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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. My lab and my male cat have a special friendship, Mason is 10 months old now and was 5 months old when my cats came out of quarantine from overseas, took Socks 2 months of being home and now he looks for attention from the dog, he walks under Masons tummy and scratches his head against him and then Mason has to lick him. The one pic is poor quality as I took it off my mobile
  2. I have rented with pets, 2 cats and a lab, we had no references from where we were with animals and I never battled to get a place, was offered 2 that we applied for and we could take our pick.
  3. Malaseb is fine to wash an entire dog as long as you don't use it on a regular basis. If your dog has any sort of fungal/bacterial infection it's one of most effective shampoos you can buy. It's also very good if your dog starts chewing itself in hot, humid weather, a wash in Malaseb can stop secondary infections if the dog's broken the shin anywhere. Diluted it's also an excellent ear cleaner. I use it about once a month on y lab to stop him itching, also now switched him to a yeast/gluten free diet as he gets bad yeast ear infections and his whole body ended up smelling after he had the ear problem. I also got his anal glands cleaned out by the vet just in case, he had an awful small about him. Thank goodness the small hasnt come back as yet.
  4. What time does the Classic start every evening next weekend??
  5. I will take 3x medium, 2 can be for my boy and 1 I will give away as a gift.
  6. We had a blue tongue for the first time the other day, my dog is terrified of them! He lay on his bed and growled at it until we coaxed the lizzard into going out of the back yard and into the front. The one we had here was pretty friendly, it didnt seem to mind us or the dog...
  7. I used to get told all the time when my pup was on lead that i am looking for trouble and that he will be 'attacked' by other dogs. At one park in particular in entered through one gate, had the dog on the lead until I was through the second gate, well before I was even opening the second gate a rottweiler was growling at my dog through the fence, the guy said to me you better take him off lead before you open the gate or my dog will attack him??? I said to him no way was I allowing my dog off lead in there with his psycho dog and I took my dog home because i didnt want to risk it. What made me crosser still was that there was a sign on the gate that said no dogs on leads and this guy used that as his defense. Its not right. If your dog will attack a dog on lead or off lead you should not take your dog out in a public area.
  8. Iam getting mine from here Pedigree is 39.95 and standard is about $5 cheaper. Postage is $10 ( To anywhere i think ) Iam going to get the Dotty one. edited to atual page ( dumbo ) Still getting used to how to use forum here is actual page Thanks I checked it out and will probably be ordering one, one question I have though is it big enough for a bottle of water to fit in? Wherever we go I always take water for my dog and I would hate to order the bag and then the water bottle doesnt fit.
  9. Is there anywhere else we can get these bags I really want one!
  10. The first time I took my lab near the river I think he was around 12 weeks old, he jumped in and swam, no fear of water which scares me as he will follow people swimming at the beach etc and just not come back! He is an extremely strong swimmer and outswims all humans!
  11. I am so glad that Charlotte found a great home!!!
  12. This sounds interesting! I think I need to know more :p It is sooo fun to watch, dogs and their handlers dancing to music! doing spiffy tricks too.. Its at Jack Mann oval on Bishop Road, they have midland, but I think its Middle swan.. its just off Roe/Toodyay Road, or near the corner of great northern Hwy and Roe Hwy How often do they have these sorts of things CNR? I've just realised I have a Fish & Chip night on at our local dog park tomorrow evening which I am kinda obligated to attend so won't get to this particular event. I'm keen to know when and where else there is 'dog dancing'! You have fish and chip night with the locals at your dog park? I wanna live where you do! The people at my local are snobby old gits!! Have a look on the DogsWest website and download the events file, it should list the events scheduled for the year. You are welcome to come I invited Candice too but don't think she and hubby will make it. Nice bunch of people and dogs at our park - only goes for a couple of hours from 6 to about 8, depending on how warm it is and who wants to hang about with drinks etc. Had a great time last night and so did Mason, lovely people and really friendly dogs, was worth the drive from the outback lol!
