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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. No, they bought the home. They've spent a small fortune on it. Now if it was my puppy that got hurt and I owned the house I would have fixed the fence the very next day to prevent it happening again!
  2. Firstly I would remove all yeast/gluten from your dogs diet, this was the only thing that helped with my boy and then I now use Colloidal silver to clean his ears and he gets some each day to drink as well, touch wood its keeping his ears clean and yeast free. I battled for 2,5 months to get rid of his infection, I found it would never clear up 100% until I got him on a yeast free diet.
  3. This is a difficult situation and contributing to the vet bill depends totally on your financial situation. I find it also a but strange that they have made no move to sort out their side of the fence so that it cannot happen again. Are they perhaps renting and are not allowed to do anything to the house?
  4. That is a good idea about breaking the exercises up I think in the new class things will be a lot better as it will be a much much smaller group so we will get more individual attention. Love your less is more philosophy, Mason would love that one too! I find my boy does his best work when he knows his breakfast or dinner is dished and on the table outside, this is the time I can get him to do just about anything for me so I work with him for about 5 minutes 2x a day and I usually get good results at this time.
  5. I totally agree as well,the main reason I go to class is because I myself need to learn as I know I do a lot of things incorrectly and that is why Mason gets some things wrong. He is the first dog I am training properly for obedience and I just want to try get everything correct
  6. Half an hour is a long time to ask a dog to focus! Can you do a few minutes of the class, then have a break, and come back for assessments? Do you play any training games with him to make you exciting? I use classes as an opportunity to do distraction work, not so much for learning/training. I do most of my training outside of class, at home, at the park etc. Personally I prefer to have a few minutes of 110% focus and attention and energy, as opposed to an hour or half an hour of average work. I also always try to end training with my dog wanting more - so when they are still interested and keen to work - as opposed to waiting until she loses interest. All dogs can have off days so I wouldn't worry too much if he has an off day here and there. We are allowed to take a break and play and then only work when the instructor comes around but for the last 2 months he wont play in class, toys that he loves at home become boring in class, I have even bought him some toys he only gets for the first time in class - not keen . He loves his squeak ball same thing, not interested in class, stares at the other dogs playing.... its not like he NEVER gets to play with other dogs, he plays around 2x a week off lead with others.
  7. I find the opposite, Eagle Pack Holistic Select is one of the only foods my dog eats, he has to stay off yeast/gluten and the Holistic Select range are yeast free. He itches much less on this then he did on Advance.
  8. I vary my treats, I use cheese, different meats and BBQ sausages. Classes was all basic stuff like heel position, drop and sit stays, stands etc. He will now be going to pre-trialling classes which is why i am a bit concerned. He was having a really off day today and I cannot figure out why. Class is for an hour and about 30 minutes into it he is no longer interested, trouble is assessments are at the end of the class so I have to get his focus back during this time. I really want to try trial with him when he is older but I am fast losing hope as the more we go to class the "more bored" he becomes.
  9. Today was our last day in pet classes and we are moving up to pre-trial classes starting the weekend after next. I have a 11 month old labrador and he tends to not always want to work in class, he stares at all the other dogs and I battle to get his focus. Also at home and at the park he normally loves toys and in class he couldnt be less interested when we get given time to play with our dogs. I have tried varying his treats. At home and across the road at the park he works well but in class he seems to be bored and unresponsive. Any ideas?? How can I make myself more interesting to him?
  10. The worst thing my lab has done is eaten cat poo and roo poo. He also had a habit of standing in his own poo as a puppy and then jumping on our bed or worse onto us!! My ridgies that I used to have cornered my cat in our yard one night and somehow rolled her in their own poo, this poor cat was beside herself! It was the one time she actually let me bath her!
  11. I'm all talk I usually have a blonde for sale after obedience trials :D I'll show you the photo evidence on Sunday Oooh really? Who? That would be much more convenient for me And I always offer to bring her home as a sister for Mason lol!
  12. Hmm let's see, drive 2 hours to Bunbury or drive for days across the Nullabor and risk getting abducted by aliens all for the very real chance we won't even get a pass.... PASS!! I'm too chicken to even enter the Perth Royal. When is it I may be keen to go down as I have never been to Bunbury but I would have to bring my boy with as he couldnt stay the whole day on his own, or if OH isnt working I could leave the 2 of them home alone together
  13. Know how you feel, really wanted to try retrieving with Mason but we have obedience on a sunday morning, I could just change clubs but it would be sad as all the pups he went to pup school with and who are now 11 months old are in his group. I will do the tracking ( if he shows and interest) and the obedience and then next year I may change clubs or skip class during retrieving season and just train obedience on my own as hopefully by then I will have some idea of what I am doing! Edited to say that in June when Mason turns 14 months we will also be trying out agility and see how he goes with that but lucky its on a wednesday night..... but now I only finish my volunteer work at 6 so will have to see what time class is and if we can make it.
  14. I also use colloidal silver, I use it in my boys ears, eyes and he gets a bit to drink too! Since I fed him holistic yeast free food I have less vets bills as well.
  15. Yip Mason is the same, so calm and sleepy at home, BUT when we go out he has ADHD and is very hyper but if i dont feed him before training and I have treats he does tend to settle and listen to me.
  16. OK, the highlighted bit now has ME interested!!! When and where is it again? You should come to the open day, Dougal can smell food 5Km;s from us up the beach so i am sure he will be good at tracking lol!! I know! That's what I was thinking - something he'd enjoy, be good at, and not physically overexerting! I think he would be great at it. Bit worried that Mason may be a bit too immature to concentrate but we will do the open day and see what he gets up to, if he likes it its only a 5min drive ( unlike every other training) from our place on a saturday morning.
  17. OK, the highlighted bit now has ME interested!!! When and where is it again? You should come to the open day, Dougal can smell food 5Km;s from us up the beach so i am sure he will be good at tracking lol!!
  18. When the dogs growl at one another how do you handle it?? I used to say a firm "NO' to my ridgey and then put her by herself in a time out which she HATED but it got her thinking twice about growling, she used to growl at me often and she used to fight with her sister. I have gotten 2 puppies at once and i dont envy you they are very hard work but loads of people in our club have done it and the dogs are doing well. Let us know how you go.
  19. My pup has slept in our room since we brought him home, he wasnt crate trained and he has never gone to the toilet inside the house, he know he must go outside. Normally I would say let the dog sleep in your childs room BUT if the dog growls at humans then he obviously has issues which need to be sorted out before you can allow this. How old is the dog?
  20. I am keen to give it a go, will just have to see is my boy can concentrate on the day lol.
  21. Yup I am going to go, does anyone know the time its on and where exactly in Gosnells it is??
  22. I would also love to work from home! Then maybe I would actually be keen on working!
  23. Hi there, I also go to Northern Suburbs training, I will be going straight from class to the picnic on sunday and I also have a male lab. Welcome!
  24. I would pay something towards it as they live next to you and you dont know what they might do to your dogs should they bear a grudge, thats what I would do anyway.
  25. At our old place I left my pup inside when I went out because you could see right into the yard and I was scared that people might take him when he was smaller and then when he was bigger the neighbours kids used to tease him so I left him inside if we went out, once he was inside for 9hrs when I went to the Royal Show and no accidents. At our new place no one can see in and he has a nice patio area and some grass for him so now I leave him outside, I think it all depends on the yard and house set up etc.
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