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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. Yesterday I decided that mason's heelwork is good enough to start adding turns to and we had a whole lesson on turns in class yesterday morning, I am finding he actually pays attention to me more when we add turns in and he didnt do too badly for his first time, I on the other hand was a shocker I stood on his paw ( as if his poor allergic paws dont have enough trauma) and I felt like a bad mummy.
  2. Got my results back for my dogs hair analysis compatibility testing and I can say that I am happy with the results. Things to avoid for him are cotton, tennis balls, grass, most cleaning products, most washing detergents, brewers yeast, beans, petrol ?? and one or 2 other things. I knew he was allergic to grass he itches and scratches at parks and when he has been lying on the grass here at home, lucky we do have a lot of paving...
  3. I have no idea of what he is.... he just said staffy to me.
  4. The sad thing about allergies is that they only show up sometimes after 6 months old and then continue to get worse as the dog gets older. At 14 months I am only seeing the allergies in my dog now....
  5. It could be that he has developed an allergy to something, nothing has changed at our house either but our dog now licks huge sores into his paws which they say he is doing because of allergies. I would try take him to a dermatologist they should be able to help you both. Allergies are such a pain in the butt!
  6. I battled teaching my dog until I got help from a trainer, what he said to do is take a favorite toy and hold it ( or food) at your hip so that they look up, click and treat when they do. I used a soft toy and would play with him when he looked at me, it takes awhile for them to get heelwork but when they do its awesome and my dog heels now when I never thought he would!
  7. It was my weekend project, couldn't afford the ones I saw on the internet so decided to give it a try and that way I could make it look more like Jenna (that's why it has the two white spots on the back of the neck).Googled on the internet to see how they did it and what I needed and then went from there, I am quiet happy with my first attempt but I can see plenty of room for improvement with my next one. Yes it is felting, mind you I broke 10 needles the first night so went out and bought a whole pile more and have only broken one since, so I'm getting the idea. Gizmo is my next project, had trouble finding the little noses and eyes and then when I found them the lady in the shop gave them to me for free, not just one set, I think I had about 10 or more sets, it was so nice of her. Now I know they are the right size might have to go back and get the rest as they were a good price even paying for them. Size wise its about the size of a CD case. I had no idea you were so talented! You've been hiding your light under a bushel??!! For a first attempt, you have done really really well! Can't wait to see Giz's I think its great Ozjen! Pls post pics as soon as you have done Gizmo's.
  8. Yep, was even thinking that if I didn't already have so many things to do on weekends I would have to find a gundog breed to try retrieving, do you think I could discuise Jenna as a gundog breed? 'Cept of course I wouldn't be any good handling dead things, although I would have fun shooting the shotgun. Hey, by the way what has happened to all the DOLers who were doing Tracking? Haven't seen any of you for a few weeks. Yeah I dont think I will be coming back this season, firstly I had a reaction to seafood one friday night and I was feeling to sick go on the saturday, then I got flu, then there was a trial so no training and this saturday hubby and I slept through the alarm. Mason's allergies are also really really bad at the moment and I dont think it would be such a good idea to take him into the forrest with all the plants and grasses there. We have also been invited by our chairman to do extra obedience classes, it will be like every 2nd saturday at 9am, only 4 of us out of like 500 members got chosen so i feel special They picked people who have the potential to trial with their dogs.
  9. But didn't the OP say the phone numner was disconnected? I think Rommi & Lewis meant phone Dogswest??
  10. :D Did you see Bedazzled's earlier post about putting the food in your hand, holding your hands out and rewarding when the dog makes eye contact with you? That's what I did and I find it useful because it teaches the dog to look to you for the food. I agree with Huski, some people at my club also hold the food by their faces so that encourages the dog to look up....
