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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. Yep, Masons Mom and I are going :D Are you?? I am looking forward to it :D I got my local pet shop to start stocking i-squeaks, he hasnt ordered in bulk so the price is not cheap ( $12,95 for a medium) but at least I can get them now ( but I will order plenty more when we do the bulk order).
  2. I am also of the opinion that no dog can have 100% recall, every dog has something that will tempt it to ignore its owner, it may be a cat, food, birds or other dogs. I know someone who compete in obedience with their dog, dog wins competitions etc lovely recall but if people have food the dog ignores the owner so no dog is temptation free but thats just my opinion.
  3. We were just at the offlead park this morning and Mason had a lovely play with 4 other dogs ranging from a deerhound to a poodle - all was happy and I can say with 110% that he would never be aggressive to another dog or start a fight, even my cats are more dominant than him! There were some tiny dogs there that ganged up on him and chased him growling and barking so its not just big dogs who are a problem, the little ones can be just as bad. Mason will run up and greet other dogs, if I call him 90% of the time he will come back to me but he is a dog so i would never say that he has 100% recall.
  4. I know, but he is like that anywhere Amy, in class he goes from being the best behaved dog in class to the instructor asking me why my dog has been put in that class - its like he is bipolar :D Yeah it was a lot for him to take in he was so excited down there at the K9, i probably need to take him there more often to get used to it.
  5. That is what the guru told me to do, and I have to say it works! She said Ruby finds heeling fun (when I thought she was bored to tears of it!) and that by stopping the game and stepping away when she looks away, she loses her chance for earning rewards. When they look back, start the game again and get a reward in when they commit back to you. She also said you don't have to wait for them to get back into seated heel position next to you each time, just get moving again straight away as all you're after is focus (I was asked about this method the other day and for the life of me couldn't remember the whys of it, but it just came back to me ) The other guru with the red kids also taught me that if your dog just plain doesn't want to focus/play the game, put them away for a few minutes. Rinse and repeat, they soon learn if they don't pay attention they don't get to stay out and play! You saw on friday how hard it is to get Mason's attention? Granted we didnt have treats that had any value to him with me but he is so focussed on other dogs it drives me insane!! I take him to the park a few times a week and work on him only focussing on me but its hard!!
  6. If one of my kids lost focus (more like the baby than the older kids) the moment it happened I would get into their face and ask them what do you think you are doing ........I usually find they switch back in real quick :p Do you do it in a cross voice?? Thinking maybe this would be useful to me, my dog has the attention span of a flea....
  7. Lol thats us out then, Mason can be the picture of obedience one second and a monster the next, he loves other dogs and tends to want to say hello to the whole world....
  8. I want to get Mason a raincoat for walking in winter, just need one that isnt too thick as he doesnt feel the cold....
  9. Mason does the same Valley he wont walk if he has a coat on its too funny!!! A friend of mine back home sent him 3 coats last year, one he outgrew and the other 2 he will never fit into ( she cut the pattern on her rescue lab who weighs 10Kg more than him ) so I have had to alter them a bit but he doesnt seem to really feel the cold...
  10. My boy had that a lot as a pup, everytime he gets bones he gets the runs and throws up, for some reason he just cant digest them and so I just dont give them to him anymore, since I stopped the bones his tummy has been 100%.
  11. Not something I have any interest in. Can't wait till the Rally Seminar! What did they expect the dog to know before then again? I think just basic things like sit drop maybe recall? Cant really remember, I must look when we have to pay by again...
  12. Is anyone doing the Dancing With Dogs Seminar on the 29 May?
  13. What clubs are these? ie. are they going to be at K9? Nope agility is at Lumen Christi and obidience is at Carine. Are you sure? Our club calender for Northern Suburbs says that the agility is at Northern Suburbs? Let me go double check... I think she's talking about a different weekend MM, the Northern Suburbs agility trial is on the 6th? Ahh I may have gotten the wrong end of the stick lol! I will probably be helping in some way at the agility on the 6th if they look for helpers, we dont have class because of the trial so I may just go watch/or help.
  14. What clubs are these? ie. are they going to be at K9? Nope agility is at Lumen Christi and obidience is at Carine. Are you sure? Our club calender for Northern Suburbs says that the agility is at Northern Suburbs? Let me go double check...
  15. 10 minute drive for me . I think its about 15 or 20 for me but I am not exactly where sure where the Midland club train so if someone could post street names that would be awesome
  16. Thanks RS. Are you doing Midland Obidience Trial? If so I will come and watch because its nice and close to home. When is that one Valley, I would also like to watch. Saturday June 5th, it has an AM and PM trial. Thanks I would love to go watch, will see if I can pop over after tracking that day.
  17. Thanks RS. Are you doing Midland Obidience Trial? If so I will come and watch because its nice and close to home. When is that one Valley, I would also like to watch.
  18. So glad that yesterday wasnt the day, let us know how he goes!!
  19. My lab does the same thing, i try now get him to look at me when another dog is walking nearby and when he looks at me he gets a treat, I taught him this with clicker training. You can also make him sit and wait for the other dog to be out of sight and then continue if its possible. Its really hard and I know how you feel, some days my dog is very difficult to walk.
  20. I got my boy a Nyalabone the other day and he loves it, he chews it every chance he gets!
  21. July is their next intake and that might already be full. I'm starting beginners agility at Eden Hill tonight, already do obedience there, should be fun . I think I may give agility a go too, but only when Mason is 18 months old or so.
  22. Will be thinking of you and your boy, its the toughest decision one ever has to make but always for the best if he is suffering I know what you mean about dogs being bonded, my mums 2 ( mine while I lived at home) were from the same litter and have never been separated
  23. Well done Polo! Good to see a retrieving brag in here Yeah Well done Polo, retrieving is something that really interests me
  24. It may do, I will try and find the setting or wait for OH to get home, he will know. Mason and I are relaxing in bed today, I want him to rest his paw and I had a reaction to seafood last night, I used to be fine with it but it seems I now have an allergy...
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