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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. Sorry for your loss Lab rat, I have an oldie that I also expect not to make it every winter but he surprises me every year. Thinking of you.
  2. That's exactly right. It puts a smile on MY dial to see my dogs having fun. And yes, they ARE having fun. If they weren't, they wouldn't run around all excited with the other dogs. If they didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't do it. But I don't let them have free for alls with strange dogs, only with dogs I know. I'm into dog sports too and definitely see the benefit of a dog who has eyes for its handler, but my dogs are pets first and foremost and I won't ever sacrifice their normal doggy activities such as a romp with other friendly dogs in the name of a sport. There's a time for work and there's a time for play, and I love the challenge of teaching that to my dogs. Just my opinion I let my lab play with other people's dogs that I know, i dont just go off to the dog park and let him play with strange dogs, have had 2 bad experiences at dog parks and now i prefer not to visit them. My boy has a best friend and when they see one another their little faces light up, what can be better than that? Even if my dog never achieves anything at least I know he is happy. I am hoping that he can compete in obedience one day but if he is useless at it then so be it.
  3. UPdate! Ruby survived being in the back of the tonka truck with two red kids - so the Bunbury trip is a goer More like your kids survived the invasion of the psycho Lab!! It was so funny, after the quick private parts sniffing and confirming it was friend not foe, the 3 of them just stood there looking out at us like it was an every day occurrence P.S. You've sent off entries for both trials right? Awww poor Ruby isnt psycho..... she is not as hyper as my one lol.
  4. How would Ruby cope in the back of my Tonka Truck? I am tossing up whether to take Beans and Moo I think Ruby would cope fine, it's your two I'd be worried about putting up with the Lab! maybe on Monday I load them all in the back and we do a lap of the block and see how they cope - if its ok - then we can plan to go together! Awesome, sounds like a plan Half the petrol costs to Bunbury is a winner to me! Ruby may need a few minutes saying hello to them to get it out of her system first UPdate! Ruby survived being in the back of the tonka truck with two red kids - so the Bunbury trip is a goer Go Ruby!!! We wont make it down to watch being easter weekend....
  5. I feed Holistic Select large and giant breed, it is one of the more expensive brands but it has no wheat/yeast or soy and I have been happy with it. I am changing to the Salmon, Sardine and Anchovy version just because at this time of year my boy suffers allergies and I will do what i can to help him stop itching. I have looked at feeding all raw and for a lab I would need to feed such a lot of raw food and we dont have the freezer space, plus bones are a no go for my boy.
  6. Malaseb shampoo that you dilute? Yep. it works wonders and unlike many of the solutions and drops it works and doesn't irritate. You can use it as a cleanser, I use it every couple of months when the dogs are having a bath. You squirt it in, massage around and let the dogs have a good shake, before wiping out the ear with a dry towel or piece of paper towel. Thank you I am going to try this for my dog.
  7. Good point, I wouldnt let the lead go and I will keep a sharp eye on it when I use it.
  8. I really want to do retrieving but it is on a sunday at the same time as obedience so thats a no go for me, plus if retrieving involves anything off lead at the moment I will just get frustrated and not go back, Mason isnt ready to do much offlead. He is a bit of a wild child right now if other dogs are all off lead, he just wants to play.
  9. Im in if we can do it somewhere central..
  10. I'd be interested in both a trialling camping weekend and a DOLer one another time too ;) I am however not ready to do Geraldton at the next one. Bit strapped for cash and Ruby isn't reliable enough yet to risk trialling at such a far away place! I want to get through Bunbury first and see how she goes Doesn't Geraldton have a few trials throughout the year? Maybe one later in the year I'd be interested in doing! As for a DOLer camping thing, I'm up for that anytime! But its times like these I wish there was 2 of me, as I won't be able to enjoy a camping holiday as much with 2 dogs per 1 me. As much as I wanna camp with both of them, I think this will just be a trip for me and my special yellow girl Yep they usually have another big weekend towards the end of September, I'm hoping to be up to my ears in puppies so won't make that one. Know what you mean about the finances, if utilities keep going up I'll be operating by candlelight. With regard to the DOL camp, perhaps there might be spare people willing to give a hand with an extra Lab. I would offer to lend a hand as if we are camping I will bring OH with but Mason is a 2 person job at this stage, maybe by the time we organise a trip, like for next year he will be better behaved and I can help, Millie 's me lol.
