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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. The only thing that worries me about the fish oil is the mercury in them, they all say that they test now and then for mercury in their products but I know some dogs have been tested and their mercury levels are through the roof, because of this I will try and find another oil to feed which is not fish based, I have heard of borage?? oil I think it is? I am busy with an elimination thing so I wont try a new oil right now but after it I might.
  2. Thats a great idea Huski! He loves food so much but when this new Turbo Rush tug is out he rather have the tug. I used it tonight for sits stays as I have been battling with him and he sat so still ( no laying down) just to get his tug as reward.
  3. When using a jackpot or toy as a reward, do you still alternate with food or can you just use a toy? Got Mason a tug from Paytons Toybox and he is psycho over it, will literally walk on his back legs for it
  4. I got mine late this arvo, of course if a package gets delivered Mason knows its for him, I opened it and he was in love right away! I have taken it off him now though and will use for training. Pics to follow tomorrow the light is bad here already
  5. My dog had a funny reaction to C5 as a pup, he sounded as though he had fluid on the lungs, this year I will only be doing C3 if I do any vaccs at all.
  6. My dog gets 5 x fish oil caps and 5 x evening primrose oil caps for his allergies daily.
  7. Maybe a body could not be brought back but an alive dog can. I think this is probably the case, also they probably do have to just do some form of quarantine on arrival back here in oz. What type of dog was Herbie?
  8. I am going to order a lead in September, after stewarding at an agility trial I am now taking Mason to join an agility class from the 1st week of july, he has to pass an offlead assessment though before we will be allowed to join, so hold thumbs for me.
  9. Ours were 4mg tabs so I was giving 8mg morning and night and my dog weighs less, he is now on Zyrtec at twice the human adult does a day.
  10. My 33Kg dog took 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening, no idea if they come in different strengths etc, dogs need a higher dose than humans do of antihistamine, maybe phone the emergency vet and ask them how much to give.
  11. I read a book where a dog helped a boy with autism, its amazing what animals can do!!
  12. They were so good when I ordered a crate from them, got here in 3 days...
  13. I dont think I will do this, we are taught in tracking that even if you use car air fresheners it can put your dog off smelling properly for days so I can just imagine what the alcohol would do to their nose.
  14. Certainly. My post wasn't a vet-bashing; just a reminder that no vet nor vet test is 100% accurate and we need to do research ourselves, not just follow instructions blindly. I agree, vets should be commended for their work as they work long hours etc but it is the same as a human doctor you have to find one who listens to you and who will consider all options and explain them to you in a way that you understand.
  15. Jules1 PM Zayder Asher, she does dog training but from what I understand she works with the owner to train the dog, I would prefer this than simply leaving someone else to do the training as that is not going to help the dog listen to her. Happy Birthday Toby!!
  16. This morning I walked Mason over to the next oval up from us, we have trained there before but I have not made him do stays there prior to this. I asked him for a stand and he was good, I walked away he stayed I returned and treated. Then I asked for a sit stay, he lay down after about 30seconds, I walked back and made him sit, I walked off, turned around and he tried to lay down again, I said 'no' in a very stern voice and he sat straight back up is it wrong to do this? It seemed to work though.
  17. Please let me know too! I thought I was the only one in WA who ordered :D
  18. I took my dog to the vet as a pup as his one eye was tearing and it looked as if he was crying, they said conjunctivitis and i was given eye cream, i contacted his breeder after the cream was finished as his eye was still not right, she gave me the name of an eye specialist who was fantastic with him, he had follicular conjunctivitis and a blocked tear duct. Took same dog to same practice for his allergies and he was given cortisone and food that did not agree with him, I phoned and let them know but they said to carry on trying the food even though it gave him the runs. I had also suggested a referral to a dermatologist as we had seen a naturopath first and the vet was our second consult for the same problem, they were not keen to refer me. I was told by another DOL member to go and see her vet who is actually my closest vet and he is wonderful, he had so much info on allergies and he agreed that the only way we will be able to help him is to have him tested for allergies, intradermal test and blood test. He is seeing the derm on friday but we have to wait another 14 days for the tests as he has not been off the cortisone long enough.
  19. Yeah I am so glad I have insurance for Mason, it has come in very handy and now with his allergies I paid out my excess already so they will have to repay me in full for everything he has done at the derm.
  20. Send me a message and let me know where I can put the money for you so that you can post mine out to me here in WA
  21. SO glad to hear that he is on the mend. I have pet insurance but to be honest I dont have $5000 lying around to pay upfront if there is an emergency, I am going to start putting some money away weekly though for situations like the one you have just gone through Valley as these emergencies always seem to happen at a bad time.
  22. Well done RUbystar, I dont think I can touch dead animals, I feel too bad for them...
  23. I think there is one in Osbourne Park too, I would probably still drive to Murdoch though as they seem really jacked up. Is it me or is it really cold tonight? I am sitting here freezing.
  24. I think there is one in Osbourne Park too, I would probably still drive to Murdoch though as they seem really jacked up. Is it me or is it really cold tonight? I am sitting here freezing.
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