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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. Am quite disappointed I see that the 2nd order of I-squeaks has now been cancelled by the organiser.... I only have one working one left. The guy who owns the pet store here by us is very friendly, he may be able to order me some I guess.
  2. Absolutley hearthbreaking for you ruski I'm sure So gorgeous and so young, RIP Duke I haven't heard of sea slugs either and we are often at the beach. WIll go do some research also, thank you for the warning. RIP Duke, I will also need to do some research on this as I often take my boy to the beach, when did this happen to Duke?
  3. Thanks for the offer but I am looking after a friends guinea pig tomorrow( long story) and they are coming to fetch him in the evening so I need to be here :D
  4. Have you had this problem with your labs? I guess we can give this a try. It does sound difficult though! I havent had the problem of him barking for food but he went through a phase of when he was put outside when I was cleaning the floors or I had guests etc he used to bark loudly at the door to be let in. It was so annoying but I used to just let him bark and only when he stopped he was let back inside again. He hasnt done it since he was about 7 months old though, he is now almost 13 months.
  5. What you have to do is wait for a break in the barking and then reward him by feeding him or playing his favorite game. Its going to be hard but you need to train him that he only gets good things when he is quiet.
  6. I am doing it and I think Golden Rules is also participating
  7. I could always join you to stir things up a bit! I'm not that far from Cannington nor Riverton Come on doooooooown!! Wish I could come too but its a bit far How long does it take you to get down to that side of the world Valley??
  8. Love all the photos... especially this one of Mason Yeah its a really good shot!!
  9. I had 2 ridgeback bitches ( who were desexed at 6 months) they had 4 major fights, the last one, one had her jugular vein nicked and almost died, they were best of friends most days but when they decided to fight it was to the death and they always had to be seperated, usually by pouring water over their heads continually so that they had to move away to breathe. Because of this I would say no to 2 bitches together but then again I do know people who have had bitches together with no hassles at all.
  10. Rubystar, if you are interested in the Retrieving Club's training days, give their secretary a call for the times. It should be in the Canine News, or else phone DogsWest for the contact number. The first training day I have heard, is going to be May 8th, so as not to clash with Mothers Day on the 9th. These training days are really to answer any questions new people might have about the sport, and, to let them have a go at a retrieve as close as possible to how it may be in a trial, but without the distance. Newbies can opt for their own favourite dummy for their dog to retrieve, and also, there is the opportunity for the dog to hear gunshot, whether it be from afar or up close (your choice). The main problem we seem to encounter with novice dogs/handlers to the sport is lack of obedience, which is really a necessity, as the excitement of the whole retrieving thing, takes hold of youngsters and if you haven't got that obedience instilled into your dog, then it can be a trying time. At the training day, you can keep your dog on a lead if required, and there will be more experienced people to help and advise. I have given ValleyCBR a DVD which goes over basics in training, maybe she will loan it to you too. It might help a bit. I would like to go to the retrieving day, my young dog is a bit iffy in his obedience, he has his good days and bad, some days he is brilliant off-lead, other days he is shocking!
  11. I dont have a link to it but I have been using that game after I was shown how to play it. It really does teach them to be very steady in their stands.
  12. Wow Cider is great!! Her heeling and drops are much nicer than my dog who is older than her
  13. Happy Birthday Banjo!! Hope you have a super day!
  14. Do you have any info on it? Like day/time/place? I would also like to go
  15. So why are you using exactly when you could be buying raw meat at under $5 kg. I can understand buying kibble by not hugely price infated freezer dried meat? It wasn't made to be eaten everyday, it was for people who like to feed raw but might be out camping or something that doesn't have a fridge. Which Premimum Kibble costs more than $26 for 2 kgs? I bought a small bag of EP holistic select last week, it was $38 for 2,7Kg
  16. I'd invest in a good wire one to be safe. Wire one doesnt fit in the car so like it or lump it he has to learn to go in it, if he wont then i will just tie him to a stake. Its my fault really I should have crate trained him as a pup, he will go in it at home and sleep in it etc but when there are other dogs around he just wants out! Sorry I forgot a wire one wouldn't fit in your car. No worries Hubby and I have already decided that our next car will be a bigger one, probably a nice 4x4 with loads of boot space
  17. I'd invest in a good wire one to be safe. Wire one doesnt fit in the car so like it or lump it he has to learn to go in it, if he wont then i will just tie him to a stake. Its my fault really I should have crate trained him as a pup, he will go in it at home and sleep in it etc but when there are other dogs around he just wants out!
  18. I think it might be closed by then, don't think they will have training on the grounds that night as equipment will be set up and they won't be allowed to run it with their dogs, thanks though. Besides looks like we will be going out to let our hair down (well just a little) before Thursday. I will be coming to dinner and depending on my mum's mood I will either be driving home after or having both dogs delivered the next morning! I thought about it at training and I think separating Toby from Lilly and Lincoln for the night might stress him and make him not perform his best the next day. Toby was good at training! I was awful, learning to handle is the hardest part (And teaching weaves!) I think I will bring Lincoln to nationals cause he was a little angel sitting in the car in his crate while I was basically on the other side of the oval and not a peep from him! Had Mason in the crate at tracking today, we we standing within sight and he tried to dig out the ventilation and ended up bending the crate ( my OH bent it back again) but I wasnt impressed with him, think I need to do a lot more crate training with him.
  19. Yip I am going to go for one of those and one of the other ones, they look cool!
  20. I got one of these crate
  21. Maybe Toby went without you Thats what I was thinking If he did he made Novice Jumping Final so well done Toby! I think Ruby would have a better chance of a Q if she ran it on her own I know what u mean RS, think I would forget the course and I also dont think people need to look at my running style, they may roll on the floor
  22. Masons is also a bit seasonal, especially as the seasons change, dont know what he is like in winter yet as last year he was a pup and never seemed to have any allergies, as we went into October thats when he started getting the swelling eyes etc, so we have to wait and see. Stormie let me know if you order any of that stuff and how much it was and if it was successful
  23. DO you think someone took them or do u think you forgot them somewhere?? I must make a plan for more i-squeaks as we only have one that is in working order as I gave one of ours to a friend
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