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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. He is not going to the toilet more frequently during the day and when he does go its a decent amount at a time, not little bits here and there, he is very very active still and does not seem to be in any pain.
  2. True, very true when they reward you with so much love 3 more sleeps till sofa snuggles here too I forgot the most expensive purchase, not just for the dogs, but they were certainly a priority when choosing - a new car, a Hyundai ix35 Got to wait 6 weeks for it and I'm soooo not good at waiting We'll all have to slum it in the rental cat till then I thought I would go smaller with my car once the kids grew up but instead I drive a Starwagon. It was a case of getting something that would fit a couple of dogcrates and other doggie gear but also take the grandkids. Suits all the requirements well but kinda heavy fuel wise compared with a little car. Bet your down to counting the hours until you can have your furbabies with you, I hate to imagine how hard the wait is. I had big enough withdrawals when I went away for two weeks to NZ without my furkids any animal I came across got grabbed for a cuddle and in the shops I would pick up soft toys and wander round the shop stroking them. I think I might have an obsessive compulsive disorder when it comes to animals. Lol Ozjen I am the same, i dont want to go away not because I dont think Mason wouldnt cope, he would be fine, its me who would have the problem!! ST Mason drools like mad at training too, everyone comments on it! During sit stays I stand and just watch his drool touch the floor....
  3. I find anything with oatmeal in makes my dog itch, shampoo or food. He has been allergy tested and is also allergic to pollens, dust mites and storage mites.
  4. My dog has been sleeping through the night since he was 6 months old, he is now 15 months. Last week we added chicken back into his elimination diet and he was a lot more itchy etc and since then he has been getting up every night to go outside to the toilet. He has been having an allergy flare so i dont know if its just that he wakes up, is itchy, and then because he is up scratching he needs the toilet. The grass is dying where he goes for a no 1 on the same spot ( I dont think this is unusual) but the garden is smelling a bit from his urine. How do I know if he has a problem like an infection etc?
  5. Mason only used to hump his soft toys as a pup when he got excited. He then progressed to always humping his brothers when they meet up and i strong discouraged it. Yesterday we were at the beach and he was a humping a strange dog that he just met, I pulled him off and made him have a time out. My dog is not dominant at all and will submit to other dogs so I have no idea why he humps.
  6. Yes immunotherapy is basically desensitization
  7. Mason has eaten insulation tape and some polar fleece off a tug toy, all of it has passed through with no hassles, hopefully Ruby will be just fine
  8. Happy birthday Rubystar !! Hope you got my text earlier. Let us know how the retrieving training day went. I would have loved to do it but with Masons test results showing that he is allergic to grass, plant and tree pollens I dint think it would be fair of me to do retrieving with him when it is mainly in the bush . Will give the immunotherapy 6-9 months and if he is improved maybe we can look into it then.
  9. Congratulations!! Any more talk of cake guys and I will be driving to southern river from training now on ;) ( I have been a bad girl, have not gone to obedience class for 4 weeks as I have had other stuff on and I also cant face the thought of being in class for an hour).
  10. 1. Labrador 2. Golden Retriever 3. Scottish Terrier 4. GSP 5. Viszla 6. Ridgeback 7. Short hair dachshund 8. Springer spaniel 9. Flat coat retriever 10. Weimeraner
  11. My 50Kg dog ate 2 slabs of 400g chocs , foil wrapper sand all, she was fine, didnt even get an upset stomach or anything. Now my lab who is a very sensitive dog, if he had to eat that he would probably end up very ill.
  12. My dog does this when there is something in the food he is allergic to, couldnt work it out for ages but now we know that its chicken.
  13. She is so gorgeous! Where was the show? Next time there is one where you are showing pls let me know as I would love to come watch, I miss being around horses so much.
  14. RS I would apply for the job but I stay way too far... I just saw that they want someone who has had previous experience in a role looking after animals so I dont meet the criteria. I used to use a similar paste on my horse and it does work.
