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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. I have some friends moving from Canningvale to Karratha, brand new house that they have built and lived in for like 4 months... I will message them if you were keen to look at it as I know it will be very nice.
  2. There is a section on the Petplan form, if you know the persons name who's dog injured yours you have to fill it in, I think Petplan then contact them and try and make them pay up.
  3. Do we even have any guys in the WA thread? Yeah, ncarter pops in occasionally but I think he swings the other way doesn't he?
  4. Great to hear he is so enthusiastic!! Yeah our last few weeks of training have been a disaster with one thing or another but this week is much much better - I have hope!
  5. We will try by there - and tell Mark snap, my OH's bday is also the 30th...
  6. Hope all the introductions go well for Strauss - Enjoy having him home :D :D The Corgis are just Thanks for the socialisation offers, I'll give him a bit of time with the training and then I'll take the willing victims volunteers up on their offer So fed up of house hunting for a rental and being showing shabby houses that they expect shed loads of $$$'s for ;) Anyone know anyone in the real estate business round Perth I know Ellenbrook is a bit far out but we have decent rentals at quite reasonable prices and most places are pet friendly.
  7. From memory, you are insured with the same insurer as me and I feel the same, never hesitate to consult a vet if concerned about the slightest thing. CavNRott, that is one expensive year for you!!!! I would need to take out credit if something like that happened to me!! In 4 years of having an insured dog, I have claimed about $8000. No savings plan would have covered that. Prior to that, I had spent thousands on a rescue dog (no insurance) and he taught me well, bless him. I have a puppy coming shortly, and he will be insured before he even gets home. Yeah, when we get dog number 2 he will also be insured before he comes home with us BTW GR's any more puppy pics???
  8. Dinner Lol I bought Mason some dried goat treats today From A&D?? Yip. I am sending hubby back on Monday to get me some treat balls ( i forgot to get) if they have more goat I can ask him to buy the lot and make a plan to get it to you if you like? I'd love to buy some goat, puhleeeeease?! If you buy extra and want to sell it on, I would love to buy some off you. I will never get a chance to make it down there in the near future. Sorry it seems that they only had the few bags if they only got one in this week. I am going to try Mason on goat at some stage Katie so when I do I will let you know if I have extra, at the moment we are giving lamb a go - will get hubby to ask on monday though if they have any extra goat.
  9. Our training has gone very well this week, sit stay sort of fixed and heelwork is not bad at all - all from a dog who I thought would not work so well this week as he has been incredibly itchy. My aim is to do our club comp on 12 september and be promoted to the next class.
  10. I wouldnt worry about it as I have noticed that he likes to wee over other dogs pee at "his" park across the road but its the getting up at night that bothers me.... I did get the vet to look at him 2 weeks ago and he could not pick anything up but I may do a sample as he needs to go in for his titre test anyway...
  11. Dinner Lol I bought Mason some dried goat treats today From A&D?? Yip. I am sending hubby back on Monday to get me some treat balls ( i forgot to get) if they have more goat I can ask him to buy the lot and make a plan to get it to you if you like?
  12. Aww I bet, how exciting to have him home at last!!! BTW I meant to ask if you are going to be doing another bulk order of i-squeaks?
  13. I used to wait for Mason to do the behaviour on his own and then click and treat, for eg the sit, i waited until he was sitting, clicked treated and said good sit - I lured him for the drop though and then clicked and treated.
  14. Dinner Lol I bought Mason some dried goat treats today
  15. No, he is on antihistamines and immunotherapy injections ( which are every 3 weeks).
  16. I was wondering how I know my dog is urinating the normal amount each day, I took him for a walk and he had a wee while we were out, 10 minutes later we were home and he had another wee, plus he is getting up at night to wee the last few nights , and he did it for a week a couple of weeks ago. How do I know if he has a problem? His wee's are normal size, not tiny ones like if you have a bladder infection and seem to be a normal colour too.
  17. That's pretty much our problem with the cats. Our vet says it's best for them to do it every three years, but we need to put them in a cattery for a couple of weeks every year and they require 'up-to-date' vaccination (yearly). I'd happily do a titre test (presuming you can get those for cats too!) every year if they would take the results of that as proof of the cats immunity. I know some places will take them with only titre tests, we are titre testing this year ( first time for us) as our dermatologist does not like very allergic dogs vaccinated.
  18. I have never had to fight Petplan for anything and Mason has had loads of claims....
  19. thanks for the advice. Yes it would take ages to save up... It is good to save, because even with insurance you pay upfront BUT then you get reimbursed, so when the money is returned you can use it to pay off debt etc which I think is a bonus. I much rather have my money returned as if you had just saved it and had no insurance you would then have to start from scratch to save again. Also looking after your dogs has nothing to do with whether you would need to claim or not, my dog leads a life of luxury and is well looked after but everything under the sun goes wrong with him, he has had tear duct problems and allergies - neither of these is due to neglect.
  20. Hi there, I took Mason straight from puppy class into obedience class ( its how our club works), I battled a bit at first as he was so hyper and full on around other dogs, but I have continued to go and at 16 months he is a lot better ( not perfect by any means, he is soo excited when we first arrive). From what I understand about guide dogs, they basically want you to expose them to as many situations as possible, so I would chat to the guide dog people and ask them about it. Do you think she is stressed out as in afraid or just really really excited??
  21. I just love Corgi's, I would get one over another lab just to be different but OH would rather have another lab, Mason has a corgi in his class called Tristan and he is sooo cute!
  22. Look how small Mason was! Yep that was me who took that photo GR, when are you expecting more Goldie puppy pics? We'll have Strauss puppy pics soon I hope! I think we need to see some pics of the other red kids as puppies! I cant believe how big Mason is myself now! He has really fulled out I can see it in his chest and face, at 16 months though I think he has a teeny bit of growing left to do!
  23. Who are you with? Petplan Putting the premium into a seperate account would not work for me, even if I put $100 a month aside it would only cover his immunotherapy for a year, but nothing else at all. I will always have insurance from now on, I shudder to think what would happen if we did not have it.
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