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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. He is not due for his vaccines until July, would i do the titre then or before, I am not sure exactly how it all works except that it measures antibodies??
  2. Yes I was thinking of adding the goat or some camel when I add he foods back in one by one, camel is also relatively cheap, the place i get my pet meat sells it I think for $3.20 a KG. I cannot believe the difference of my dog on home prepared, he has been eating raw for 3 weeks now and he is looking heaps shinier and he is more active etc.
  3. If noone else wants it I'll have it Gosh I feel like such a scab I'll give you some $$ for it if you like :D Sorry RS a lady from the allergy forum beat you too it, her dogs are both on Hills ZD only so it worked out quite well for her. The Hills ZD is not something i would feed to normal healthy dogs, I believe it has very little nutrition in it ? No worries And didn't realise so it's all good, my kiddies can eat anything thank goodness! How is Mason? He is going to be fine, he has a nasty ear infection, not a yeasty one this is a nasty one with a pus discharge....... my bubble boy, poor thing, lucky i was not planning on coming to the retrieving training day as he would not be allowed to swim etc.
  4. I think we worked out that he needs around 700g a day, maybe I will make is 600g and then go from there, I suppose labs can pick up weight very fast... and does that 2% include the potato or is that just the meat?
  5. I am currently doing an elimination diet of roo and sweet potato for my dogs allergies, i am feeding 1 sweet potato a day ( less if its a big one) about 500g roo mince and a 300g roo bone a day. Today we were back at the specialist and we weighed him and he has picked up 300g this week, can a dogs weight fluctuate so much in 1 week or has he picked up weight. How much should I cut his food by ie do I cut the mince a bit or skip the bone every second day??? Any suggestions appreciated. Also is white poop normal when they get bones??
  6. If noone else wants it I'll have it Gosh I feel like such a scab I'll give you some $$ for it if you like ;) Sorry RS a lady from the allergy forum beat you too it, her dogs are both on Hills ZD only so it worked out quite well for her. The Hills ZD is not something i would feed to normal healthy dogs, I believe it has very little nutrition in it ?
  7. Hey Rach, so sorry to hear this, my ridgebacks used attack one another all the time, they would be fine for years and then the one ( always the same one) would pick a fight, its so horrible when its your own dogs fighting as you are cross with the one, worried for the other but you will always love them both In the end what my vet did ( and it may seem cruel but it was our only solution as I could not rehome either one) is file down their canines. They eat fine and now if they fight all thats visable is slobber marks.
  8. I am feeding roo meat at the moment because of allergies but I used to feed a combination of chicken mince and roo mince, chicken necks, lamb heart, lamb kidney. I also feed roo bones, I get a variety of sizes, some are smaller and he manages to eat the whole thing, others are very large and he can eat the meat off the bone but not much of the bone itself.
  9. GREAT Topic Vickie... I agree with you Mas1981, as i too Lack Confidence, I TRY hard but sometimes I can be a bit slow picking things up too, and wish i had someone who'd be willing to TRAIN me Ive fumbled my way to get my dog into masters agility , but I , myself, NOW lack the ability to handle a Masters course, which is sad as i LOVE agility Masters agility, wow I would be proud of that! I have to get my dog to pass the offlead assessment before I can even join the beginners agility training group lol
  10. I think I am guilty of maybe having no confidence in myself, I think my dog is brilliant and he is very smart, my problem is that I know that I am lacking in handling knowledge and experience, my dog is sharp, and if someone shows me how to train something he gets it quickly, I take longer then him to learn stuff ( such as foot work and hand signal/ footwork co-ordination if you know what I mean). RS i dont know about you but I dont think I am negative its more a confidence thing? I battle to imagine myself being really good at something and I think its a big issue for me.
  11. I never left my pup alone for more than 2hrs as a max until he was 4 or 5 months old and then I left him at home for 7hrs inside alone the one evening when I went to the royal show, no toilet accidents etc. Now I leave him most days for 3 or 4hrs and at a max when I need to 8hrs.
  12. I agree, its like me throwing food to their kids who may be allergic to something in that food etc, they dont seem to care but then again I took their dog home once when it got out and I never ever got a thank you or anything after that .....
  13. I have half a bag of Hills ZD that my dog cannot eat, sitting at home here, if anyone would like it I am giving it away to a good home lol.....
  14. Lol you could do retrieving with a red kid!!! I recon a really great trainer who knew what they were doing could even get Mason to be trialling star he is not dumb but he and I are like the blind leading the blind most days.....
  15. We have neighbours who have kids who throw things over the wall to my dog, sometimes its food, sometimes lolly sticks and sometimes plastic lolly ice moulds, drives me crazy as I have a dog who has bad allergies, I am spending $1000's of dollars trying to make him feel better and some kid ruins things like elimination diet etc. We have spoken to the parents but still it continues.....
  16. I am going to have a huge hassle if I ever go away, the vets are recommending not to vaccinate him only titre test as his allergies are really bad so I dont think any kennels would ever take him, would need to get a house sitter if we needed to go away, the only time I would leave him is if we had a family emergency back home.
  17. Thanks guys, they emailed back late last night, have stopped the ointment and am going back to see them tomorrow.
  18. I dont know how easy it is for you to get roo bones Labsrule but I go to a petfood place that slaughters the roo's on the premises and i ask them for their biggest roo bones, the ones I get Mason can eat the meat off and some of the bone but as it is so huge he has to take his time! I will post a pic in the lab thread of him and his huge bone he had yesterday.
  19. Are u going on a holiday?? I would offer to have them but Mason would bug them too much!
  20. Yeah I dont think putting the ointment would be a good idea. I cant tell if it is left over ointment from yesterday or puss in his ear, it just smells like ointment when I smell the ear.
  21. I saw a dermatologist for my dogs allergies on friday and was given some of Mometamax ointment to use in his one ear canal for 14 days, I went to put the ointment in tonight and his ear is very very red inside and the protruding bits on the inside of his ear ( no idea what they are called) seem very inflammed. I tried to phone the clinic but they are closed, my question is whether I now put the ointment tonight or not, I really feel that it could be the ointment as his ears have never been that red before! They gave him the ointment as his one canal is inflammed.
  22. You must tell me the street name, I am always looking for new places to take Mason.
  23. I'm sure someone who uses it will be able to come by and give you a step by step idea. I know there are a few here who have/do use it, it's not something I use with Daisy though as I need to keep her nose off the ground, but there are loads of ways to build focus and playing games like the two food or two toy game is one way. If I can get someone to film me, I might video using the two food game for speedy drops with my girls. They're not as fast as Ptolomy's red kids, but when using this game they are pretty fast and they looooove playing it!! It's an awesome game to play for teaching the drop on recall Ok so to play this you throw the food, they go to it, you call them back and ask for a drop before they reach you? I have seen it played to help a recall but not for a drop, I'm a newbie so I need all the info I can get lol
  24. I was thinking the same thing it looks awesome Rach! Must get you to take some nice pics of Mason again.
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