  11. BM Mason used to do that at night, never figured out what it was from, it was also after he had had bones.
  12. Can anyone recommend a kinesiologist in Perth, preferably NOR but I will go south if necessary.
  13. A very good idea to make the switch and prepare your own dog food! This is IMO the only way to know what you are feeding. As for any food changes, do it gradually. Adding a bit raw to his normal food for a few days, then increase the amount of raw and reduce the amount of his usual food until you can feed him completely raw (or maybe cooked). Remember that all veggies need to be pulped, the digestive system of a dog cannot break open the cells otherwise. Regarding allergies, what else has been done, when did they start, is there a time of the day or year when it is worse, what are the symptoms? If he was my dog, I would NOT start with chicken, better choose another meat protein to start with. Cheers, Dagmar Yeah I dont like feeding him much chicken, as a pup chicken necks made his tummy run and he threw up loads so I try stick to beef and roo, roo bones seem to really agree with him, he has never been sick on them. Lamb makes him fart heaps :D With his allergies they are worse morning and evening and at certain parks/places you can seem them starting, the area around his eyes will swell a bit and he will scratch and lick his body. Change of seasons are the worst time for his allergies and if its raining he hardly scratches at all! When I took him to the vet he got shampoo's, conditioners, anti-histamines and cortisone, I am giving him the anti-histamine only at the moment. I add fish oil to his diet, around 4 or 5 caps a day. He was on Braur Hayfever relief instead of the anti-histamine but they did not stop him scratching. I assume you checked him for fleas? I have to ask as they are the main cause for allergies. Personally I am not a friend of anti-histamines and cortisone. Was that Allergy Relief from Brauer? Good that he gets fish oil. Is he allergic to dairy, do you know? The reason I was a bit uneasy with chicken is that chicken is according to TCM a warming food and it seems your dog is suffering from a heat condition, so you want to give him cooling or neutral food. Good that he is doing well on roo, definitely free range and a very lean meat. Can he have beef? Beef, beef liver (once a week), rabbit and sardines are neutral. Duck and pork (thoroughly cooked) are cooling animal proteins. Together with veggies like broccoli, spinach and/or carrots he should feel already a bit better soon. Avoid foods like lamb, chicken and salmon as they also are warming foods and can cause flatulence in his case. A good idea would probably, to add vitamin C + E to his diet as well as probiotics and digestive enzymes. I am sure, he would benefit from acupressure. To clean all toxins out of his system I would detox him with a special combo of Australian Bush Flower Essences. All the best! Dagmar Hi Dagmar, yes he has been thoroughly checked for flea's by the vet and by us, but I must say here in WA I have never ever seen a flea. I hate giving my dog any drugs, I am not a fan of them at all, if I could get his itching and licking under control without the anti-histamines I would stop them for sure! The Brauer tablets were the Hayfever relief, these are the ones I was told to get by the naturopath I saw awhile back. I have the name of a vet who does acupuncture ( i know you mentioned acupressure) and I am going to try get him to her for some treatment. I could also ask the naturopaths at our local store for the Bush flower essences to detox him? Edited to say that i am not sure if he is allergic to diary, I used to give him yoghurt and thats all the dairy he has had. He is also on probiotics and seems fine with beef. I am the same, I only use drugs, if absolutely necessary. I deal a lot with dogs and allergies with good results (and no anti-histamines). Acupuncture is the same as acupressure, just with needles, the results are the same. Can the naturopath mix you a certain combo? You could try the Purifying Essence, but if that is detoxing too fast (can happen in some dogs and I did not do a full assessment for your dog) I would use a different mix. If he is fine with yoghurt, he should not have an allergy to dairy. If he was my dog, I would also try the Budwig diet and see, if he gets better: http://animalconnection.com.au/index.php/t...udwig-diet.html Please remember that it is quite often a combination of many things, which helps getting rid of allergies. E.g. supplements, vitamins, nutrition, filtered (!) water, emotional, stress-reduction, acupressure/acupuncture, Kinesiology, Australian Bush Flower Essences, etc. Dagmar Thanks Dagmar I actually was thinkinf of kinesiology too, my mum has it done and swears but it. Do you have the name of someone in WA who could help guide me with the Bushflower Essences?
  14. A very good idea to make the switch and prepare your own dog food! This is IMO the only way to know what you are feeding. As for any food changes, do it gradually. Adding a bit raw to his normal food for a few days, then increase the amount of raw and reduce the amount of his usual food until you can feed him completely raw (or maybe cooked). Remember that all veggies need to be pulped, the digestive system of a dog cannot break open the cells otherwise. Regarding allergies, what else has been done, when did they start, is there a time of the day or year when it is worse, what are the symptoms? If he was my dog, I would NOT start with chicken, better choose another meat protein to start with. Cheers, Dagmar Yeah I dont like feeding him much chicken, as a pup chicken necks made his tummy run and he threw up loads so I try stick to beef and roo, roo bones seem to really agree with him, he has never been sick on them. Lamb makes him fart heaps :D With his allergies they are worse morning and evening and at certain parks/places you can seem them starting, the area around his eyes will swell a bit and he will scratch and lick his body. Change of seasons are the worst time for his allergies and if its raining he hardly scratches at all! When I took him to the vet he got shampoo's, conditioners, anti-histamines and cortisone, I am giving him the anti-histamine only at the moment. I add fish oil to his diet, around 4 or 5 caps a day. He was on Braur Hayfever relief instead of the anti-histamine but they did not stop him scratching. I assume you checked him for fleas? I have to ask as they are the main cause for allergies. Personally I am not a friend of anti-histamines and cortisone. Was that Allergy Relief from Brauer? Good that he gets fish oil. Is he allergic to dairy, do you know? The reason I was a bit uneasy with chicken is that chicken is according to TCM a warming food and it seems your dog is suffering from a heat condition, so you want to give him cooling or neutral food. Good that he is doing well on roo, definitely free range and a very lean meat. Can he have beef? Beef, beef liver (once a week), rabbit and sardines are neutral. Duck and pork (thoroughly cooked) are cooling animal proteins. Together with veggies like broccoli, spinach and/or carrots he should feel already a bit better soon. Avoid foods like lamb, chicken and salmon as they also are warming foods and can cause flatulence in his case. A good idea would probably, to add vitamin C + E to his diet as well as probiotics and digestive enzymes. I am sure, he would benefit from acupressure. To clean all toxins out of his system I would detox him with a special combo of Australian Bush Flower Essences. All the best! Dagmar Hi Dagmar, yes he has been thoroughly checked for flea's by the vet and by us, but I must say here in WA I have never ever seen a flea. I hate giving my dog any drugs, I am not a fan of them at all, if I could get his itching and licking under control without the anti-histamines I would stop them for sure! The Brauer tablets were the Hayfever relief, these are the ones I was told to get by the naturopath I saw awhile back. I have the name of a vet who does acupuncture ( i know you mentioned acupressure) and I am going to try get him to her for some treatment. I could also ask the naturopaths at our local store for the Bush flower essences to detox him? Edited to say that i am not sure if he is allergic to diary, I used to give him yoghurt and thats all the dairy he has had. He is also on probiotics and seems fine with beef.
