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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. I will start squeaking the i-squeaks mid afternoon tomorrow - that should help find your way to K9 Drive safely - and will see you on Saturday. If Toby hears them he will run away from home Have you seen my sig Ptolomy, its Toby with his least fav (and my fav ) iSqueak because it no longer squeaks! One of ours also no longer squeaks because Mason and his best mate took it in the pool with them and it sucked in hair and sand etc....
  2. Toby's barking is good distraction training . Lincoln was cute and very laid back. I was exhausted after lugging my crate back to the car, next time I might park on the drive like other people were doing. Glad the barking didn't bother you! Lincoln is cute but I am biased Mason has only started to focus on me now at a year old and I have had to work soooo hard on it that its not even funny!!
  3. Lol thats okay ness! Can I ask where your ordering yours from.. We'll probs do another order in a few months anyway lol! no Probs Masons mum can do! I know he will go mad for one of those tugs with all the plush stuff on it
  4. Me either GR!!! Those slices sound devine I'll bring one tomorrow night hey? That still on? Yip sounds good!!
  5. I agree and just because they pay so much more for a pup it doesnt mean that they would love it more or spend more time with it because it cost them a lot of money.
  6. Me either GR!!! Those slices sound devine
  7. I agree 100% with you, as a non breeding non showing member of the public there is no way I would pay $1800 for a puppy no matter what the colour. Its not that I am cheap and IMO my dog has a lovely happy home, he only has the best, he has medical insurance, gets new toys, collars etc all the time but I would just never pay that price for a pup. I was happy to pay what I did for my pup because he has a beautiful nature and he is very handsome plus I know his parents were health tested.
  8. At least come on Sunday! It's the Finals day! I am going to try my best, if I come it will be Sunday as my club has no training due to the Nationals and its the only day i am really free, but saying that I could come down on the friday as I dont work fridays Yeah come on Friday, I am hoping to hang out there all day (well, not all day, I want my sleep in dammit!!) I will make violet crumble slice, probably as expensive as the mars bar one but oh sooooo gooooooooood!! Though I've never made it before, only my sister has, so mine might turn out awful ;) Friday might be better for me actually, will let you know during the week and I will see if I need to steward etc.
  9. At least come on Sunday! It's the Finals day! Which means I won't have dogs in and can relax! If I come down and if OH comes with I may bring Mason, he needs to learn to be around other dogs but in his crate, so we will see how we go.
  10. At least come on Sunday! It's the Finals day! I am going to try my best, if I come it will be Sunday as my club has no training due to the Nationals and its the only day i am really free, but saying that I could come down on the friday as I dont work fridays ;)
  11. I was doubting that I might make it down to the Nationals but now with all this talk of yummy food I think i am going to have to make a big effort!!!
  12. I might be interested in one of their tug toys which I know my dog would love, let me know when you will be ordering.
  13. When my pup was young ( I got him June last year) it was really bad weather and you could see into our old yard so when we went out he was left inside, I wasnt working though so it was just for a few hours at a time. We have since moved, got a place with a patio and fully fenced and no one can see in and so he stays outside now when we go out and when we are home he comes in and out as he pleases...
  14. Our one cat suffered terrible anxiety, he was given medication for humans to treat schizophrenia, it wasnt that expensive but I cant remember the name now....
  15. Let me know if the EPO makes a difference with her ;)
  16. You can use whatever word you like. I use 'lets go" I need to start working on he right hand side heel as well if we are going to ever do agility, will probably only be next year but might as well train him to heel both sides while we are at it. His heeling has come along so much in the last 3 weeks I am very happy. I'm pretty sure that for competition your commands need to be one word only. If you're planning on competing you may want to rethink this command. Wish I had known that earlier........... ;) now I have to think up a new word.
  17. Katie what day are you going to Nationals to watch, I am thinking Sunday as the saturday I have tracking.
  18. Ahem... I work for a Council!!!! and yes Swan has a much better reputation than Mundaring (and No I dont work 4 either of them) RS if they really were money hungry they would let us have lots of dogs and have to pay lots of regos They also let us swop registrations between councils if you move and have paid for a 3 year rego.
  19. Thanks for this I will mail her tomorrow - cannot wait for this diet to be over for Mason it makes training treats difficult, he will do anything for the Sea Jerky though so that helped heaps, I have managed to teach him to go to his crate when I say "crate" and then he gets sea jerky
  20. I got them from Here They have a shop in Ellenbrook that you can go into and buy directly from them, they only had 2 bags of sea jerkey left, I bought them both, and next week he will be getting more stock of that plus Sea Rolls.
  21. None of mine do!! I believe they should have liver points and that yellows and blacks should have black points, unless of course they are yellow with liver points which is not true to standard, and cannot be exhibited in shows. Most of the ones I have seen out and about have the pink so I was just wondering if all of them had it, thanks for the answer, I love the deep rich chocs that you can get but I dont like the pink eye rims etc.
  22. Lol u sound like me Valley, I said no more puppies until Mason is at least 3.....
  23. I wish that I had known how to train a lot more things than i did when I got Mason, my next dog I will work on heel position and heeling right from the get go..... I would have done it sooner but had no idea how to teach certain things...
  24. I am glad you remembered! I used them for crate training today which was really nice, saves me cooking up fish or using plain kibble....
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