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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. With Cider being so young how short do you keep her training sessions? I am just looking for some guidelines, i dont work Mason for very long at a time and I wonder if I am keeping it too short?
  2. I am with Petplan, they have not been bad so far, lately my claims are paid within 3 weeks.
  3. Wish we stayed closer, we need some regular guidance
  4. Hmmm, sounds like Ruby and Daisy have the same problem I'll swap you OK then I keep trying to palm Ruby off to others, oh and Millie, 2 for 1 deal Lol I will take Ruby any day even though she is female ;)
  5. Best of luck, 4 months is very young to be having skin problems, my boys had no signs of allergies at that age. Does he scratch a lot? Is he on an antihistamine?
  6. Loads to think about now, we have a members comp at our club in Sept and I am going to enter with Mason, it will be all the CCD stuff so I need to think of my tactic before I enter the ring, never thought about it before...
  7. How much do you do Ptolomy? I have seen people do both, work the dog loads before they go in and I have seen people take the dog straight out the car and into the ring.
  8. I weigh the bone and include the whole thing in the daily rations.....
  9. My dog also has skin issues, I tried the EP Anchovy and Sardines etc, bottom line was that it made little difference, I am now seeing a dermatologist and we are now on roo and sweet potato elimination diet for 6 weeks, at the end of that I will then add each meat back in and see if he scratches and gets raw paws again. Best advice I can give you is see a dermatologist because they have the latest research and can guide you through a proper elimination diet. Oh I hope you find the answer to your dogs itching condition. I'm not sure my dog has a reaction as bad as that, he just has bad dandraff, scratching etc. Maybe that's why my vet thinks it could be the chicken, not sure Yip my dog had dandruff too, I now give him 5 fish oil caps a day, helps heaps, no more dandruff now. Beef and chicken are the most common meats a dog can react to, I would cut out both for now and see if it helps How old is your dog?
  10. My dog also has skin issues, I tried the EP Anchovy and Sardines etc, bottom line was that it made little difference, I am now seeing a dermatologist and we are now on roo and sweet potato elimination diet for 6 weeks, at the end of that I will then add each meat back in and see if he scratches and gets raw paws again. Best advice I can give you is see a dermatologist because they have the latest research and can guide you through a proper elimination diet.
  11. It was actually 2 x 15kg bags and 2 x 1.5kg bags I am sure they will all enjoy it! Were they all Scoota's prizes?
  12. I have had my cats with 2 sets of dogs, the first dogs were my 2 ridgebacks and they were quite naughty with the cats and loved to chase and as I was a newbie dog owner I had no idea how to stop them. When I moved here to oz my mum kept the ridgebacks and I got a labrador, the same 2 cats are like different animals around him, they all play together and sleep in the sun in the one dog bed, he does not chase them unless its part of a game they are playing. He is very non-threatening towards them and I kept him on lead around them for about a week and after that they were all fine together.
  13. Sold to the lady with the black labrador I wanted to give her away as the raffle prize this morning - but after her heelwork this arvo I decided to take her home ;) Yep the occassionally clever one was a good boy winning open and UD this morning (and 32kg of dog bickies) which the other 6 kids living with me are eternally grateful for Wow 32Kg, thats a big bag!!!!
  14. Huski well done on entering your first trial, I think the first one will always be the hardest It takes a lot of guts to get through the first one and you will do better next time. Had the pleasure of meeting Bedazzled's and Ptlolomy's furkids today and they are all awesome, I love the way Beans struts her stuff in the heelwork she is adorable!
  15. And that is the exact reason I would say why the Swan Animal Haven have a strict protocol to follow when adopting out their dogs. It's perfectly reasonable for them to ask for a letter from your landlord to say dogs are allowed. I do understand though that the way this message is delivered can be very offputting. You are dealing with people who are passionate about dogs, not necessarily people who have good people skills My first dog came from the Shenton Park Dogs Home. They asked me to foster him at first as he was not well enough to be sold at that stage. He turned out to be a LOT older than they told me and died within 18 months of me adopting him (and after I had spent thousands on his healthcare). I went back to apply for another dog a few months later and they refused me, and refused to give a reason. Go figure!! I cant believe they refused you!!! Maybe its like Bedazzeled mentioned, they dont like to adopt out to people who work full time. But I was working full time the first time I adopted from them Awww that is odd then!!
  16. I think my Ellenbrook vet will do it, will phone and check on monday, I have spoken to him about it before though...
  17. And that is the exact reason I would say why the Swan Animal Haven have a strict protocol to follow when adopting out their dogs. It's perfectly reasonable for them to ask for a letter from your landlord to say dogs are allowed. I do understand though that the way this message is delivered can be very offputting. You are dealing with people who are passionate about dogs, not necessarily people who have good people skills My first dog came from the Shenton Park Dogs Home. They asked me to foster him at first as he was not well enough to be sold at that stage. He turned out to be a LOT older than they told me and died within 18 months of me adopting him (and after I had spent thousands on his healthcare). I went back to apply for another dog a few months later and they refused me, and refused to give a reason. Go figure!! I cant believe they refused you!!! Maybe its like Bedazzeled mentioned, they dont like to adopt out to people who work full time.
  18. Yeah renting is a big problem, no shelters are really happy to let you adopt if you are renting which is why I never ended up getting a rescue dog and I bought one from a breeder. Or else look in gumtree people often look for homes for their pets on there its easier than going to a shelter ir you dont mind getting a x breed.
  19. No I have never been, was it a bad experience?
  20. I had the same problem with my dog on Advance, changed him to Holistic Select and he was a bit better but now on a home prepared diet he is way way better and has not had a sloppy poo as yet!! Take Bedazzeled's advice and give raw feeding a go.
  21. I will also bring something sweet, will decide what closer to the time....
  22. They are huge! Mason eats all the meat off and then works on the bones for like over a day, i tend to get tired of the bone lying around and I throw it out, I now mostly get small ones lol.
  23. Might try that as a treat when the elimination diet is over, sure my boy would love it! Roo really suits my dog but I am sure it will be boring if he spends his whole like on roo, if it turns out that he does have a food allergy ( which I am beginning to think he may have for a couple of reasons) then I will try goat as an extra for him. Their roo bones are fantastic Mason loves them so much!
  24. Thanks I did not know this, I think I buy from the same place as you in Midvale
  25. He is not due for his vaccines until July, would i do the titre then or before, I am not sure exactly how it all works except that it measures antibodies?? I would get the titre test done and a letter from your vet stating Your dog stating this and that they have imunity! My vet was quite happy to do this for kenneling and my dog club if nesessary. Our kennel (the one we use that is) generally accept titre test, which I think is becomming the norm! Rat Thanks Rat, I will do so, I cant even think about leaving him in a boarding facility but if there is an emergency etc I may have to, dont know how he would get on as he only eats raw etc and he has allergies.
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