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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. Thanks FionaC I will go and take a look.
  2. When I am training my dog I dont use any harsh corrections I just say too bad and thats it. However when I am not training him and he does something wrong, like for eg he tried to snatch something out my hand this morning i used a very firm "NO". He knows when I do this he has done something very wrong and he sits and looks at me for a few seconds as if to say I am very sorry mum.
  3. I think when their ears are inflammed most things could sting a bit ;)
  4. From his butt to the top of his head he is around 80cm, I am just so worried that I order a crate and it doesnt fit in my car! Think I need to measure the car as well ;) That site looks good however thats a bit more money than I am looking to pay at the moment, I am heading to Better Pets and Gardens later so I will get a price from them too. I would really like a used one though. If you find much cheaper than that and the quality is good - let me know! I fit that size crate into my Honda Jazz by folding it up and putting one of the back seats down, then I slide it in lengthways. I think the Jazz may be a bit bigger than the Getz, I will measure my car later as well, Rubystar has 2 diff sizes so I am going to ask her if i can take Mason over to her place and try him in each size.
  5. From his butt to the top of his head he is around 80cm, I am just so worried that I order a crate and it doesnt fit in my car! Think I need to measure the car as well ;) That site looks good however thats a bit more money than I am looking to pay at the moment, I am heading to Better Pets and Gardens later so I will get a price from them too. I would really like a used one though.
  6. Yes friends of mine are saying that with a 42" its hard to take it anywhere. I think I need a bigger car I only have a Getz so who knows how me, Mason and the crate are going to fit in the car How much smaller are the soft ones when they are folded??
  7. Erny I sympathize with you, I cant offer any real tips but I have a dog who suffers yeast infections and to ward them off I use colloidal silver in his ears about 3x week, when he got the first infection OH had to literally hold him down as he hated it, not to mention that the cortisone made him miserable, he drank 100's of litres of water and then couldnt hold his urine. The drops and wash helped but not as much as I would like so i tried the colloidal as a preventative and it works well. He is now so used to me putting the squirt bottle down his ear that I can do them on my own, it has taken 5 months for him to get used to it though
  8. Are they supposed to be able to sit upright without touching the top of the crate or is it mainly for lying down only? I have never had a crate before so I have no clue. Everyone I know with a Goldie or lab says the 42" are way too big for their dogs.
  9. I am looking for a used crate that would be big enough for my lab if anyone has one to sell
  10. I was wondering what size crate I need for my lab, are they supposed to be able to sit up in the crate as the soft ones I have seen online all seem to be very low height wise.
  11. Was wondering the same thing, it sounds awesome!
  12. Labsrule Mason loves these balls more than anything in the world, I ordered him 2 with the last order and I am getting more as he adores them.
  13. Yep exactly, Daisy is the first dog I'm training in obedience and it is a huge learning curve! I am very lucky I have such a forgiving dog I know, sometimes I think my dog knows more than i do ;)
  14. Thanks She's three years old. Wish I had started off the right way with training from day one because I am sure she would be further along in her training than she is now, but oh well, you live and learn, we are on the right track now and I will get it right with the next dog ;) You do learn, Mason is the first dog I am really teaching obedience to so I also have heaps to learn, we met up with one of the instructors from our club this morning and had a training session with him and it is amazing just how much i dont know!!!
  15. Great work Huski Daisy is just gorgeous! How old is she??
  16. I can't wait but I never realised we were being marked! I am sure you and Toby will do well ;)
  17. If we only need the bare basics then I definately will go along and do the seminar
  18. I think I will make a plan to crate train before July as I guess the dogs will need to be left alone for awhile while the humans to certain things. I look forward to the seminar though.
  19. This is what i use too...you can use normal black tea as well - obviously as long as it's cooled! Works brilliantly for minor irritations (eg as a wash) and for conjunctivitis I use Colloidal Silver on my dogs eyes as he gets a lot of gunk from allergies.
  20. There are a number of things i can be but with my dog any fatty meat like lamb can cause him to get the runs an anything with a bone in also sets him off. I give Protexin powder I found the yoghurt upset his tummy.
  21. Last time tomorrow for a long time though hey?! ;) Yes thank god. I got some hot cross buns yesterday and one for brekky this morning
  22. I am not too worried for the stays as my boy will do them on and offlead but the heeling worries me, we had some training today in heeling as he hasnt much focus and isnt great at at it but by July I recon he will be ok ;)
  23. I would like to go, do you think it will be informative to me as we have just started training stays etc?
  24. No hormones in chicken. Illegal for about 20 years. And inspectors used to check it, but they are not used now. Are u 100% sure? If they dont use hormones why are the chicken breasts you see in store so huge compared to what they used to be?? and Why are the organic ones more of a regular size?
  25. Mason slobbers a lot on toys etc and when he sees any food, human or dog
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