  15. Oh no poor Strauss! I remember when my friends staffy arrived from RSA I went with her to visit him and her friends dog was in there too, his mum could not visit as she was in Brisbane ( there is no quarantine station there) and he was not taken out by the staff for exercise, she eventually asked us to please take him out ( I was driving my friend there as she does not drive) and so we took him out 2x a week or else for 30 days he would have been stuck in his cage ( there was no run it was one of the smaller inside ones as he was a tiny little dog). Ptolomy I know there are ladies who you can pay to take your dog out and exercise them for you, that may be an option for you if no one else can visit while you are at work.
  16. What IS that? WHat does a get wet duck do? It floats It's for playing fetch in the water and if you are Toby holding the beak which has a squeaker and zooming around the house! I must go check those out Mason would love one for summer!
  17. Hi He mainly scratches around his mouth area and down his side, belly seems all ok and as mentioned nips at this feet. He has done this since we got him before going out into the yard and so on. Maybe try an elimination diet, that is a meat he has never had before with sweet potato or pumpkin for 6 weeks and then see if there isnt a change.
  18. Gabby and Vicky my ridgeback x's ( they now still live with my mum overseas they are 11) they came into my life to teach me that I will never have 2 puppies at the same time ever again, they are obsessed with one another and you cant do a thing with one without the other. Gabby also taught me that I can't control everything no matter how hard I try. They also taught me that I needed to be a stronger leader for my dogs and that is why Mason has turned out to awesome as I was strict on him as a pup and I did not let him walk all over me, I basically did the opposite with him than what I did with the ridgie girls. Mason has taught me sooo many things, he has taught me that training a dog is possible ( never managed more than sit and shake hands with the previous 2) he has shown me that a human and dog can have a special bond with each other. He has also taught me that dogs can be around each other and show no sign of aggression ( Gabby is very DA). He is also not afraid of anything whereas the other 2 were terrified of their own shadows. Mason has shown me that dogs and cats can also be great mates as he and my male cat get on really really well. And finally Mason has helped me at a time in my life that I needed it most, I had only been in australia for 5 months when I got him and I only knew 2 other couples, through him I have made heaps of friends, some from training club and others from DOL. I owe him so much. He is my heart dog, I was very close to a horse I had to leave behind in my old country ( who has since been PTS) but my bond with Mason is even stronger than it was with Sam. Sam ( RIP) taught me so many things in life, I cant even begin to mention them all.
  19. The inquiry into EI getting out found that if they had done things as per protocol there wouldn't have been an issue. Does that meant that the small animal areas also weren't adhering to the correct level of decontamination procedures? Seriously maybe private is the way to go for quarantine facilities... if a private company stuffed up as much as the government did you can be sure they would be held much more accountable. yes but i guess we can also expect to be charged a whole lot more Not really, the quarantine station in south africa are all private and I paid less there than I did here per day :nahnah: they also let the dogs out each day into the sunny play area for an hour at a time which is lovely I think.
  20. Yep mine do it too after eating bones, especially chicken. Mine does it too - I think because they irritate their gums maybe ..... either that or they are just wiping their faces Funny but Mason does not do the face rubbing thing at all, he does scoot his butt on the floor though after chicken and he actually bites himself more than scratches... Rosie FT we use Zyrtec from the chemist as an antihistamine, works well for Mason, Polaramine did nothing but his allergies are quite severe and maybe the dosage we were given was not high enough, he takes up to 4 Zyretc a day, I usually keep it down to 2 if he is only eating roo.
  21. Huski, can you give me some rear end awareness exercises pls?? I somehow have missed your post on it and its something that i would like to work on more. I do one where Mason has his front feet on the Wii Balance board ( never use the thing anymore so I thought I would use it for him in training) if i move toward him then he moves with his back feet but its pretty sloppy at this stage still.
  22. My dog has allergies to a few things but is fine with vegetables...
  23. As far as I know they just check them out at the airport in NZ make sure they are vaccinated etc and thats it...
  24. Mason loves Grover, he played with him as a pup but now that he is older Grover may enjoy him more...
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