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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. Rat I had one very anxious ridgy, she was scared of new people, new places etc, sadly it was way back when and we did not have the info thats available to us now. I used rescue remedy on her and some herbal stuff from a homeopath and it did help for when we were at home if strangers had to come over etc.
  2. My invisible dog got an "Oh no" when I saw the sign that said drop.. the big dummy handler hasn't taught Lincoln that one yet. Oh and Tiggy I can confirm 100% that Eden Hill will have Rally classes. Lincoln's third run through: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6j2ka0y2L38 Lincoln was like Tigger :D - he did really well for a pup, he might be big but he's only 7 months so well done . Good to hear Eden Hill will have Rally classes . Banjo's back to Eden Hill for agility tonight. I am doubting that me and Toby will be there tonight, he is itching like mad and my bro flew in from Japan last night so mum is making a special tea. Try a Zyrtec anti-histamine for Toby, they work wonders for Mason when nothing else was helping, must be something in the air as Mason has not scrtached a lot for awhile now but on Thursday he started up again and I have had to double up on anti-histamines.
  3. Yip, 24hrs if possible for the complete mix, we are on an elimination diet at the moment so we are not using it but I will go back to it once we get the all clear. Love the new sig GR!
  4. Lol i think my dog has the opposite problem, he does not have a care in the world, nothing bothers him....... mine also has allergies but I dont think his meds make him drowsy.
  5. This is along the lines of what I am thinking Huski, that most dogs ( not all) could compete quite successfully ( at least at the lower levels) IF their owners knew what made them tick if you know what I mean? I think for eg my dog with a different handler could be way way better than he actually is, I find it hard to work our what makes him tick ( yes he is a lab and loves food BUT he loves other dogs more), he will like a toy but after I use it in training him ( yes I do alternate etc) he gets bored of that toy and in a group lesson he couldnt give 2 hoots about ANY toy.
  6. I was just sitting and thinking the other day, do all dogs have the potential to trial in obedience and agility and is it just a question of being trained correctly or is it possible that some dogs just dont have it in them due to a lack of intelligence or attitude?
  7. Look at Daisy's tail go You should be really pleased with this I agree her tail wag is awesome!! Edited to say that you have come a long way and have a lot of determination, could you post some of it here to me please?? lol.
  8. Aww come on, how could a face like that be called evil????
  9. I vote that all the stays go at the moment, I have not done any down stays lately as Mason is confused with the sit stays, he thinks he must lie down for them so I am going to get the sit stay right before I even attempt down stays again. I am working on a plan for his sit stays though, it involves bribery with a roo bone
  10. How did the agility assessment go? Its only on wed evening Huski i know all about stays, Mason cant do a sit stay to save his life at the moment, he lies down
  11. I used to have a thing for ridgebacks, but now after having my lab I think I could never be without one, love their personalities even though the shedding can be a bit much!
  12. Putting Daisy back on a stake out for 'bad' things (i.e. barking during stays etc) works really well for us - why not put the stake close to where the class is (if possible)? You could even see if you could borrow someone else's dog to train and play with while he is on the tie out (in front of him). ETA: Meant to add at least there was absolutely no barking during stays today Good girl Daisy I can do that in class and it may work but at the park we are usually the only ones over there so I dont think he will care- Mason is very chilled and things dont seem to bother him unless I make it very obvious that I am upset with him, will try it and see though.
  13. Ptolomy my sit stay has gone from bad worse, he will now even get up and come to me during a sit stay, we tried a few things in class ( like me just going back to him popping him back on lead and ignoring him for awhile) - G said to also put him on a stake when he does that and ignore him but thats very hard as I walk him across to the park and I think he wont really care if he is tied out on the stake. Everything else went well, SFE is good, we started doing change of positions and that was good too. Heelwork was very good today too. Huski well done on the second trial and I am sure next time you will do even better!! Terranik, gorgeous puppy!
  14. I dont have a video but here is a blurred pic of our heelwork today....
  15. Half way between Tiggys and MM... my house? We could do somewhere in Midland though (yes I am including myself) Tiggy they did do an annoucment at class which was particularly effective as only 3 people turned up for obidience. I think a little Eastern Surburbs club between me, you and MM is probably the way to go! You guys could call it the DOL Dog Club and become ANKC affiliated Lol I am keen, anyone else care to join us??
  16. Make the most of it as your special lesson person is going O/S shortly Yip he told me...thats why he wanted to get together before he leaves.
  17. Tiggy I am not sure, maybe we could find somewhere halfway between you and me, any ideas? I train Mason at the park over the road from me mostly, I only work 3 mornings a week at the moment so I am sure we could fit it in, I will be going to agility from next week on a wednesday night if we pass the assessment. Ptolomy I am having a 'special lesson' tomorrow lol
  18. The dried roo I get is not cooked at all its just dried....
  19. I agree with this, if you dont have the dogs already I would get one of the opposite sex.
  20. We could try meet up and train together Tiggy as I am not going to take Mason to class every sunday anymore, an hour is just way too full on for him, and you and I dont live that far apart.
  21. I crate trained my lab at a year old, had no hassles, i just watched a crate games training dvd and used loads of treats and he will go and sit in it if I ask him too, he hated being left alone in it if i walk away and we are away from home.
  22. Rat I also got my ridgey's to go riding with me ..... had to scrap that idea as my horse hated them and would try kick then etc. Got my lab as a friend of mine had the sookiest ( is that a word ) black lab I have ever met, she was always so happy and just loved to sit with people, would even try get on their laps, when I got my ridgey pup I wanted a lab to go with her but my mum said she would prefer another ridgey and so we got 2 ridgey pups.... I waited 11 years until I am now out of home etc to get my lab and he has been worth the wait, I will always have labs now, just love them!!
  23. If you are looking for a gentle wash QV wash is the one, and then I spray my boy with diluted QV oil.
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