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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. I know my camera is useless at taking photos that are either very close or far
  2. Here are 2 photos the quality is terrible but you can more or less see the location and size....
  3. Similar but smaller than that, will post 2 pics now but they are bad quality but you can see the size.
  4. I dont think my camera will manage to zoom in that close and not blur but I will try later when there is more light.
  5. I just noticed this morning that my lab has a redish lump where the hair meets his paw pad, has anyone else seen anything like this and know what it may be? He is walking fine etc.
  6. I took my dog down to watch today, I kept him in a crate most of the time though ;)
  7. I will try make it down to watch today, am feeling really lazy to drive down though.......
  8. I am going to try come down tomorrow, will have the destroyer with me though because he cant be trusted home alone at the moment
  9. Use this form to join and to fill in Mason's registration details: http://www.dogswest.com/Pdfs/Applications/...Application.pdf This should give you an Ordinary membership, not Associate. Your hubby will also need to be a member if he wishes to trial him, and if Mason is registered in both your names, the form says this: "If the dog is jointly owned, (Mr & Mrs) then a double membership must be applied for". So you guys would need an Ordinary Double membership at a guess. Thanks RS, Mason is registered in my name so I dont know if we can apply for double membership? I will maybe ask them tomorrow if I come down.
  10. I just had a look at the dogs west website and I have no idea what membership I need, they dont just have Associate or full on there they have loads of other stuff. Also if my hubby wants to take Mason in the tracking trial does he need to be a member too ??
  11. Good luck to those competing today.... as for me I am off to work.....
  12. Like a bitch on heat walks past at the same time every morning? I would say that considering that he barks and then stops when he gets fed, that he simply has his owners very well trained to do exactly what he wants. I was just thinking that maybe her owner lets her out into the garden at that time of the morning, it was just a suggestion I didnt claim to be an expert!
  13. If he is undesexed he could be barking if he smells a bitch on heat, just thought of this now....
  14. Bet if you had offered them a day off as a reward they would have started using it ASAP
  15. There was an episode of Big Bang Theory where Sheldon does this to Penny, very amusing although he doesn't use a clicker I think it's on youtube somewhere!! I must have a look, sounds funny. I have been doing some training this week, had a terrible class again on sunday, Mason heeled very well but everything else went out the window, he even lay down in the sit stay which is very unlike him
  16. No, I've never soaked his kibble. How much water do you need to put? This could work! I dont know exactly how much water I put in but I would say that I put the kibble in his bowl and put enough water so that the kibble just floats off the bottom slightly, I wait until all the water is absorbed and then feed. If labs eat too fast they can get bloat which is why I still soak my kibble.
  17. You can order one of those bowls that has like cyclinders sticking up to make them eat slower, also do you soak his kibble ??( if thats what he gets) because it may help with the vomiting, I never soaked my other dogs food and they sometimes threw up after meals but with mason i always soak it and he never does even though he eats as fast as anything!
  18. Have you had this problem with your labs? I guess we can give this a try. It does sound difficult though! I havent had the problem of him barking for food but he went through a phase of when he was put outside when I was cleaning the floors or I had guests etc he used to bark loudly at the door to be let in. It was so annoying but I used to just let him bark and only when he stopped he was let back inside again. He hasnt done it since he was about 7 months old though, he is now almost 13 months. Off the topic (Sorry) but I'm guessing that's your dog in the picture? He is beautiful and looks very similiar to my boy Jett Yes that is my boy, he was naughty for the first time and chewed up the chair for my outdoor setting today
  19. I think i am going to clicker train my husband - do something right- click and I do his washing ;)
  20. My labrador doesnt go for the toilet roll at all....
  21. The only thing with this is if your dog is on the Limited Register, you need your breeder to upgrade your dog to Main Registered if you want to show if you both think the dog is good enough. Yep indeed, I just think of mains because both my dogs have main reg, despite them both being munted ;) Did you ever plan on showing? Might be different in your breeds but it's pretty rare for a breeder to let a pet dog go on Mains unless they had plans for the showring. I have found out from a few people with other breeds that a lot of their dogs are on the main register, it seems a bit different with labs. Anywho I am happy with limited, Mason is missing 2 vital parts now anyway
  22. .......and that Aussies are the BEST!!! .......and that you can get all tail lengths in the one litter........and that Aussies are the BEST! ........and that they act like cockroaches when caught on the bed uninvited. Labs also do the dead cockroach.....
  23. How do I get a copy?? Become a member of Canine. You can become an Assoiciate member and if you are going to compete in Tracking you will need to become a member anyway, that way you can also enter some obedience trials too. Yeah I need to become a member just keep forgetting
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