  15. He got him here in WA. So he should phone Dogswest and enquire about the breeders? His next step is to go to the house and see if they are still there.
  16. A friend of mine got a staffy puppy who is now 16 weeks old, he has tried to contact the breeder numerous times but the number is disconnected. Who/what organization can he contact about getting his pups papers??
  17. Retrieving is an awesome sport, I really want Mason to get into it and I am busy trying to do a bit of training with him this year and will hopefully compete next year if all goes well. Our chairman selected a few of us who want to trial their dogs in obedience and we now meet up a couple of times a month on a saturday morning to do extra training, I am quite happy at how Mason is going at the moment.
  18. Hi and Welcome. I had my cats in Byford last year and wasn't allowed to feed my own food, not sure if that has changed?? When you go visit them for the first time be sure to take loads of blankets and that as it really is very cold there in winter, my small cat spent the entire time in her heated igloo because she was soo cold. Riverside Gardens is lovely, the dogs have a great time there and I have never seen a fight.
  19. Did you do Novice RS? I opened my eyes at 7.00am and heard the rain...and rolled over and went back to sleep Yes, dedicated I should have done the same Just when my dog was starting to become consistent and reliable, pulling off some great heelwork, she decides to give me the middle finger. It sucks because I KNOW she can do it, she just chooses not to sometimes I was about to send u a message and ask how it went today.
  20. I was hoping that someone in here could offer me some advice on starting a raw diet, I was thinking of feeding one or 2 rmb's a day, some mince/diced meat and maybe some potato and veggies. I would rather avoid chicken for now and just feed all the other meats. I will be adding some VAN to the mince daily.
  21. A very good idea to make the switch and prepare your own dog food! This is IMO the only way to know what you are feeding. As for any food changes, do it gradually. Adding a bit raw to his normal food for a few days, then increase the amount of raw and reduce the amount of his usual food until you can feed him completely raw (or maybe cooked). Remember that all veggies need to be pulped, the digestive system of a dog cannot break open the cells otherwise. Regarding allergies, what else has been done, when did they start, is there a time of the day or year when it is worse, what are the symptoms? If he was my dog, I would NOT start with chicken, better choose another meat protein to start with. Cheers, Dagmar Yeah I dont like feeding him much chicken, as a pup chicken necks made his tummy run and he threw up loads so I try stick to beef and roo, roo bones seem to really agree with him, he has never been sick on them. Lamb makes him fart heaps :p With his allergies they are worse morning and evening and at certain parks/places you can seem them starting, the area around his eyes will swell a bit and he will scratch and lick his body. Change of seasons are the worst time for his allergies and if its raining he hardly scratches at all! When I took him to the vet he got shampoo's, conditioners, anti-histamines and cortisone, I am giving him the anti-histamine only at the moment. I add fish oil to his diet, around 4 or 5 caps a day. He was on Braur Hayfever relief instead of the anti-histamine but they did not stop him scratching.
  22. I would use Holistic Select ( made by Eagle Pack) if I had to do a dry food, when my dog wasnt on an allergy diet he got some Holistic Select and some mince with Vets All Natural complete mix.
  23. He was given anti-histamines, cortisone and I was told to wash him in Malaseb and use a leave on conditioner on him, in all honesty I probably should have just gone and gotten him an anti-histamine from the pharmacy as they have changed his food now to to Hills ZD and it doesnt agree with him. I would just try an anti-histamine for a few days, maybe try a non-drowsy one. Some people also suggested using a baby sock on the foot, I didnt bother as he had 3 with raw patches
  24. I liked Mason's Mum, why the change?? Are you disowning him! No I am just trying to keep it a bit more anonymous as I was asking a lot of questions etc regarding vets and health issues.
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