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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. I agree with Huski - I don't think he is ready for duration heeling yet. Cider had absolutely lovely heeling and attention before I started duration last week - basically I am now asking her to increase the length of time she does it. As a matter of interest if you took half a dozen staps and Mason was inattentive what would you do? I then stand still and tell him ' too bad' then he knows he has done something wrong, he usually then returns and sits in front of me until we start training something else, sometimes it doesnt work though and he carries on sniffing the floor, I then go up to him, give him a little poke and try and get him to look at me again.
  2. Lol Mason has no duration heeling, he tends to still lose focus and so I only aim for short bursts at this stage, should I be forcing him to heel for longer ? If so how long must I aim for with him?
  3. I should be there Thursday . It's going to be freezing though . I saw the weather for later this week, some real cold weather coming up, lucky I invested in a real warm jacket last week
  4. Um - what happened to Angel????? I was the same but at the same hope she recovers and is back to normal soon! Angel was hit by a car ;) Glad she is recovering myzchev Poor thing, hope she is well again soon!
  5. Maybe keep him onlead until he settles down, as soon as he is offlead and not eating poop click and give him a very yummy reward, that way if you have yummy treats he may leave the poop and come for treats instead? Just a thought... My lab eats bird poop and roo poop!
  6. My lab loves other labs too and goldies but he also plays well with viszla's, bulldogs and many dogs his own size, he played with a 20 week old amstaff pup a few weeks back and they had the best time together, the pup would not leave him alone!
  7. Amy I also want to move out to a more rural area one day, I have always lived in suburban metro areas and I have never loved it, OH is also keen on going more rural, maybe we will be neighbours one day :D
  8. I have no idea why he would start to do this now, I know a couple of people who's dogs eat poop, not one of them seems to know what triggers it.
  9. I agree Labsrule people must pick up after their dogs, we have a park with a lovely footpath around the edge across the road from us, its is not a dog park so people let their dogs offlead and dont pick up poop even though poo bags are provided! Makes me so mad. Maybe speak to your vet about this and ask for some suggestions?
  10. I did not realize that you had horses Hannah! Love them, they are so beautiful. I don't own any atm. Hoping that will be changed. I have a lesson Saturday and I am visiting a friend at pony club to look at a mare Sunday. I used to share two big boofhead boys with a friend. If you get a horse I will have to come visit and meet it, wish I could still ride but i cant afford my own horse and its not the same riding someone elses, one day when we have a property where we can keep horses I hope to get a horse and a pony. I dont like mares, always had geldings lol.
  11. You are a braver woman than me, I put loads of stuff in my pocket as training treats but raw sardines is something I dont think i could do Getover it - if Caffy can do raw brains in her pocket you can have a container with goat and mashed potato in it and give him a handful every time he gets it right
  12. To be honest I don't time them but i recon i probably cook them for 15 or 20 minutes at around 180 degrees. I shake the baking dish now and then to make sure they cook evenly both sides. Getover it - if Caffy can do raw brains in her pocket you can have a container with goat and mashed potato in it and give him a handful every time he gets it right I sometimes have a container with his raw roo mince, Mason loves any meat raw or cooked. Sas dont know if this would help but what I did with Masons roo mince is that I took a bit, rolled them in balls and baked it on a non stick baking tray, I have not seen the goat so I have no idea what texture it is?? but maybe you want to give it a try.
  13. I did not realize that you had horses Hannah! Love them, they are so beautiful.
  14. Yes. But I was hoping for my $50, it might come with an extra day in the week so I have time to train it afterwards The only part I understand is yes . What are you saying? She is saying that for $50 she wishes it would come with an extra day per week to train the Rally O? Am i right RS?
  15. I would always try getting a friend to stay here to look after the 3 animals, if no one could I would then look at boarding them, dont know if i could leave a stranger in my home....
  16. Its all depends on the dog and any health issues it may have, food and pet insurance and heartworm you are looking around $150 a month for a large breed perhaps less, I have over budgeted a but, if i added in all our allergy related expenses it would probably put anyone off owning a dog lol!
  17. Yes. But I was hoping for my $50, it might come with an extra day in the week so I have time to train it afterwards We are not going even though I wanted to, this is the 3rd friday in a row Mason has seen the specialist so money is few..... plus I dont have a license at the moment
  18. I'd like to, I think there are a lot of novice dogs entered so a good thing to go and watch! But, I really should do house stuff and maybe start training instead of just watching it all the time ;) Where is it held? I might be swayed Tooday, I will be going if Golden Rules is going as I won't have a license by then so will need to bum a lift From what i understand its only about 40 mins from here??
  19. I have also made probably about $2000 worth of claims and its about to go up by another $2000 or so for allergy tests and desensitization injections.
  20. Anyone going to the retrieving trial this weekend?
  21. Getover it - if Caffy can do raw brains in her pocket you can have a container with goat and mashed potato in it and give him a handful every time he gets it right I sometimes have a container with his raw roo mince, Mason loves any meat raw or cooked. Sas dont know if this would help but what I did with Masons roo mince is that I took a bit, rolled them in balls and baked it on a non stick baking tray, I have not seen the goat so I have no idea what texture it is?? but maybe you want to give it a try.
  22. Nope, he'll chew it for about 1.5 seconds and then spit it. Mine will do the same and if i have food reward he spits it as soon as he gets to me
  23. Obedience - her sessions are very short - she would be out of the car for less than 5 minutes at any one time - but she would have 3 or 4 of these if I had taken her to K9. I also don't tend to get her out and stand around talking while she is on a lead - she comes out we do something and then she goes away and then I go and talk. When i get her out I expect her to give me 100% attention and in return she gets 100% of mine Agility wise - the beginners go for an hour - but I am usually only doing things with her for 30 minutes at most and only a couple of minutes on each bit of equipment. Yeah at home and at the park across the rd I tend to keep his sessions short say like 10 or 15 minutes max, and I will sort of do one exercise, then throw his ball for awhile, then maybe do another etc etc. I find that he has a very short concentration span.
  24. I had little success with Glucosamine and chondroitin with an old horse I had but the MSM worked really well for him
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