  11. I contacted Eagle Pack dog foods and they suggested I use Holistic Select Adult Large and Giant breed Formula for my lab as he suffers with the same ear infections, he is a lot better on a yeast/gluten free diet, with the Holistic Select there is also no say and the only grains in it are rice. You can also google the different homemade ear cleaning recipe's but I would get his ear checked first to make sure the ear drums are ok before using anything. It seems to be a bad time of year for these yeast infections.....
  12. http://www.holisticselect.com/ Have a look at that one, it has all the formula's but if you want samples etc email the australian eagle pack contact email from the eagle pack website, they have sent me samples twice now within 3 days of my queries
  13. I feed Holistic Select and I am very happy with them, they have a range of formula's to choose from, and if you contact them they are happy to send samples. I emailed them through their Eagle Pack website.
  14. I take BBq sausage or cheese, something that he really loves, other dogs at this stage are much more interesting!
  15. I think I also miss the signs that he is getting ready to run off, he has much better eyesight and smell than I do so he notices new dogs at the park etc really quickly. I should actually practice on the long lead before class on a sunday as that is really distracting, if he will come then he should come at a busy park!
  16. I would not be letting your lab off lead if he doesn't have a reliable recall. In effect he is practising the bad behaviour. Keep him on a long line and go back to basics and teach him the recall from the beginning. Here are a couple of very good articles - Really Reliable Recall and The First Steps to Teaching a Reliable Recall I did used to keep him on a long lead while we were at the park but many people have a problem with that and tell me my dog will get attacked if I do so? He behaves 100% while on the lead and recalls every time, so how would I go about teaching him off the lead as I feel that he needs training off lead if he already recalls on lead.
  17. I have been having a problem getting my 11 month old lab to recall when we are at the park, he will only return to me when he has greeted whatever dog has come into his field of vision.,sometimes ie when I can see the other dog is not friendly, I want him to turn around and come back to me BEFORE he reaches the other dog to say hello. Any advise or tips? I always take food with to the park and I treat him when he returns to me when i call.
  18. Who said anything about them needing to be any good? I'll never get there at that rate Maybe next year I will entertain the idea of a camping weekend with the dogs in Geraldton. Keep your calendar open Amy and keep the training up, you're coming with The Geraldton show/trails can be alot of fun so it is definaitly worth considering and camping is availablle on the grounds for a few dollars so makes for a very relaxed weekend with like minded people. I use to go all the time, but petrol costs are a big killer these days as I usually use about two tanks of fuel with the van. One of Jenna's babies (well not still a baby) lives up there so it use to be good to catch up with her and her owners while I was there especially as she was one of the 2 that I was tossing up about keeping. So perhaps I will add your name to the list too, then! I definitely think it would be a lot of fun. I'd go this year if we could organise a group, but I think it's probably too short notice. And no worries Candice, if it happens you'll be sure to know! I don't own a tent either, nor a sleeping bag Oh, now your tempting me, I keep looking at my canine news and saying I can't afford to go and that it will clash with tracking. I do have a big three room tent, spare sleeping bags, air mattresses and could possiably get hold of another big tent or a couple of little ones(possiably) I think camping may only be available to competitors though as its on the competition grounds. Entries close next Monday, how many are interested? Perhaps we could car pool. Mmm camping/competing V tracking, I need more and longer weekends. If enough people are interested in camping with their dogs we could maybe arrange a DOLers camp somewhere in the not too distant future if we could find somewhere nice that we could have all the dogs at. I think a Dolers camp would be a great idea !!1
  19. A friend of mine used them and were very happy every time.
  20. I think I may have made a similar mistake, I feed a food which has no yeast or gluten as my boy suffers from yeast ear infections, but now I have been adding VAN and some mince to his kibble daily and now I am wondering If I have done the wrong thing, he is very itchy at the moment and his ears are flaring, maybe i should stop the VAN as it has grains and yeast in it??
  21. If the people with the small pup had half a clue they would have fixed the fence before they even brought the dog home, we had fences that could be dug under etc and we spent days digging under the fence and laying railway sleepers to stop a pup digging under BEFORE we thought about bringing him home. I am actually shocked that they still have not bothered to do anything to stop their pup putting his legs under the fence, I just cant comprehend why they wouldnt do anything????
  22. For those of you that use the Malaseb to wash out the ears, how do you dilute it, Ie ratio of water to shampoo?? My pups ears are flaring up again and I have no idea why, I havent been taking him to the beach and he hasnt been swimming in the river, his allergies have been bothering him these last 2 weeks so maybe that has something to do with it. He is eating gluten/yeast/wheat free food and the only grain in his food is rice.
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