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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. Don't you dare give up! Seriously I am the most unco person in the world, truly unco! If I can manage you can too! Just takes a bit of practice! I'll pass on what knowledge I have and help you and Rosie Need to get you two up to scratch so we can do strategic pairs! Thats the thing that worries me about agility, i think I will forget the course and then number 2 people will be laughing at the way I run around etc Mason has way more co-ords than I could ever have! RosieFt I know what you mean about filling the horse time, I find if I didnt have Mason I would be soooo bored !
  2. So you feed a kibble that doesn't contain chicken? I feed my dogs chicken pieces no more than twice a week - they get turkey quite often though. For us I buy organic chicken - it's not chemical free but it contains less. Yes Holistic Select make a whole range of food with different flavours. I like the Anchovey, Salmon and Sardine at the moment. Their is also duck and lamb. That's an awesome range of flavours. I do have an "no anchovy" policy when it comes to Pizza though. Not sure what my dogs think about it. The downside to that flavour is lovely fishy breath of course I have to go with the Holistic Select as its one of the yeast and gluten free kibbles here in WA. Roo meat and bones agree with my boy so he gets roo mince and when I can get them roo bones too, they are the only bones that dont make him ill.
  3. Valley is sounds like they didnt care for him at all?? Mason is the first animal I have gone out and paid money for, my 2 cats I found, husbands cat was one of his cats kittens, horse i got from a rescue group and my 2 older dogs with my mum I got off a farm. Edited to say, not a puppy farm but a dairy farm lol.
  4. That is good to hear! Mason is such a happy boy, he bounces right back Yip he is he did spend a lot of the day sulking but tonight he has livened up and stolen all the things I packed in his training bag, his toys and bowl for my session in the morning and he is dancing around the house with them doing his furious tail and but wiggle
  5. I dont know how people live with themselves after they have treated a dog like that, I had the naughtiest bitch in the world and I was never cruel to her even though she frustrated me to no end RS and Kristen I cant offer any advise on rescue dogs but with my rescue horse i know it took him 4 years to settle down and trust me 100%. They take a long long time to bond with people if they have been moved around a lot. Take a look at Mason and Ruby how different they are to rescue dogs, they have only had one home and one owner, they dont seem to have a care in the world
  6. I saw the dog and I know what its like so i was heading home, was just about to cross the road when it pounced, owner was admiring the colour of the sky ...................
  7. So you feed a kibble that doesn't contain chicken? I feed my dogs chicken pieces no more than twice a week - they get turkey quite often though. For us I buy organic chicken - it's not chemical free but it contains less. Yes Holistic Select make a whole range of food with different flavours. I like the Anchovey, Salmon and Sardine at the moment. Their is also duck and lamb.
  8. I hope Mason is ok!!!! Poor boy Give him hugs for me! Kristen, Cara sounds a bit like my Millie I haven't met her but from the descriptions she is a bit psycho, barky for attention, tendency to be wild, destructive, slight separation issues? But on the flip side, Millie can be the calmest girl if she's sitting there getting pats from you, she'll sit and look longingly at you like she is the calmest dog in the world. Don't be fooled! Can't wait to meet Cara!! Mason is just fine, he was doing zooms earlier. You will meet Cara on Sunday if Kristen is still coming?
  9. what ever!!!!!! I dont actually give a rats arse what you think. It is all relevant to how much someone knows about dogs. We all started somewhere and we all continue to learn. Judging by your topics you have a long way to go but you come across as if you know it all. By the way Do you really know how many growth hormones are in beef, pork and chicken. do you know what chemicals have been used on the vegetables you use in your barf diet??? These are the same products we eat as well. all natural!!!! I dont think so. To everyone out there.. make up your own minds please. Supermarket food is not all crap The hormones in chicken is one of the main reasons I stopped feeding it to my dog and I dont eat a lot of meat myself because if this.
  10. I am always up and about by 8am and its only 5 minutes down the road so its very convenient for us. Tomorrow morning we are having a training session with someone who trials their dogs so lets hope Mason behaves
  11. Know how u feel, this morning I was walking my lab around the path across the road and a man ( whose dog has tried to go for mine before) was walking his dog off lead and his shepherd rushes up to my dog and tries to attack him, he was muzzled thank goodness but somehow my dog still got a cut on his back leg. I am less than impressed
  12. I am starting tracking next weekend, I thought it would be fun for Mason to give it a go as I am not doing agility with him this year ( not sure I ever will but we will see) the open day they had last weekend was awesome
  13. I agree I would love to feed an all natural raw only diet but my dog cant digest bones so I have to do the next best that I can which is feed him raw mince and the best kibble I can find and I am going with Holistic Select at the moment.
  14. What about baby gates? Why do they need to be inside??
  15. I cant comment on heeling, my dog doesnt do it yet at this stage, he will for a few steps and then look around etc, its one of the things I really need to work on with him :D
  16. Yes, contact them through their website I have been sent samples 2x now as I first tried the Holistic Select large Adult and I wanted to try the Anchovy and Salmon for dogs with allergies and they sent me samples very quick each time.
  17. I am going to report it, that dog shouldnt be offlead at all!
  18. I got a fluoro green one at my IGA, it was as bright as anything until I soaked it in Napisan as it got dirty very easy.
  19. Was out walking and this shepherd went for Mason for the second time now and today Mason's leg is actually cut and bleeding, I dont understand why people let their dogs offlead if they think the dog may be aggressive!!! I am now very annoyed and must head off to work for a couple of hours, not a happy camper today.
  20. Very interesting question - especially with the push in NSW to bring English style heeling in. I noticed on some of the crufts videos I watched this year that the dog is actually leaning on the handlers leg - it looks like if the handler took their leg away the dog might fall over. Starting to train with G tomorrow morning Ptolomy
  21. I am a big Eagle Pack fan I like their Holistic Select range, the Advance is good but just didnt agree with my dog, I keep him off yeast and gluten and Holsitic Select is free of those. He also goes to the loo way less on EP.
  22. They just let us each do a few tracks with our dogs on a field, wasnt too hectic, I am going along for the first time next saturday, will probably buy maybe the harness but not the longer lead, I find the lead i have hard enough to control at full length Edited to say there are a bunch of us getting together for Mason's birthday on easter monday, all are welcome to come down and say hi, we will be there from around 10am and humans are welcome to BBQ with us if you feel for it.
  23. There's no off topic in here I like the chocolate ones! HATE the fruit ones, except they do smell lovely! That's about it Dont really like the fruit ones either...
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