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mutt lover

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Everything posted by mutt lover

  1. Well it looks like all our dogs have us well trained and we all have funny stories we could tell of what they do or did that make/made us laugh. thanks for sharing everyone. Another funny story I remember from when I was a kid quite a few years ago my mum and I were in kitchen and there was a hunstman spider on the wall so we sprayed it and as you know they tend to jump off wall and was running towards us, so as you do we squealed. Well the old dog we had then was asleep under kitchen table and was probably wondering what we were carrying on about. All of a sudden he got up walked over to where spider was on floor gave it a whack with his foot then went back under the table gave a HUFF and went back to sleep like he was saying "Well I'm not going to get any sleep until I help em out". my mum and I just looked at each other talk about your dog making you feel very small, was funny though.
  2. What a smart dog you have there you should sign him up for TV commercials he'd be really good by the sounds of it. Thanks for sharing.
  3. A mouse, Did you get it?, Well I'm getting the glares from "MyLady" now it must be her dinner time, yep looks at watch is 4.30
  4. Well I thought my old girl was very spoilt, but after last night now I'm absolutely sure she is. Usually put fan on in my bedroom of a night if its a hot night and as Lady sleeps on my bed she likes it on when it's hot too. I didn't put it on last night as I didn't think it was that hot? Well the old girl started whingeing when I was trying to get to sleep, silly me asked all the usual questions, Do you need wee wee's Lady (No) that didn't get reaction, So just tried to go to sleep again 5 mins later woof woof in my ear, again Do you need to go out Lady, She then moved to end of bed and looked at fan and again woof to me, ("Oh says me You want the fan on"), (Turned fan on low Lady now sprawled out across end of bed snoring head off in 5 mins while owner now wide awake trying to get back to sleep) She was probably thinking geez what do I have to do to get mum to turn my fan on, talk about who's in charge in this house and I know it's not me at times
  5. You can buy a spray from the vet is called Cortavance spray solution for dogs, says is for relief of inflammatory skin conditions, aids in the reduction of dematological signs associated with flea allergy dermatitis, but if you are using a good flea treatment monthly and washing dog in a good oatmeal based shampoo and have never seen fleas on dog then it's probably a grass allergy but either way this solution should help.
  6. You really won't know of it was the treat unless you wait for the dog to get better and then give that same treat again. You may like to try Advantage for Flea control, Frontline is....meh a bit crap really. To be extra sure, you can give Capstar one day and then the next day do the spot on treatment and also spray your house, wash the bedding in hot water, vaccum daily etc. Malaseb is a very harsh shampoo and really should only be used if you know you are dealing with a bacterial type of problem, it can just make the problem worse otherwise i.e. it can dry the skin out and make it itchy. Keep bathing to a minimum unless you know you're dealing with a contact allergy, in these cases a rinse off daily (no soap) can help these types of dogs. Food allergies aren't as common as what people thing....best to head to the Vets, try and get this allergy attack under control and if allergies persist head back to the Vets and then onto a Dermatologist. With your Omega Oils, make sure you have one that has a balanced ratio of Omega's 3, 6 & 9, if you don't have all 3 in there it can also cause some skin irritant. If you are giving Fish Oil (1 Cap per 10kgs of body weight) you have to make sure it's the one with Vit E in it or you have to give Vit E every 2nd day OR you could just get Emu Oil as that as all your Omega's in it and Vit E. You can also make up the Calendula tea spray that people use here, make up a pot of Calendula tea, let it stand for 15 minutes, strain it, put it in a spray bottle and pop it in the fridge to cool and then apply to dog, put back in the fridge and it should keep for a week. I put in a cap full or original Listerine to assist with any Staph or begining of secondary skin infections. Speak to your Vet about Anti-Histimines, it's trial and error as they don't work the same in dogs as they do in humans so you may need to try a few until you find one that works and a dose that works. I've always used oatmeal based shampoo on my girl, and either pinetarsol in between baths as a dab on or a nappy rash type creme, but as I work in aged care saw something really interesting other day when one of the residents in the care place I work had a rash, they used Mylanta which is an antacid on the rash and within 10 mins it had stopped itching, I am going to try this on my dog next time when she gets the itches from the grass.
  7. My old girl Lady was a rescue from rspca 11 years ago she did have bad teeth which would of made it hard to correctly tell her age, card on pen said she was 8, but I was prepared to take her at that age anyway so didn't worry me, but when I took her to my vet he said that in his opinion she was between 5 and 6, and was probably right as if she was 8 then she probably wouldn't still be around today. Told Rspca vet that at an open day and he said yeah that sounds about right, but have known other people that got dogs from shelters and were older than what they were supposed to be , but I suppose if you really like the dog then age won't matter.
