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mutt lover

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Everything posted by mutt lover

  1. :D poor Reg, was really hoping he'd pull through, my condolences to you Indigirl and Reg's owner.
  2. Oh Indigirl Hoping and praying poor old Reg pulls through this and like everyone else sending you big hugs and keeping fingers crossed.
  3. Hope Reg is on the improve this morning Indigirl, please let us know have my fingers crossed for him.
  4. Poor Reg keeping my fingers crossed for him hope he makes a good recovery, nasty stuff that ratsack!
  5. I spose all dogs act differently when in new environment but I've always adopted dogs from shelters and have never ever had any problems with separation anxiety or peeing or pooping inside, must of just been glad to be out of the shelters and into a nice loving home I guess, have been very lucky in that all the dog's I've had in the past have all been house trained too so makes you wonder what happened as to why they ended up in shelter as they were obviously loved at some stage and were all desexed also. I often think that lady was an elderly persons dog as when I lived in melb she used to like to visit 2 elderly neighbors when we went out for a walk I used to allow an hour as I knew she'd want to go see at least one of them on her walks was like she was checking up on them to see if they were ok. I remember one day she was very persistent on going into a particular lady's house and I noticed the inside light was still on and TV and she wasn't answering door when I knocked which I thought was strange, Lady did not want to come away from the house and sadly found out later that day when I'd phoned police as I was very concerned that she had passed away during the night and wonder if perhaps Lady had known as animals can sense these things and was very sad as neighbor was a lovely lady had lived couple of houses down from me since I was a kid.
  6. Sounds like another Moron who shouldn't own dogs!
  7. Great dog for killing snake and protecting the children but dumb owner for teasing her and allowing her to play with dead snake should of disposed of it, lets hope dog doesn't think it's a great game now to go hunting for snakes, obviously a bloke thing! teasing dog with dead snake, I used to have a neighbor who would tease her kelpie and say snake where's the snake and dog would dive under bushes, told her one day dog was gonna get bitten and unfortunately I was right.
  8. OMG your poor friend and his doggies, I hope they all have a speedy recovery and hope that they knew whose dog it was that attacked them, I know what its like to go through as I lost a little dog 11 years ago from a dog attack is something you never get over. My best wishes go to your friend and his little mates.
  9. Yep is fantastic to groom he actually holds his head up when you want to clip under his chin and stands very still has obviously been clipped from a pup and must of had a very good groomer from the start. I wouldn't say I'm great at it a bit slow as my andis clippers are crap! but it gets the job done eventually, one day I'll buy some decent ones.
  10. Aww Sorry to hear about Miss Annabell's passing recently It's never easy losing a member of your family. Yeah it would of been very hard for him as he'd been with the old lady since he was a pup of 8 weeks of age and only knew me for 12 months so I feel lucky that she offered him to me, he's only 3 so should be around for a few years yet hopefully.
  11. I posted a thread on here couple of months back about a maltese shih tzu JJ I was given by an elderly lady whom I used to care for that had gone into care. As Lady wasn't getting along with him and he was peeing and pooping on floor when I was at work etc and was barking all the time and had neighbor complain etc I wondered if I'd done the right thing in taking him and was considering re homing him but couldn't do it when it came to the crunch even had someone who was willing to take him! Well what a difference time makes!. Lady and him are getting along really well considering she'd been the only dog with me for the past 11 years, she only grumps at him occasionally now and that's usually because he's on the couch with me or when he mistakes her bouncing around as wanting to play he's settled down so much and only barks now when someone comes onto property and even copies Lady now and squeaks when he wants to go outside to toilet, he is gr8 to bath and clip but obviously must a boy thing in that after he's nice and white and clean goes outside to pee has to go and roll in the dirt again and seems very happy once he's all grotty again. I hate to admit it but he's actually way less demanding than miss lady.
  12. Oh forgot to add Lady will only eat wholemeal bread!
  13. Run free Toby over the such a wonderful dog and an equally wonderful owner.
  14. My Little Angel 'LADY' taken on my birthday Dec 19th 2009 Wanted a picture of me with her as I don't have any only ones of Lady on her own so is very special to me.
  15. Just wondering what strange things others dogs like to My old girl Lady likes lettuce, will sit and stare at me when I'm eating a salad and gave her bit of lettuce one day thinking she'd spit it out but to my surprise she ate it and loves it, will also eat vegies on their own and loves cut up or grated carrot, asked vet once if it was normal for dogs to like lettuce and he laughed and said not usually and that most dogs wont eat vegies either unless mixed with their food, so perhaps whoever owned her when she was young gave her vegies (pity they didn't give her bones as she had really bad teeth when I got her) are good now but still have to be careful what bones I give her as she has a tendency to swallow rather than chew I'd say due to the past bad teeth so raw chicken wings are on the no go list.
  16. Glad you've found a puppy, now how did you choose the name Thunder? is certainly different.
  17. I bought some vinyl type ones at a pet shop with velcro around top as lady was a city dog before we moved to country and since getting prickle bindi things in her feet won't walk on the grass or gravel roads will only walk on footpaths or the road which makes it a bit hard when you want to go for walk now we live in the country, so I take her into town in car and take her for walk around town on the FOOTPATH! But in answer to the question no they don't stay on so I just bought some baby socks from safeway and put a bit of electrical tape around the top and that works better.
  18. OMG those poor dogs and poor owners knowing what those dogs must of gone through, If they have caught those bastards that did it pity they don't string em up by the balls and do same to them be very fitting don't you think.
  19. Awww what a cutie pie, All I can come up with is Black Stirling
  20. What page is it on will have to go buy it now your brother should get them to send him the photo how nice. 11 years ago I sent in a letter regarding my experience with a dog attack re my dog getting killed and for people to be more responsible they sent me a lovely letter back and a free copy of the magazine, I should buy this issue and make Lady watch the dog training video as I think she's watched the owner training one! My brother's staffy is in the training video, with Sidney Arrons. It was when he was a little pup, he's about 7 months old now Aw how nice for your brother, Staffy's are great dogs, thanks for sharing.
  21. Awww he's a cute little scruff that's what he is. Looks like he could be West Highland white cross with maltese wouldn't say JRT .
  22. When I lived in south eastern suburbs of melb vet I used to take Lady to was fantastic staff used to make fuss of all animals when they came in and vet would always come out and give dogs a pat before you went in were really friendly and would take the time to listen to you if you had any concerns. Unfortunately up in northern vic now can't say same thing about 2 local vets up here there is no bedside manner just come in do whatever they have to do and see you later. When I took Lady in for couple of wart things to be taken off around 12 months ago vet they did a pre blood screen and when I went to pick her up vet was so cold in his attitude said her enzyme level was very high which indicated possibly a tumor in her liver and that he'd be seeing her back there in a couple of months to be pts. I was like ;) I know she's old but is still eating well and weight still the same etc, just couldn't believe his attitude, and 12 months later she's still here and still going strong no changes in weight etc so guess they aren't always right but really miss our old vet.
  23. What page is it on will have to go buy it now your brother should get them to send him the photo how nice. 11 years ago I sent in a letter regarding my experience with a dog attack re my dog getting killed and for people to be more responsible they sent me a lovely letter back and a free copy of the magazine, I should buy this issue and make Lady watch the dog training video as I think she's watched the owner training one! ;)
  24. Free Dog Training DVD with this months Dog's Life magazine at newsagents good value for price of magazine.
  25. Filled in survey as I did 11 years ago after I had a dog killed in dog attack and doubt now if any changes will be made, but did put forward some suggestions.
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