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Everything posted by Mas1981
He was on Advance and is now on Eagle Pack, he started smelling on the Advance though.
My lab puppy is 8 months old now, he had an yeast infection in his ears about a month ago and had drops and ear wash etc to clear it up, since then there is an odd smell about him, the vet has cleaned out his anal glands and it has made almost no change to the way he smells. I cant really describe the smell, its almost like something that smells damp. Anyone else got the same problem? Oh I have also bathed him in medicated shampoo from the vet and no change.
Ice blocks are also great when they are teething.
Are you coming to the Perth DOL meet on the 20th? At Riverside Gardens I think. Me and my girls will meet up with you sometime in the new year if you can't make it down to the DOL meet if you're interested Ah next Sunday, yes I should be able to make it. What time is everyone meeting? I'm actually not sure, but there is a thread about it we both might need to go and check Its busy every weekend both days, I am going to go though as its a nice outing for the dogs and have only had a bad experience there once when a friends dog got bitten, that was during the week though and the dogs owner was no where in site!
Hey! I remember Gammawash! We used to bath our dog in it too. BUT ....... a friend of mine's father died as the result of washing his dog in a flea chemical substance. I can't say it was Gammawash because I can't rightly remember. It was one of those rare things, but it turns out he was allergic to it and it caused a violent reaction which led to a heart attack, which was, at the end, what actually killed him. In defence of the more modern parasite protections though ...... Our (childhood) labrador suffered something terrible from flea allergy. He was often shaved by the Vet on his back where the excema from their irritation (and his constant itching) became infected. I remember there being the first ever product come out that was given orally (it was a liquid and you squirted it in their food - I think it was daily, although I can't be sure if I remember correctly) and it was the only time that we were able to control the fleas that he consistently picked up. After a while we stopped giving this to him and the problem didn't seem to return. But we'd also moved properties and I think the flea infestation related to the soil condition where we had previously lived. So whilst I think our modern remedies/preventatives definitely have their use and their place, I think they do need to be used more judiciously rather than merely as an everyday thing that we do because the advertisements (and some Vets) tell us that this is the 'norm'. I cant help but agree with you! When i brought my puppy home i started using Advocate, no problems etc but it has such a strong smell that I started think how bad can this be for my dog? I asked the vet if there are any long terms effects of using these products and she admitted that there has no been studies on long term usage. I now dont feel comfortable using Advocate monthly, what I think i will do is do heartworm monthly and worm 3 monthly, I just dont feel that all these chemicals can be good for my dog!
Went along to Salty Seadogs and had the best time! There was agility displays and then we got to try out agility helped by some agility instructors. There was doggy massages for $5, all the money was donated to assistance dogs. We also played games and there were prizes galore. The packs you got at registration were also awesome and the dogs got an Eagle Pack breakfast. Was a lot of fun and well worth going, if they have it next year we will definatly go again!
That teething smell is so awful! I could not believe how bad it was, thank goodness my pup has all his big teeth now.
Hands up who is attending? Ivy and I most likely will, no other plans. I am attending with my pup.
I am using Protexin, I think I use 2g a day. I ordered mine from the vet. It was around $60 for 250g.
My pup was really unsettled while he was teething, he got me up a lot at night too and would just sit and stare at me.
I agree with this, when i first got my pup I often thought he smelt like Doritos, glad I am not the only one ;)
Beautiful photos! :) ;)
Excellent question Poodlefan. I personally I believe there needs to be some sort of ANKC endorsed state implemented Breeder Accreditation program. But at present there is nothing to guide the unsuspecting puppy buyer. Maybe you can assist - if you were a family wanting a lab puppy how would you go about aquiring one? I started a thread about this the other day.. It's here But in light of Bindi Boo's experience buying a CKCS, I'm not sure I've gone far enough. I think we all know of a few breeders that look the goods but really aren't. Just trolling the Lab breeders' listings there seem to be a hell of a lot of breeders who don't seem to do much with their dogs other than breed. There seems to be a hell of a lot of colour breeding happening too. I also know of some absolute horror stories of pups (not Labs) sourced from very high profile exhibitors who failed to deliver on a lot of promises. It's a minefield. If DOLers have trouble sorting the wheat from the chaff, how is a novice puppy buyer going to fare? I will admit to being one of the persons talked about in this thread who's talked about highly exciteable destructive Labs that owner have trouble with -because I've seen them and know the owners. These dogs aren't necessarily ANKC registered or coming from the top echelon of responsible breeders - so how does a person find the right Lab breeder. It really concerns me, particularly in the very popular breeds that attract the more high volume, profit oriented kind of breeder. A dog is only as destructive and excitable as you let it be, training is the key.
I agree totally, I have found a lab wonderful to own, and I have owned 2 other breeds and I prefer the lab, he has been the easiest to train and the least stubborn, AND the most willing to please, he WANTS to do the right thing to make us happy.