  8. The cost of the individual antivenoms are cheaper than the combined. It is helpful if you know what type of snake has bitten, but quite often Vets just carry the combined as it means thay can carry less AV as it is just too expensive to have go out of date. I have seen a couple of dogs lose the ability to Thermoregulate, not sure the medical reason behind it???? I am very sorry for your friends loss and it is a situation I hope I never find myself in and one of my biggest fears. Having nursed so many (big snake area down here) over many years I have seen the miracles and the heartbreak. Your friend has done the very best she can by her girl and hopefully she can find some small comfort in the fact she tried her hardest. Hugs to you all from all of us. I am very sad that your friends little dog had to be pts, please pass on a big hug for me. another little darling crossing over the
  9. U should of gone out with a saucepan and a stick and banged it until it woke them up!
  10. Yes, I do hope the poor thing is okay. What bastards of people. Seems some people still don't get it with dogs and storms? It would be so hard being a neighbor and not being able to do anything but would go have a yarn to neighbor next morning and tell them dog was very distressed and what could of happened. Storm hit here in northern vic around midnight my old dog is terrified of storms gets really distressed pants and shakes was up on bed then got on floor and trying to find somewhere to hide so I sat on floor next to her and cuddled her till it passed. Funny thing was though I recently acquired a maltese shih tzu he was so funny last night not in the least bit scared of thunder and lightning every time there was thunder he'd run up to window and bark at it was funny, he even sat down beside my old girl like he was trying to tell her it was ok but all he got was a grrrr from her for his trouble!
  11. 10 years ago after my previous little girl had died as a result of a dog attack I was lying in bed one night and I swear I could feel her presence next to me on my bed where she used to lie was strange as my new dog was lying next to bed on floor and sat up and started wagging her tail but there was nothing there so perhaps there is an after life.
  12. Totally agree just got onto my facebook page and joined and sent request to all my friends on there also.
  13. HAPPY NEW YEAR 'Bonari' and stay safe everyone.
  14. OMG how stessful thing for you to have to go through, I recently asked dollers their opinion on cremation or burying my old dog when she goes as I live in rental property, well after the bad things I've heard about pet cremations i will now be burrying my little girl in my garden when her time comes.
  15. So glad to hear Grover is on the mend fantastic news.
  16. Every xmas I've taken photos of my little dog Lady who is very special to me as she was also a rescue from the rspca in burwood 10 years ago, after my previous little dog who was not unlike lady was killed in a dog attack which absolutely broke my heart. I went to rspca and there she was hiding in her box in cage all miserable and scared, note on her card outside enclosure said "she was a gentle little Lady" who was a bit shy, I went in and sat down outside her kennel so as not to frighten her and spoke softly to her, and then I realized how much she looked like my former dog who'd been killed so the tears started rolling down my cheeks. I wasn't paying any attention to her and the next minute she was at my side and pushed her little head under my arm and licked my cheek as if to say "Don't cry I'll love you" and It was then that I knew I'd found another special friend. Lady is now 17 and according to my vet 9 months ago said she may have a tumor in her liver and thought she may only be around for a couple of months, but she is still here and is happy and seems healthy weight same as always, eating well and is as demanding as ever so I GOT THE BEST XMAS PRESENT EVER TO SPEND ANOTHER XMAS WITH MY DARLING "LADY"
  17. Definately stay away from shampoo's with perfume in them my dog gets allergies and have found that washing her in alloveen which is oatmeal shampoo is great and also when she gets the summer itch I can dab a bit of diluted pinetarsol on belly and this will help also, have also found the baby powder called curash from safeway is good and checked with vet is safe to use on dogs. good luck hope your doggie is better soon would def stay away from cortizone if you can help it.
  18. Hi there Trisven13 That's so sad for you on xmas day my fingers, toes are all crossed for you and hope that your darling Grover will be ok.
  19. Plain old white Vinegar is all I use, rub a little on stain and dab with dry cloth to soak up works a treat and gets rid of smell also.
  20. Nope is purely synthetic cow! You are half right with dog -will find better pick where she's got hair.
  21. Ok I'll play sounds like fun what would you say this little cutie mutt is? Vet has her down as JRT which Is no where near right, I have my ideas but lets see wot you come up with, I was going to get the doggie DNA done at pet stock a while ago but as was $150 thought she can just stay a lady for that price.
  22. It makes you wonder what people used before all these products come on the market and like vaccinations we are not being told what the possible side effects are and long term health effects on our animals!. I remember when I was around 5-6 quite a few years ago and we had a long haired dog and had to move to Burleigh Heads in Qld for 12 months for my fathers job, The vet told my mum the dog would die within a week as the area was lousy with ticks. After she bathed us kids every night the dog was put into the bath and checked for ticks and washed with Gammawash and the old fashioned Coal Tar dog soap was all mum ever used. In the 12 months we were there she never found 1 tick him and he spent long hours outside at back of property and his coat was like satin so just goes to show that maybe we should all go back to the old fashioned remedies would be less harmful on our animals. (Wonder if you can still buy Gammawash) haven't seen it for years.?
  23. So very sorry persephone for your loss how heartbreaking, my thoughts are with you.
  24. Have heard on grapevine that there is a parvo outbreak in Echuca does anyone know anything about this?
  25. :p My goes out to you in your sad time, what a lucky dog to have had such a beautiful owner as yourself I know the decision is never an easy one is now running free over
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