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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. Our training is something like this at the moment.... 1 night during the week we are going to meet up with a lady who trains near me ( she does obedience, tracking, and retrieving, I need her help with retrieving) Saturdays - tracking Sundays - club obedience And then we have been invited to another group that will be meeting probably once a fortnight or so to train obedience ( bunch of people from our club). Thinking about dropping the tracking next season as my weekends are just far to busy and I dont get anything else done !! I am unsure about the Rally O seminar, I think I would be more keen if it were not 2 days because I am not feeling for driving to Southern River 2 days in a row....
  2. I dont do peeing in the bush etc, think I would rather try hold it for the entire weekend!! After all if I wanted no water and electricity I would have stayed in africa .....
  3. Where is the trial?? Arthur River, about 2 and a half hours away. It goes all long weekend apparently. Do you want to come? Camping out is involved :D Will need to work out OH work schedule, when is the long weekend in June?? We dont have any camping gear, could maybe come for one night though. June 4th and 5th I think I will be camping (or just sleeping in my car!). June 7 is the holiday day off (Monday). Had a look and OH is working the sunday so we wont make it...
  4. Maybe PM Tiggy as I think she trains at Eden Hill she could tell you more about where it is etc and what nights they train. Hope you find a club you like soon
  5. I have seen a horse who had ripped a huge chunk of skin and muscle on a barbed wire fence, vet stitched it x2 and it kept opening, eventually the flap of skin died and the wound was open, the owner was told to use honey on the wound and it heeled amazingly well!
  6. The only club I know of NOR is Northern Suburbs which I attend, we are in pre-trial classes but they are on a sunday, Midland and Eden Hill train during the week but are not really NOR more east. But to be honest in most obedience classes you dont get to socialise, I train at a club as its a good distraction for my dog but there is no dog interaction if you know what I mean.
  7. Well that's a good sign hopefully!! ;) They need atmosphere controlled bubbles We used to joke that Zayda should be the "puppy inna bubble" when she was little... My husband was joking around the other day and said that Mason should also be in one of those bubble suits lol. It'd be really funny if it wasn't so close to the truth, hey? Yip aint that the truth! I think if Mason could wear one he would be way less itchy etc. He is doing much better on the anti-histamines etc, I think one of the injections he got last week made him very sleepy/ and or depressed as he wasnt himself but is doing much better this week.
  8. Well that's a good sign hopefully!! They need atmosphere controlled bubbles We used to joke that Zayda should be the "puppy inna bubble" when she was little... My husband was joking around the other day and said that Mason should also be in one of those bubble suits lol.
  9. Where is the trial?? Arthur River, about 2 and a half hours away. It goes all long weekend apparently. Do you want to come? Camping out is involved Will need to work out OH work schedule, when is the long weekend in June?? We dont have any camping gear, could maybe come for one night though.
  10. The correct answer is - my dogs are not allow to counter surf - if they put their paws up on the bench they get told off - its something I hate. Now being honest...... UMMM Yep Beans never used to but she is putting her agility skills to good use. She may only be a 400 height dog but can land in the middle of the dinning room table from a standing start - and thats where she helped herself to the fruit and nut toblerone Oh my goodness I never realised that she actually jumped up on the table..... Mason hasnt worked out how to counter surf yet but I am sure he will in due course when he is hungry enough
  11. Most of our kids would eat anything too - its the reaction they have after eating that causes the issues and is an ongoing problem Do they steal food and counter-surf? The only place I have to be extra careful is at training club, there is a class before us and people can drop stuff on the ground which he is not supposed to have ( due to elimination diet, IMO Mason's allergies have nothing to do with food but like I have said before I am no expert) and sometimes my cats drop food out their bowls which are up high, so i have to just make sure that he doesnt get to the dropped food before I do.
  12. Luckily Mason will eat anything i put in his food bowl, we dont even have to try disguise it he just eats everything
  13. I love the Eagle pack Holistic Select food, my dog is on Hills ZD just to see if it makes a difference to his allergies but he is making far bigger poo's and some of them have been runny, so far I rate the Holistic Select above the Hills for my dog and I will be switching back in 2 months if it makes zero difference.
  14. I was wondering if anyone has gone to the dermatologist and claimed it back through Petplan, what did they cover and what would'nt they pay for? I have sent them an email today but it was only this afternoon so I will probably hear back tomorrow but I was just keen to hear everyone elses experiences.
  15. Let me know how it works for all of you, it sounds very interesting.
  16. ;) I need to get a proper video camera as trying to video with my little digital camera is a pain. I won't be rushing out to get one just yet though, too scary . Hubby video-ed me once training Mason - was enough to put me off using the camera ever again ;) not only did I get a huge shock at how big my butt is, but my handling skills were even more shocking
  17. I am feeling slack with obedience lately but I have been practicing a little, I am super keen to get into retrieving though as its so much fun, I am going to try meet up with a partner this week to get some tips ;) as I have no idea where to actually start. Mason is very odd, some days he will retrieve and other days he is not interested.
  18. Happy birthday Bitty! Both your dogs are just gorgeous!
  19. Hubby doesnt train the dog so its not an issue, if he is walking the dog for eg and needs him to do something he will just ask him in English
  20. We did our first dose on Friday... They come in spot on tubes and the only smell is a mild alcohol one. They go on like a spot on, so I'd suggest doing each tube in a couple of spots to spread it around more... They're quite oily when you put them on, but by the time we woke up the next day, you wouldn't know it had gone on, maybe a very slight feel of it on the coat, but not unpleasant. Dogs didn't mind it, but were a bit annoyed with it running down their backs (we don't use spot-ons, so they're not used to it), but I'll spread it a little more next time and they'll get used to it. No reactions from either, which is also great! That's about all I can say for now... will see how we go over the next few weeks... Let me know how you find it when you get them I am very interested to see how this stuff works, sounds like a great invention!
  21. I speak to our dog in English and train him in english but my husband speaks loads of Afrikaans to him too as it was his home language :D Cant say if he is confused or not as he is only in trialling classes now and I wont be ready to compete much before next year at the earliest.
  22. I just checked on the container of Mason's pred what strength he is taking and he is taking a really tiny amount, 5mg I think it is?
  23. I know how u feel, I had a cat who had skin problems and she was always given cortisone injections, by 8 years of age her kidneys were shot and I had her PTS at 11 years old, my other cat is nearly 13 , never had cortisone and is as active as anything
  24. I can well believe it as I myself cant take certain meds and when I do I feel tons sicker than I was before I took the meds. I will maybe phone the vet up tomorrow and just say that I am not 100% happy with how he is going, he is sleeping a lot but he also doesnt want to play with his toys etc which worries me. Maybe I need to try a non- drowsy anti-histamine and see how he goes on that
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