  13. Abrham Ali Andrew Andy Angus x 2 Angus Rip Anzac Apollo(different spelling!) Appollo Archie +1 Archer Arkhan Armand Arq Ash Ashke Attila Atlas Bailey x 6 Baloo Balou Bandit x 2 Banjo Bardigrub Bart X 2 Barton Baxter Bear x2 Beau x 2 Bender Ben x 2 Benji Benny Benson BERT! Billy Bing Bluey Bob Bomber Boo Boof Bosch Bosco Boxer Brady Brian Custard O'Doggle Brock Brockie Brody Bronson x2 Brownie Bruce Bud Buddy Buffy... he came with it Bumble Bundyx2 Buster byron Caleb Cannon Caramel Carl Cash Casper Champ Changwe Charlie x 5 Chester Chevy Chief Chip x 2 Chok Chubba Chops Clifford Coco Columbus Cooper x3 Cory Cowan x 2 Cowboy Crikey Cuba Daniel Danny Darcy x 2 Dashx2 Deakin Dean Declan Delgado Denim Dennys Dog Diablo Diesel x2 Digby Digger x2 Dillon Dinky Douglas Dominic Dumas Duncan Dylan Ebon Echo Eddie Edward Elijah Elliott Elvis Edge Ernie Esky Fergus x 2 Finn Fox x 2 FlashBazil Fleming Fletcher Fly Flynn Focus Forester Foo Frank Fudge Galahad Gandor Geo George Greedy Grover Guiness mcGuinness Hail Harley Harper Harri Harrison Harry Henry Henschke Hogan Hudson Hugo Ivan Jack x 3 Jake x 2 Jasper x 2 James Jay JayDee Jed Jethro Jet Jett Jonsey Joop Jordan Joshua Joxer Judd Juggie Kahn Kai Kaiser x 2 Kane Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kingston Kippy Kisho Kuga Kynan Kyzer Leo Lincoln Lenny Leroy Lestat x2 Logan Louie Luca Lucius Ludwig Lughie Lukas Lukon Mac X 2 MacKenzie Mandrake Mark (the cat) Mason x2 Max x 7 Maxie Maxwell THE DOG Maze Mel Merlot Merry Milky Milosh Milton Minook Mistral Mojo Mokha Moo Morris Mr Darcy Nammu Napoleon Nelsson (yes two s's) Nicky Nigel Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Occy Oliver Omar RIP Onslow Oscar x 3 Oz Pal x 2 Payton Pete Phoenix Phantom Piikki Porsha Puck Punch Quick Quincy Raffy Ralph Randy Raymond Reeve Reagan Rex Ricky Riku Riley Ripley River Rocks Rodney RIP Rolly Rory Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Rudnick Ruff Rumour Rupert Rusty Sam x2 Sampson Satchmo Scooby Scout Scrap Scratch Shadow Seth Silas Snitch Sonny Soul Spartan Speed Spencer Spike Sport Spud x 2 Sterling Stig (The) Storm Stryker Sumo Swanky Tag Tally Tana Tazz x 2 Teddy Terry Tey Dog Thomas Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x2 Tolkien Tommy Tournie Tub Tusca Tye x2 Tyson Udo Ulf Valdez Wags Walker Wally Watson Weave Whisky Willow Willy Wilson Woody Wycomb Yoshi Zac x 2 Zedley Zeppelin Zephyr x 2 Zeus
  14. We have a bit of bush and a creek across the road. I have done a huge critter hunt of the house since we got back from the vets - can't find anything. Oscar is sound asleep. Vet said it would take about 2 days for the swelling to go down. Hope his swelling goes down real quick the poor little thing, must be uncomfy !
  15. Poor Oscar! Hope he gets well soon, the poor thing has had a tough time!
  16. Rosie i love your signature pic! My Lab cuddles with my one kitty too, its adorable!
  17. I think i was given the same ladies details by two other DOL members.! Thanks though for the offer.
  18. He is 110% this morning, will possibly still take him to chiro next week just to get the all clear.
  19. I am looking for a name of a canine chiropractor in Perth, I am in Ellenbrook but will travel if someone comes highly recommended.
  20. He is much better today! He has been less active so if he is not back to his usual self tomorrow than he is off to the vet but he isnt in any pain from what I can tell, he even tried to run and play with his toys but we discouraged him as I dont want him to get hurt again, he has been lying inside with me the whole day, its really hot outside!
  21. My lab played with a friends lab yesterday and seemed fine directly after. Now this afternoon I have noticed that he is avoiding the sit position, his one leg shakes if he does sit and he sits off to the side. Could he have pulled a muscle? I think if he is the same in the morning I will take him to the vet. He is eating and otherwise himself.
  22. I would get an ear wash and see if it helps, my lab did the same though and had a yeast infection, he used to scratch his ear and moan after he had been sleeping.
  23. Welcome, I am also an immigrant, cant help you with the show info though!
  24. Which Eagle Pack are you feeding? Artemis foods are gluten free. They use rice as the cereal ingredient. You can wipe his paws with ACV. That will help break the yeast cycle. He is on large breed puppy but the next bag will be an adult variety, I use ACV on him quite often and he gets it with his food also as well as in his paddling pool . Not sure that we get Artemis here in WA I have not seen it??
  25. I am with Petplan, not very happy I sent a claim in end of november, I keep asking where my money is and they keep saying it has been processed and accounts will pay it in this week, well that was 2 weeks ago now and in the mean while my dog had a stomach upset and another claim is now sitting with them.
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