happens and would give a clue about the problem. Obviously if anyone is at risk of being seriously hurt it is better to break them up, but if it's just pinning to the ground then walking off might be your best course of action. In any case, getting in a behaviourist now would be money well spent. How you handle sudden changes can have a big effect on the situation and a behaviourist will be able to assess your dogs and make informed recommendations. Yes, when I pull him off he goes in harder. I have walked out of the room and called him in a cheery voice and he continues for a short time, then comes after me.
  4. Hi Guys, I have a problem. Since moving house my male dog (almost 4 years) is sometimes attacking my female dog (12.5yrs). He goes off and pins her down on the ground. Sometimes when I am cooking in the kitchen and she comes near, sometimes when she comes near me for a pat and sometimes in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. When he does this I yell at him, pull him off her by the scruff and put him outside. I have no idea why he is doing this, this was his first house move. He has always been the dominant one but he has never done this to her before and is not dog aggressive to other dogs. I also have a new partner since moving so not sure if this is also causing jealousy but he does it when my partner is not at home also. I am expecting my first baby next year so am a little worried. Any help would be appreciated - thanks.
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